New income data from the Census Bureau - Obama Devastating to the Middle Class


~Watch the Birdie~
Jan 19, 2009
Obama's reign of terror has devastated the middle class...

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Well you need less money when the government supplies you with all your needs.:cool:
Obama's reign of terror has devastated the middle class...


It almost looks like we had a serious recession...

It's probably not the time to raise taxes on the middle class like Romney plans to. So can we count on you as an Obama vote in November?
It almost looks like we had a serious recession...

It's probably not the time to raise taxes on the middle class like Romney plans to. So can we count on you as an Obama vote in November?

So you are fucking crazy?
All of it. You should have gotten that from my question. Now you just seem to be stupid.

You disagree that deep recessions lead to middle-class incomes taking a hit? You think they increase?

LOL What?
And I've already linked you at least one independent nonpartisan study that demonstrates how Romney plans to increase taxes on those making less than $200,000. A few more studies are coming out next month, how many until you're convinced?
It's all Obama's fault. NOT the obstructionist, "Let's threaten everything he brings up with a fillabuster, GOPers in Congress? Naah, they had NOTHING to do with anything bad, they were just looking out for the middle class!! :rolleyes:
It's all Obama's fault. NOT the obstructionist, "Let's threaten everything he brings up with a fillabuster, GOPers in Congress? Naah, they had NOTHING to do with anything bad, they were just looking out for the middle class!! :rolleyes:

Stop sniffing mercMORON's farts. :rolleyes:
That's right.

ALL the economists say that Mitt Romney's plan will destroy the Middle Class.

The slow death of Obama is much preferable!

Hope and Chains 2012!

It's all Obama's fault. NOT the obstructionist, "Let's threaten everything he brings up with a fillabuster, GOPers in Congress? Naah, they had NOTHING to do with anything bad, they were just looking out for the middle class!! :rolleyes:

Another pocket of hot air heard from.
"A severe (GDP down by 10%) or prolonged (three or four years) recession is referred to as an economic depression...,"

;) ;)
Unless you add in their recovery times. Especially if there was a foreclosure crisis involved or Europe is so bad off they can't buy our stuff.

Don't forget Tsunamis and Kiosks!


But we're not in a recession. It ended years ago. This is the Obama norm. Fair for all...