New room

Kara_Sidhe said:
Is this the room for the new users? I cannot find one.

Welcome :)

There isn't a new user anything here..Lit is open to and old alike are free to go where they so choose. So find a thread topic or an area here on lit that intrests you and jump on in!!! :D

Good day to you :)
Kara_Sidhe said:
I'm seeing that my mistake, thanks : )

Ah no worries ;)

You're welcome!!!

Have a great time here, Enjoy your stay :)
capricious_chic said:
It is just a thread for "newbies" with some really nice people in it.

Ohh girl, you know what??? Now that i see the thread on the PG first page..i do remember that thread..i haven't seen it in ages!!!
Cool you posted the link. I wish someone directed me when i was new..LoL I wouldn't have had to "learn" the hardway..LoL

Thank you both. And yes I will ... post on different boards and threads that is. I am glad as a newbie I am not restricted to just one. If I was I'd already be in trouble, I've posted on a bunch.
Cipher said:
Ohh girl, you know what??? Now that i see the thread on the PG first page..i do remember that thread..i haven't seen it in ages!!!
Cool you posted the link. I wish someone directed me when i was new..LoL I wouldn't have had to "learn" the hardway..LoL


As did I Cipher.. lol

Nothing wrong with knockin around and seeing what transpires.