Never Forget (Closed)

"Wait, are you saying you're still a virgin?" He stopped and took hold of Eden's arm, turning her to face him. "I mean... I didn't mean to say that like it was bad. Just... Ahem..." He seemed a little nervous, not wanting to make her feel strange about it. "Ahem." He had to clear his throat again, but he was smiling. "Eden, are you saying you have been saving yourself specifically for me?" It was a sweetly romantic notion, he never would have imagined such a thing in this day and age. Not even Rose was a virgin when they met.
She felt how he grabbed her arm and could tell he was very shocked, looking into his eyes and hearing what he said. She smiled a bit at him, placing her hand on his that was on her arm tenderly and sighed a bit, she could feel her blushing and did not know how he would react to her. But right now she did not care she would be painfully honest. "I have yes, I have cared for you for a very long time. But because of what happened to Rose, I felt like it would have been selfish of me to express my feelings. So I buried it deep inside myself, till now"
"Oh my dear, sweet, young Eden... This is the sweetest thing I think I have ever heard. You're truly a selfless woman. I... I don't know what to say. It's an honor to think of myself as your first. I have never been with a virgin, but... When you're ready, I'll be very tender and careful with you." He felt like swooping her up in his arms and taking her right back to his apartment and showing her how amazing it could be right then and there. But they had all the time in the world, it seemed. For right now, he just pulled her into his arms and hugged and kissed her.
Eden blushed a bit when he said what he did and looking into his eyes she smiled happily at him, w hen he held her she felt his lips on hers. She wrapped her arms around him and kissed him deeply, in her own way she was showing him she was ready to be with him, how her tender hand brushed his chest. Being with him was beyond wonderful and she loved him very much, and the way she kissed him, letting a moan slip out of her mouth also proving what she wanted. It was amazing how much you could love someone.
At the sound of Eden's soft little moan Otto's heart fluttered and he instinctively deepened their kiss, sliding his large hand slowly down over the supple curve of her behind, his other hand slipping into the silk of her hair. He ran the tip of his tongue along the seem of her lips, in the hope that she would part them and allow him to show her just how slow and intimate of a kiss he could give her. "mmmph." He breathed through his nose as his fingers tightened on her rump, enjoying the way she felt.
Eden's own heart ended up fluttering she felt his tongue to her mouth and just out of instinct she opened up her mouth, and soon felt his tongue around her own. Her heart was pounding and the way he made her feel. She moaned louder feeling his hand grip her behind, it was amazing how wonderful he made her feel. No man had ever wanted to know her, no man ever was attractive to her as Otto. She loved who he was, and to her even though he was older she did not care. Let people wonder about the age difference it did not matter to her, everything that she was feeling made her even more happier.
Otto was astounded by his own carnal urge to simply lay Eden down right where they were and show her all the wonder and joy there was to be had with physical intimacy. He longed to show her everything. His flesh was more than ready, and he pressed against her to show her as much before he broke their kiss.

"You know, as soon as we are alone together, preferably in a bed room, I'm going to show you everything, my dear." He said with a brilliant smile. Looking up and around, to make sure no one was looking, he took the chance to slip a daring hand in along her thigh, drawing upward until he firmly cupped her in a boldly intimate way. "Starting with this..." He said in a whispy growl, a light of passion in his eyes. "But first, we really should eat, it wouldn't do to have you pass out from hunger in the middle..." He teased.
Eden felt Otto give in to what he wanted, feeling him wanting her she could tell that just as clear as day. Moving her body more against him she could not help herself, but when the kiss broke she smiled into his eyes, seeing what he meant and was really happy. Stroking his cheek, and feeling his hand on her thigh made her moan even more.

"Mmm Otto sounds good" She said with a heavy grin.

It was nice to be able to do this with him, he was everything and more to her. Closing her eyes as everything was just perfect, wonderful breeze and no one around. But she was hungry and walked over to the vender to get a hot dog.
Otto needed to take a moment to calm himself before he moved again. He closed his trench coat, so that his erection wouldn't be so embarassingly prevalent and cleared his throat again. "Ahem." He went, to get Eden's attention.

"I'll be along in a moment, my dear. Just... Doing a, um, calculation in my head, for the, uh... Laser arm..." He was reaching for any excuse, because the vendor man, a pock faced fellow was already looking at him with suspiciousness. "Eheh..." Otto coughed weakly, looking up and away, scuffing a foot on the sidewalk, trying to sell as though her were deep in thought, when all he wanted was to simply go limp and not look like a dirty old man.

It really didn't help that Eden was litterally standing right below a sign of a cartoonized young woman about to take a bite out of a plump and juicy looking hot dog, that he was sure had been drawn in such a way as to purposefully make one think of felatio. So... Who was the REAL dirty old man? The vendor or him? Once he was calm enough to move without looking like he obviously had a stiff one.

Otto made haste to Eden's side and put an arm around her shoulder, making a point of drawing her near in a way that would make it clear to the vendor she was not to up for grabs. The vendor arched an eyebrow and smirked a little. "What can I get you?" He asked. "Two footlongs, with..." Otto glanced down at Eden. "Everything okay?"
Eden had no idea just how much she impacted him and it felt good to know that, so she knew he wanted her to go so he could try and go limp. She walked the way she always did thinking a lot about things. Grinning a bit as she looked around her enjoying this moment. Looking back at him seeing what he was doing. Some would probably call him a dirty old man, but he was far from it. He meant the world to her and was perfect to her. She watched and then noticed he was coming up and smiled a bit more.

Hearing how he talked she had feeling that she knew about this. Taking a deep silent breath she watched him and took his hand in hers. Trying to show it did not matter what others thought, and she tried to get this out in a respectable. Sighing softly she was more relaxed then ever before and it felt good. Hearing what he said she smiled "I want the works" But noticed him looking at her and she smiled a little bit.

"Yes I am fine, why do you ask?"
"The works it is then!" Otto said with a showman's verbosity, surprising even himself. The vendor just rolled his eyes and went to work. While the man wasn't looking, Otto leaned down and whispered in Eden's ear. "Everything on the dogs, I mean." He hugged her to his side, and rubbed her shoulder, smiling down at her some more and got drawn into looking at her pretty eyes. The vendor was back before he knew it and actually had to say. "Eh, dat's tre' fitty, bub."

"Oh, okay..." Otto answered a little dumbly, still looking down into Eden's smiling face. He didn't look as he drew out a fifty by mistake and handed it to the vendor. "Keep the change..." He muttered, taking the wrapped up dogs and handing one to Eden. "Hey, danks, mister!" The vendor said, immediately pocketing the fifty, glancing at Eden as she eyed him sharply. He shrugged and turned away, pretending to clean, whistling loudly.
Otto watched the guy do the works and it made her rather happy, taking her dog she was on a bench sitting down and watched everything. Grinning at Otto she began to lightly nibble on some of the hot dog enjoying the taste of it and trying to tease Otto. But seeing how he gave the kid a fifty she was rather surprised. But he was a good man, that much she knew. He was good, kind and rather loving. She was far from worried about this situation and was having the time of her life and began to think.

"you are really sweet giving that kid a tip like that I am sure he enjoyed that' She chuckled and sat back on the bench patting the spot beside her, tilting her head to the side a little as she began to eat instead of nibble it was fun. Smiling had never felt this good in a very long time for her, and she was just settled and was ready for what he would throw at her.
"Oh, my dear, I hardly think a dollar fifty is much of anything really..." He said, honestly thinking he'd only passed the vendor a five, not a fifty. He was still so focused on Eden and the way she was teasingly nibbling at her footlong, he completely missed the implication of what she was saying. He began unwrapping his meal and glanced at Eden before he went to take a bite, winking at her playfully.
Eden smiled up at him and could not help but smile a little bit. Looking at him and seeing that wink she loved the loving and playful part of him. He seemed like he was in deep in the love department and grinned a little bit. And it was rather nice to see the side of him no one knew but perhaps Rose. She had a song in her head and her eyes looked around as she remembered the kiss he gave her and still felt his lips on her it was strange. "Still every little bit helps to someone who can't afford what we can. But I also know it was a fifty you gave him Otto, I am not blind" She said and smirked a little
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"Pardon?" Otto asked, turning his head toward her before he took a bite of his dog. "I did?" He blinked, feeling very embarassed, because he had no idea that he had, he'd only seen the five as he had passed the bill to the vendor. "Oh my..." He beleived her completely, but he still had to check his wallet, it was more his penence for having made a mistake than anything meant to offend her and make her think he didn't trust her implicitly. "I did!" He exclaimed, turning red. He looked up at the vendor, who was still whistling, with his back to them, the way he moved, Otto could tell that he knew the fifty had been a mistake.

"Hmmh... One moment, my dear." Otto said, setting his footlong beside him and putting his wallet away. He got up and strode up to the vendor again. "Pardon me, young man..." The vendor turned a little faster than was natural, having more than his share of nervous energy, ready to act like nothing was wrong. "Yo?" He asked, tossing his filthy rag to his other hand.

"Relax, we both know I made a mistake in handing you that fifty, and don't worry, I'm not here to ask for it back. Its all yours, fair and square. I just want you to know that I forgive you, and really hope you put it toward something that betters yourself, and your situation. But somehow, I doubt you're likely to do that. If I thought you would act on it, I'd offer you a letter of reference toward schooling in anything you had a passion for."

The vendor blinked, staring at Otto, dumbly.

"You do have a passion, don't you sir?" Otto asked, quite frankly, pushing the kid to speak up.

"Uh...." He stepped back, scratching his head.

Otto smiled slowly, slipping his hand into his pocket and taking out a business card.

"Well, once you figure that out, call this number and ask for Dr. Otto Octavious..." Otto stepped back and looked up at the vendors marque again, it read Doug's Dogs, in rather well done script.

"Are you Doug?" He asked, drawing the vendors attention again.

"Y... Ess..." Doug answered, thinking he was in some kind of trouble, or being punked, or something. He looked around for cameras or cop cars. There was nothing, just Otto.

"Good, tell them your name, if you chose to call, and you will be put through to me."

"What's your deal man?" The Vendor finally asked, scratching his head, holding the card in one hand.

"No deal, young man, just having a really good day." Otto replied, already returning to Eden's side, his back to the guy, waving a hand.

"We should go, my dear, if we stuck around, It would just weird the poor boy out, I think. Lets go into the park! Find a spot in there, perhaps?" Otto tucked his footlong back into its wrapper and held it under one arm, offering Eden his other hand.
Eden saw the look on his face, and she thought he was being a smart ass but it appeared he honestly had no idea. So she felt foolish as well, watching him go through his wallet. Watching him get up and going over to the vender, Eden could only get small bits of the conversation. And watching him hand over a personal business card that was saying something. He did not do that for just anyone, he did it for certain people. She was enjoying the hot dog as she heard the guy rather stunned by this.

But was glad Otto saw things in this kid, thinking for a moment she took another bite of her hot dog as thought back to when he met her. fifteen years old or so, he was an enigma that she wanted to get to know. She was rather happy that she bumped into the man, Otto saw something in her no one else did. A young mind with a genius IQ he was the reason why she embraced her knowledge and the taste for learning. Looking into his eyes she saw such kindness in them and the way he looked at her reminded her of her dad.

Her father had died when she was eleven so his death still fresh in his mind, she could still make out everything about her life. Every last detail, every date to the most important things in her life. Which honestly was not many. Eden had a photo graphic memory, and it was about the same time she met Rose as well. She was a very good woman and so full of life, and Otto's own age. It was rather nice to see those two, she had tea with them a couple times. And heard the stories they both shared, it had been lovely.

They stayed together through thick and thin and always respected that. It always amazed Eden how different could be, humans are selfish and rather impulsive people at times. Sometimes she felt like she did not belong here, sure she was born but she felt like an alien out of all these people. Since she was nothing like the few. Sighing happily as she could not help but grin a little at the thought, then shaking her head she noticed Otto coming back over and nodded to him a little bit. "Everything Okay?"
"Yeah, the boy just needs some time to think." Otto said with a wise nodd. "I do hope he makes the right decision. Come on, now, my dear, I would like to take you someplace nice. It's been some time since I've been in this park, but there is a place I would love you to see, its by a fountain, and it's lovely. Just perfect really, I don't know why I didn't think of it before. Hmmh." There was a sort of winsom smile on his lips and his eyes seemed very far away for a moment, like he was remembering a time long ago that made him happy.
Otto was something else and Eden nodded, she stood up taking his hand and began to head to where he wanted to show her. She was glad that they had this chance to just forget about science and to just relax themselves it truly was a remarkable and freeing experience. It was a rather warm day and looking at Otto she wondered what was on his mind. "So Otto what is on your mind?" She said with a nice cheerful sound to her voice. And rather up beat as well, she was just ecstatic.
He had everything and yet nothing on his mind, his thoughts were so fluid he simply could not tack any single one down for more than the briefest of seconds, and certainly not long enough for him to put into words, so rather than look like an absent minded fool, he turned to Eden, taking her hands in his after having taken both their wrapped up footlongs and setting them down for a moment, he bobbed his head toward the fountain he'd mentioned, having led here there quite easily, now that he had a moment to remember exactly where it was.

"This..." He said softly, turning her gently in his arms, so that her back was to him, them both facing the pretty stone fountain. "I proposed to Rose here." He whispered, slipping his arms around Eden's middle, squeezing her ever so gently, bringing his body in against the warm conture of her back, his face turning in instinctively toward her neck so that she could feel his breath upon her skin. "I don't have a ring to do this propperly with but..." He turned Eden back around. "I would ask you to be my wife if I did." He looked her in the eyes when he said that, and he looked very serious.

"It seems crazy and sudden, I know... But then, I've been called a mad genius before, so in a strange way, it feels right." His lips quirked up into a subtle grin as he stepped back and took to one knee, so he could be in a position to look up at Eden for once and give this the meaning it was meant to have. "Eden Luna Wolf, will you marry me?" he asked, taking her hands in his again, lifting his face up toward her with only a hint of uncertainty, he didn't know for sure what she would say, or if she would be able to speak at all, but he knew he loved her already, and would take care of her, if she let him, the best he could, for the rest of his days.
Eden enjoyed the view and had no clue what was on his mind, but no one was around. It was a beautiful day and the wind blew just so lightly, enjoyed things like this. Small things you learn to treasure and she treasured the memories that she held. Everything happened for a reason she thought sometimes, but only on some days. When she asked the question he seemed to ponder it a while and it was nice to see his brain at work, he was a great man and knew not what he would say but knew he would say something.

She watched what he did with her, turning her so she was facing a rather beautiful fountain and had a feeling that there was a story to it. Looking at the beauty and then he spoke to her, saying this was where he proposed to his wife but then he dropped a bomb shell on her and her eyes went wide. He was asking her to marry him? and that truly did floor her and was rather happy a smile could be seen on her face for those who could see the beautiful smile. She was already enjoying this.

Eden did not need to think she nodded to him "I would be honored to be your wife Otto, very much so" Eden said with a kind ring to her voice, and this day truly was magnificent and leaning into Otto, she would be his wife in a heart beat and since she had no family alive she did not need a big wedding. "Well since my parents are both dead, no other relatives and no friends. We could just go to the court house get married by a judge, but I will do what you want sweet heart" She said with a happy ring.
"Oh, I want you to take the time to really consider how you truly want our wedding to be. I want you to really think about it, my dear. You may feel the urge to go to the courthouse in this moment, but I want you to be absolutely sure of this. Look into your heart and really dream, Eden. I am sure you have some secret dream of your perfect wedding. When it's come to you, I will see that it becomes reality, I promise you that. No expense need be spared."

Otto stood up and brushed his knee with his hands. "Now... Kiss me again." He said, drawing her into his arms tenderly, holding her with firm, yet gentle hands, ready to steady her if she were to go weak in the knees. He bowed his head to her and covered her lips with the warmth of his own, ready to go deep and soul sunderingly far, ready to make her ache for more. His hands went naturally to her neck and thigh respectively. And again, he got dangerously close to laying her down and making love to her again, right then and there, but no, he could wait until they were in the comfort of a nice warm, soft bed.

Breaking the kiss, he grinned, keeping her pressed quite firmly against his frame, allowing her to feel his arousal against her for as long as she wanted. "See what you do to me?" He whispered, his eyes a twinkle. "I only hope you feel some of the same... Heat, deep inside you." It was difficult, very difficult for him to keep from slipping a hand down between them to fondle her the way he was aching to. But it would be grossly inappropriate for him to do in the open.
Looking into his eyes she stroked his cheek and she knew she did not want a big wedding she was a simple girl and stood by certain principles. And holding onto him and hearing what he said she closed her eyes at the right time and returned the kiss. She enjoyed his contact and moaned a bit as he touched her. It was always nice to see how tender he truly was, and he was all hers which seemed rather nice to her. Her heart seemed to rush out of her chest and was truly at peace right then and there.

When they parted she grinned at what he said and stroked his cheek "Very much so Otto" She said and thought for a moment. "Otto you have to understand I am a simple girl, I have never wanted a big wedding. Unlike most woman I know what I want" She said and chuckled a bit stroking his cheek and kissed him again. She never needed money to be happy, her eyes looking around the area it meant a lot he proposed to her here since it meant something to him and kissed his nose giggling.
"I understand, my dear, I certainly do, and I can respect that you'd rather not do anything big, or grand. I know you have absolutely no need to prop yourself up with the envy of others like so many young women these days do. I'm very, very proud of you for that. But I am a man of means, and I would be greatful if you still took the time to think of something, anything really, that would be a dream come true for you. I know, I know, you're going to say that just wedding me is your dream. But, I know it may seem like I'm lessening myself in saying this, thats not what I mean to do really, its just..." Otto took a deep breath and scratched his forehead.

"I would truly feel much better if you would allow me to express my love for you in a material way. You know you have my deepest love and I know I have yours, but... Quite frankly, you are bound to outlive me, I know that's not something you really care to hear, I know. And I'm sorry, my dear, but I really, really need to be able to give you something that you can hold onto, even after I'm gone, more than a memory. This is not me being defeatist, or morbid though, I am asking you this with only the best of intentions." He spoke so softly and sweetly as he touched and caressed Eden's sweet face, and his eyes were glossy with unshed tears, he was being so sincincere.
Eden looked into his eyes, material things was something she never wanted really. But then he started to explain himself and when he said what he did about her out living him, it hurt her to even think about that. Her life without Otto? She did not want to hear about it but understood where he was coming from. She did not know exactly how old Otto was she figured mid thirties early forties but listing to his words cut her heart like a knife. And thinking about everything she just sighed softly.

But him wanting to leave her with more then just memories, she wondered if he would want a child with her. But then when he looked into her eyes and she could tears in them, she grew to love him even more which she did not think was even possible. Everything around her was perfect, and did not know what to say to him. There was nothing she could really think, but when she felt his hand on her cheek, she placed her hand on the hand that was on the side of her face, and smiled and she did something she had not done since High School a soft melody escaped her lips as she sang to him. Not caring if anyone heard.

"Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more
Listen to my heart, can you hear it sings
Telling me to give you everything
Seasons may change winter to spring
But I love you until the end of time

Come what may, come what may
I will love you until my dying day

Suddenly the world seems such a perfect place
Suddenly it moves with such a perfect grace
Suddenly my life doesn't seem such a waste
It all revolves around you

And there's no mountain too high no river too wide
Sing out this song and I'll be there by your side
Storm clouds may gather and stars may collide
But I love you until the end of time

Come what may, come what may
I will love you until my dying day
Oh come what may, come what may
I will love you" She smiled.
Otto blinked back his tears as Eden began to sing, he was astounded by how good she was, how crystal clear her voice was. Rising tides of emotion washed over him, and he marveled at how she could keep herself together so well, he ached to sing with her, just like in the movies. Parting his lips, he let out an emotional sigh, taking her hand in both of his, cradling it to his lips, he kissed her and choked back a sob, fiercely seeking the control he needed to join her in song.

Like life, it was such a fleeting thing, and he knew it would be over far too soon, so, he took a shaking breath and forced himself to sing with her just as she entered the chorus.

"Come what may, come what may...
I will love you until my dying day..."

It was so intensely emotional that Otto could barely keep his voice from straining during the first chorus. He had to fall silent and went deep to find the resolve to do better, fully intending on joining her for each chorus, knowing he would only mess her up if he tried for anything more.

And he did join her in the final chorus, with much more resolve, His voice strong and level, no where near as perfect as hers, but he went a long way to support her and lift her to the soaring heights of heaven. They were transported, out of space and time, into a crystalized moment that he knew they would both cherish for eternity.