New Hampshire moves to disqualify Trump from Presidency under 14th Amendment


Literotica Guru
Jul 31, 2014
This has greater implications. If the GOP decides to still nominate Trump...and he can not win certain states because of being disqualified...they will not invest the money and this can have a huge impact on downstream races
This has greater implications. If the GOP decides to still nominate Trump...and he can not win certain states because of being disqualified...they will not invest the money and this can have a huge impact on downstream races
Awwwww, poor republicans. Bed was made, they gotta lay in it.

All about the amendments and the words there in… they ignore well-regulated militia in 2 but can’t ignore this in 14.
While this seems like a winning strategy the effect is that once the decision becomes final it gives Trump the opportunity to challenge it whether he's the nominee at that point or not.

Innocent until proven guilty is the credo of the law in this country. By disqualifying Trump prior to him being adjudged guilty of participating in an insurrection, the State of NH is engaged in illegal acts which are intentionally designed to directly affect the outcome of the election. Which is a Federal Felony against which their official immunity will not apply.

So, before anyone starts cheering this, they need to think about that first. And then possibly consider whether the hate based attitude which spawned this stupidity is why we have the controversy surrounding the 2020 election results too.
Trump will be on the ballot in New Hampshire.

Even if it takes a court order and a few arrests to make it happen.

I also would like to see a bunch of lawyers from the Left file lawsuits to keep him off the ballot or remove his name. It will be interesting to see if they get the "Eastman/Guilliani" bar discipline/State and Federal indictments treatment.
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By disqualifying Trump prior to him being adjudged guilty of participating in an insurrection, the State of NH is engaged in illegal acts which are intentionally designed to directly affect the outcome of the election. Which is a Federal Felony against which their official immunity will not apply.
Actual legal scholars disagree that a conviction is necessary.
I also would like to see a bunch of lawyers from the Left file lawsuits to keep him off the ballot or remove his name.
There’s one so far, but he’s not from the Left.
Even if it takes a court order and a few arrests to make it happen.

I also would like to see a bunch of lawyers from the Left file lawsuits to keep him off the ballot or remove his name. It will be interesting to see if they get the "Eastman/Guilliani" bar discipline/State and Federal indictments treatment.
Doubt it will come to that.

Quote: Secretary of State David Scanlan told NBC News that he is “not seeking to remove any names from the presidential primary ballot, and I have not said that I am seeking to remove any names from the presidential primary ballot.”
Doubt it will come to that.

Quote: Secretary of State David Scanlan told NBC News that he is “not seeking to remove any names from the presidential primary ballot, and I have not said that I am seeking to remove any names from the presidential primary ballot.”
Correct, he is just researching for a legal position on if Trump's name should, or should not be on the ballot.
Correct, he is just researching for a legal position on if Trump's name should, or should not be on the ballot.
The New Hampshire primary is in March.* Trump will be on the ballot.

*Edit: NH state law requires it to hold the first primary election in the country which means it is expected to be in January 2024, not March.
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Between this and Mitch checking in and out of reality it has been a good day. 🌈
The New Hampshire primary is in March.* Trump will be on the ballot.

*Edit: NH state law requires it to hold the first primary election in the country which means it is expected to be in January 2024, not March.
Wow that is some basic knowledge of elections there. Slipped past your keen mind I’m guessing.

Not a political scholar are you?
Let's look at what the 14th Amendment actually says.

"No person shall be a Senator or Representative in Congress, or elector of President and Vice-President, or hold any office, civil or military, under the United States, or under any State, who, having previously taken an oath, as a member of Congress, or as an officer of the United States, or as a member of any State legislature, or as an executive or judicial officer of any State, to support the Constitution of the United States, shall have engaged in insurrection or rebellion against the same, or given aid or comfort to the enemies thereof. But Congress may by a vote of two-thirds of each House, remove such disability."

It does not say a conviction is required.

Trump clearly did engage in insurrection or rebellion against the Constitution of the United States. That is obvious, regardless of whether his money buys his way out of a conviction or a kangaroo partisan court dismisses the charges (much like everyone knows O.J. Simpson murdered his wife, but somehow escaped conviction.) Or, regardless of whether you supported the insurrection, or supported Trump and his policies. Had it been Hillary Clinton encouraging her supporters to storm the capital, and trying to overturn the results of the 2016 election, you know you would be clamoring to disbar her from ever running for office again- let's not kid yourselves here; you would- and rightfully so I might add.

There is enough evidence to bar Trump from being on the ballot in ANY state, as it stands- conviction or not. And, if you truely respected the Constitution (as you claim) you will agree he should not be allowed on the ballot in any state of the U.S.
Byron York has a column today out for the 14th amendment dreamers.

“Let's say the secretary of state in Pennsylvania (actually, they call it the secretary of the commonwealth) decides, entirely on his own, that Trump is disqualified from running for president. He cites the Baude and Paulsen article and removes Trump from the ballot in Pennsylvania. The millions of voters who support Trump then say, "Gosh, two professors and the secretary of the commonwealth say Trump is ineligible to be president, so I guess that's just the way it is." And the 45th president disappears from the race. That's the way the professors say it should work.”

Good luck! 😂
The millions of voters who support Trump then say, "Gosh, two professors and the secretary of the commonwealth say Trump is ineligible to be president, so I guess that's just the way it is." And the 45th president disappears from the race. That's the way the professors say it should work.”
No it isn't. All your scenario would mean is that Trump wouldn't be on the ballot in PA. I have no doubt plenty of his supporters would write him in.
The Washington Examiner doesn’t respect the Constitution? Who saw that coming?
Byron York has a column today out for the 14th amendment dreamers.

“Let's say the secretary of state in Pennsylvania (actually, they call it the secretary of the commonwealth) decides, entirely on his own, that Trump is disqualified from running for president. He cites the Baude and Paulsen article and removes Trump from the ballot in Pennsylvania. The millions of voters who support Trump then say, "Gosh, two professors and the secretary of the commonwealth say Trump is ineligible to be president, so I guess that's just the way it is." And the 45th president disappears from the race. That's the way the professors say it should work.”

Good luck! 😂

For the commonwealth, his opinion does matter greatly, as he manages the election. Since the Cheeto needs so many lawyers, he will need more to address this state by state- especially as he gets a conviction.

So who you got now with the Cheeto looking like they are measuring his 6’3 215 frame for an orange suit (spoiler alert, it won’t fit…) and Nazi Ron keeps sinking like a stone.

Still all in on the racist gerrymandering Governor??
For the commonwealth, his opinion does matter greatly, as he manages the election. Since the Cheeto needs so many lawyers, he will need more to address this state by state- especially as he gets a conviction.

So who you got now with the Cheeto looking like they are measuring his 6’3 215 frame for an orange suit (spoiler alert, it won’t fit…) and Nazi Ron keeps sinking like a stone.

Still all in on the racist gerrymandering Governor??
York‘s point is a SoS would need to unilaterally declare that the former president engaged in an “insurrection” or “rebellion” for which there is no clear standard, and interpreted under an amendment that was passed in the post-civil war era. The political blowback would be swift and huge, and of course the prospects of the courts upholding the action would be somewhere between slim and none.
I notice how basic human nature is to fixate on that which you fear.

I still don't get why I'm supposed to be so fearful of Trump.

Especially when I'm assured on a daily basis
as to what a clown/shit show he is...

York‘s point is a SoS would need to unilaterally declare that the former president engaged in an “insurrection” or “rebellion” for which there is no clear standard, and interpreted under an amendment that was passed in the post-civil war era. The political blowback would be swift and huge, and of course the prospects of the courts upholding the action would be somewhere between slim and none.
Ohhhhh, a point. Based on MAGA facts?

So funny how some amendments you disregard the words found within them and others you say it doesn’t apply.

It’s not unilateral. It’s been spoken by the highest ranking Republican in the government. The fact he isn’t buying the crap the MAGA traitors want him to spout, makes it all the more true. Funny how you (other the “journalist”) don’t mention his statement from 2021.

You still believe there was massive fraud in the election because how could a guy who has been lying all this time have lost?

His true self is on the access Hollywood tape, when he thought no one was listening. A real conservative would have cut him off then, because that’s no where near the values espoused. But we get you, backed the Cheeto and now backs the Nazi. Why? Because it’s all about winning at all costs the battle that was already over in 1865. But your great grand pappy told the story of the south riding again and the supremacy of your goals.

Nope, still the same result. But you keep trying over and over-people of sound mind see through your bullshit words and know they just mean you don’t like people of any other color having free will.

So keep backing Ron Adolf DeSantis.