New bill gives Ukraine more money than US Marine Corps budget

This is outrageous:

"Fun fact, the U.S. Marine Corps budget in FY23 was $53.8 billion," Lee wrote. "This bill would give Ukraine more than $60 billion."

In addition to the 100 plus billions we already wasted on Ukraine.
Didn't cost American military lives with boots on the ground. So that is a good thing. The article points out that the Marines' budget is the smallest since they are a small military group.

Politicians like to drag in 'good-looking' irrelevant statistics like this. The Marines are not in a full-fledged battle for their lives against Russia, so the budget size mentioned is irrelevant.

The bill is relevant. It is the largest effort to fix the border in decades, and bipartisan work on the bill indicates it substantially works toward that end. It lends aid to Ukraine and Israelis and relief aid for the Gaza residents. These are all good causes if you believe in helping freedom causes.
Ukraine is engaged in a full-out war, which is being fought there rather than here, so certainly something to support fully. The Marines aren't fighting a war anywhere. If they were involved in one, they'd get the money they needed to fight it. Once again the OP is trying to make something anti-Biden/Democrats out of nothing partisan.
The OP is an imbecile:

From the article:

“Here is the best-kept secret about U.S. military aid to Ukraine: Most of the money is being spent here in the United States. That’s right: Funds that lawmakers approve to arm Ukraine are not going directly to Ukraine but are being used stateside to build new weapons or to replace weapons sent to Kyiv from U.S. stockpiles. Of the $68 billion in military and related assistance Congress has approved since Russia invaded Ukraine, almost 90 percent is going to Americans, one analysis found.”


The additional aid for Ukraine in the BIPARTISAN senate bill (that also contains immigration reform and border security measures, as well as funding for Israel, Taiwan, and humanitarian needs) also sees the lion’s share of the spending going to U.S. defense contractors:


From the article:

“The US defense industry stands to gain about $35 billion from a Senate compromise unveiled late Sunday that would unlock billions in military aid to Ukraine, as well as funds for Israel and allies in the Pacific.”


Hope that ^ helps.


👉 OP 🤣


Side note:

The POS OP is likely a Russian troll or the equivalent MAGAt traitor that knows damn well that the bulk of the Ukraine funding doesn’t go to Ukraine.

The POS OP is trying to gaslight people into believing the Ukraine funding is just a $60 billion handout to Ukraine with no oversight.



Didn't cost American military lives with boots on the ground. So that is a good thing. The article points out that the Marines' budget is the smallest since they are a small military group.

Politicians like to drag in 'good-looking' irrelevant statistics like this. The Marines are not in a full-fledged battle for their lives against Russia, so the budget size mentioned is irrelevant.

The bill is relevant. It is the largest effort to fix the border in decades, and bipartisan work on the bill indicates it substantially works toward that end. It lends aid to Ukraine and Israelis and relief aid for the Gaza residents. These are all good causes if you believe in helping freedom causes.
Few on the left are more full of shit than you are.
And few on the right are more full of shit than you!! *chuckles*

I’m surprised "Right"guide has any shit left in them, considering how much they spew here.

But somehow, "Right"guide is STILL full of it.


👉 "Right"guide 🤣

I’m surprised "Right"guide has any shit left in them, considering how much they spew here.

But somehow, "Right"guide is STILL full of it.


👉 "Right"guide 🤣

you bring up a valid point, maybe he does come to unload the shit here, beats his bathroom floor...