New faces, come say hello...

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Ever meet someone on line?

Someone who makes you smile, makes your heart beat a little faster. Makes you go wow.
You know the type of person who you chat with for hours but it seems like it's only been a few mintues and when it's time to say goodbye you don't want to?
When your off living your life and not talking to her you still think about her?
Well I want her to know she's very important to me, and a very special woman and that she means the world to me.
Fellow littérateurs,

My name is Schno and my slave is Marriah. We are a 24/7 Dominant/Submissive couple living in LA. We gladly acknowledge and fulfill our roles as master and slave. It's a dynamic that works very well for us.

Marriah is an absolute star. She is very genuine in her submission and in everything else as well. She has a voracious sexual appetite that spans gender. She's great fun to be around and entirely unpretentious. She's been my slave since May of 2003, and should remain so for a very, very long time.

As for me, I've been active both publicly and privately in the BDSM and polyamorous scene for 8+ years now. While I've seen many of my fantasies through at this point, I'm still enjoying the ride very much.

Feel free to visit us at for more pictures, bios, slave journal, etc. :)

I've been writing for many years, mostly fantasy genre works for my own amusement. Enough people have given me accolades that I've considered working on a piece fit for publishing.

In the meantime, I've put up a couple of stories here. I'm interested to see how they are received.
Nightbird said:
Ever meet someone on line?

Someone who makes you smile, makes your heart beat a little faster. Makes you go wow.
You know the type of person who you chat with for hours but it seems like it's only been a few mintues and when it's time to say goodbye you don't want to?
When your off living your life and not talking to her you still think about her?
Well I want her to know she's very important to me, and a very special woman and that she means the world to me.

Night, I'm sure your Lady appreciates what you have written, it seems sincere. To bad she hasn't forgiven you yet.
erusian said:
Fellow littérateurs,

My name is Schno and my slave is Marriah. We are a 24/7 Dominant/Submissive couple living in LA. We gladly acknowledge and fulfill our roles as master and slave. It's a dynamic that works very well for us.

Marriah is an absolute star. She is very genuine in her submission and in everything else as well. She has a voracious sexual appetite that spans gender. She's great fun to be around and entirely unpretentious. She's been my slave since May of 2003, and should remain so for a very, very long time.

As for me, I've been active both publicly and privately in the BDSM and polyamorous scene for 8+ years now. While I've seen many of my fantasies through at this point, I'm still enjoying the ride very much.

Feel free to visit us at for more pictures, bios, slave journal, etc. :)

I've been writing for many years, mostly fantasy genre works for my own amusement. Enough people have given me accolades that I've considered working on a piece fit for publishing.

In the meantime, I've put up a couple of stories here. I'm interested to see how they are received.

Hi and welcome to this side of Lit.

I took a bit of time before posting this, as I went and looked at both of your stories and web site beforehand. In my opinion, your first story was the best I have ever read here at lit, in tone, quality and subject material. I could clearly visualize the scene as it was set and enjoyed it to the fullest.

Your second story however, seemed to lack something. I don't know if it was just the fact I read it imeadiatly following the first and it lost some of its punch, but it seemed a lot tamer, more run of the mill erotica. Still a decent story, but not as potent as the first.

Your website was incredible. The graphics were amazing and it clearly showed the time you must have spent building it. I loved the photos, in fact I found myself wishing I had been there when some of them were taken, just because it looked like so much fun. That and the about drool time ;) I would have loved to have taken up space in a suitcase just to see those in person. Wow!

I hope you enjoy your time on the boards, most of us are warm welcoming people who I hope enhance your stay. Looking forward to seeing more of you.
Hello all! As I've read here already, piping up with a bit of info. I'm not new to the D/s lifestyle, but at the moment, am sadly uncollared. Why post this fact first? Because it's the driving factor in most of what I'm prone to saying here. I'm 35, and have had an active interestin D/s, S/M (sorry if I'm not using the proper caps here) and those things related, for nearly 20 years. I was the property ( and proud to be!) of one for almost all of those 20 years, and would be still had circumstances not forced a change in my life. I love the writing here, and have felt so inspired by it that I thought it only right to join. I might (gulp!) submit something, but that's going to take the kind of nerve that I haven't gotten. YET! Still, I find it a wonderful place, full of openminded people. Something I've missed since moving from California (yes, listed as my location in my profile, because that's where my heart is!) to Texas some years ago. I have already learned many, MANY wonderful things here, and to toss in my little bit of humble gratitude to the wonderful authors here, look forward to learning many more! Thank you all, who take the time to read this, for listening, and please feel free to ask any questions that I might have left unanswered. I don't wish to bore anyone with details about me, when there are so many more interesting things to read here!
Hi! I'm Sandy, 28 year old submissive. I have been in a satisfying D/s relationship for 3 years. I enjoy restraints and some application of pain followed by oral or anal sex. I am searching for ways to exhibit my submission.

I am looking for acceptable accessories, jewelry, or apparel that will indicate my submission when I go out in public to knowledgeable people. Any suggestions? I'm not into punk fashion so the idea of wearing a large collar seems too much. Are there fashionable collars? or other attractive indicators of submission?
Hi. A "spirit guide" is what I need. What is that haunting creature in you avatar?
sandyb said:
Hi! I'm Sandy, 28 year old submissive. I have been in a satisfying D/s relationship for 3 years. I enjoy restraints and some application of pain followed by oral or anal sex. I am searching for ways to exhibit my submission.

I am looking for acceptable accessories, jewelry, or apparel that will indicate my submission when I go out in public to knowledgeable people. Any suggestions? I'm not into punk fashion so the idea of wearing a large collar seems too much. Are there fashionable collars? or other attractive indicators of submission?

Good evening Sandy, welcome to Lit :)

A rather nice site to view such things at is here her prices are affordable and her items stylish. I own one of her collars, I took the emblem off it as it is inapropriate for a male sub, but it is exquisite in craftsmanship (and the roses are beautiful as well) so it's a site I would highly recommend.

there's one other I liked, but I cant remember the addy off hand, I will have to look.
you're welcome, the other will take a bit, sice it was months ago that I was looking at it and I dont quite remember what the search term I used at the time was.
Since I haven't posted on here for quite a while,


To all the wonderful new faces I see!!

Thank you very much, Mist S, for your kind (and critical) words. I appreciate your review of both pieces. I agree with your assessment of The Visit. It needs more attention, more fleshing out. Ah well, as time allows...

Regarding the website and pictures, well, those are the harvest of a lifelong pursuit of adventure. I decided early on in my life that I would not accept a mediocre existence. With some well timed good decisions and fair bit of luck along the way, I've managed to pull myself, quite literally, off the streets and into a lifestyle that is euphorically rewarding.

We only get so many years to swing 'round and 'round the sun. It is important, vital, imperative that we make every single day count.

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream." -- Mark Twain

Thank you again, Mist S. I am... inspired.
As Instructed to do so by my Mistress, Ms Katrina, I am here to introduce her and myself.

Her name is Miss Katrina. She is my Mistress.

My name is Boy. I am Miss Katrina's boy.

She instructed me to edit the post to be in Blue, as she originally told me, because in my haste I forgot.
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wow, another male sub :). Mayhap we're getting more common on the board. Welcome Miss Katrina, welcome Boy, hope you enjoy the forums.
Hi All

Hi all,

Well I have lurked long enough and could not resist the invitation to say hello (cos you all seem such nice people :) )

Am living and working in London as a creative in the digital arena although would seriously consider moving to warmer climes

I have the most beautiful woman in my life right now, we are currently exploring this most exciting, honest and to be truthful, joyful part of my life.

Thanks for all the insights I am gaining and if I get a chance to contribute - I will.

hmmm - thats it for now

Laters x
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And of course I just noticed I should have dropped this in the newbie tread - soz - could a Mod move this. - Cheers
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Well I arrived finally and can say that I am sub leaning yet am a switcher at times.

Nothing as satisfying as a red ass to start the time for playing.
Aeroil said:
wow, another male sub :). Mayhap we're getting more common on the board. Welcome Miss Katrina, welcome Boy, hope you enjoy the forums.

Thank you for the welcome, Aeroil.

Yes, indeed he is a male sub, he's my very obedient boy! Despite the fact he made a mistake in his initial post, he did please me by swiftly editing. He'll learn.
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