Neat n Naked (Closed for such_a_bad_man) PM for Appt



"Neat n Naked...where our girls suck better than hoovers. How can we help you?"
"Good evening. First, I'm glad that this number I got is real. Second, I'm calling on behalf of my brother. I'm not sure where to begin so I'll just explain why I'm calling.

"My brother got out of a relationship after he moved to your area and he hasn't been able to move on. I think he's still hung up on his ex and isn't playing the field as I figured he would after moving to a new city. I think he could really use your services to kick start his life in his new city. Is this something your team can help him with?"
"Oh yes sir. We are most definitly real. We have been called upon numerous times to help soothe a broken heart. If we actually helped or not is open for interpertaion, but our girls do try."

The voice of the service clears her throat.

"So tell me about your brother and what he likes. Lets see if I can find a perfect match for him. SOmeone to make him happy, but who won't remind him of the ex."
"Well, that's just it. My brother is a private person, always has been. I think that's why he moves as often as he does and goes through relationships like he does: he doesn't let anyone too close. As for his preferences, he does prefer petite women. He's over 6' tall, but I don't think I've ever seen him with a woman over 5'6". Must be why he secretly loves Asian women....

"I was a little disturbed by some storage containers I found in a closet when I helped him move the time before now. I don't know if he knew I found his collection of restraints and... machinery, but the boxes weren't in the place I stored them when I went back to visit.

"As for his last ex, she was by far the sexiest. I'm a happily married man and even I thought about what it would be like to try her out for a night. She definitely struck me as a woman that knew what she had and how to use it like a weapon. Might be why he broke it off, not just the move.

"He doesn't know I'm calling you. I'm not sure how to even begin this conversation with him. Part of him being so private is that he's also highly suspicious of people's motives. If some new woman shows up and just throws himself at him, he'll think something is up before just enjoying it for what it is.

"Hmmm, I think this might be too challenging for your group. Listening to myself lay this out, I don't know if you're what he needs. But I hope you are."
"Well let me address your concerns. He's private. Well who isn't eith their sex life? The kinkier the person the less they are willing to share with family for fear of being judged. We'll tell our darkest secrets to a stranger int he supermarket but not to our closest relative. Many of our girls enjoy bondage, it's actually fairly common. I just need to know if he's a Top or Bottom. In other words do you know if he likes to be tied up or to do the tying. If not we have girls who enjoy both sides."

"Since he just moved, tell him you hired a cleaning service as a housewarming present. Don't even mention the Naked part or what wil happen. Let the girl worry about handling that after all she is a professional."

"We have girls that are just over 2 feeet tall to over 6 feet tall, and all types of body types, ethnicities, haor colors, tats, no tats and many more. Tell me all you know and I'll find his perfect match.
The voice on the other end paused, clearly digging into his memory for any helpful information.

"Well, I know he always needs to know all the facts with things going on with the family. When our mom got sick, he took it on himself to talk directly with the doctors about her prognosis and options. However, when he comes home to visit, he leaves the planning in our hands. He's kinda hard to read in that regard... Maybe he's... what's the word? a Switch, or something?

"As for the girls, I think he likes subtle piercings and tats. The women I've seen him with have had no ink that I've seen, but my wife swears she could tell they had pierced nipples and the like.

"It's that sort of dichotomy. He can be very professional, but loves Carlin's '7 words you can't say on TV'."
Sounds like the Estern philosophy of, shit I forgot but like in Japenese culture they believ that a man who lives a double or triple life is stronger than one who doesn't. Like a guy who goes to church on Sunday but hires whores on Saturday. this is actually respected in certain circles of Japenese life. I can definitly see that he is two sided. Forgive my bluntness but is he Bi, that you know of?"
"No, that I am sure about. I was able to sneak on his computer when I went to check on his house when he was out of town for work. He's got quite a varied taste in porn, but it's all women.

"He is very much into Eastern philosophy so it wouldn't surprise me that he's heard of what you're thinking about. So do you think you can help him out?"
"I'm sure I can. Let me look through my database and see who I have available over the next week or so. Hold please."

Muzak starts playing...
"Okay I found two ladies. Both are switch, petite and Asian.

Hiromi 24 5'2" 96 32B-20-33

Hiromi is an all American girl raised in this country, by Americanized parents of Japenese descent. She has her tongue and belly pierced, but no tats. She prefers to be dominated but can dominate as well. She is exceptionally good with roleplaying and can act out any fantasy or scenario. Rated 9.1

Akako 29 5'5" 110 39C-24-36

Akako (called Kay by westerners) is originally from Japan. she came her to study and have a bit of freedom. She enjoys dominating and being dominated by men and woman. She has very few limits and has three non traditional poerceings and one tattoo no one has seen who is not intimate with her. Rated 9.4
The voice on the line paused as the ladies were introduced.

"Hmmm, tough call. I mean they both sound like what he would need. Hiromi sounds more his speed personality-wise. But Akako is definitely what he'd be attracted to physically. I don't know which would be better for helping him get back in the game..."

The voice trailed off, going silent in thought again.
"If you want my opinion, I would go for personality. If you want him to start living life again, someone who is good loking will be a distraction but may not help him get over her. A woman with a good personality may get him to open up and discusss the situation, helping him return to his normal self."
The voice came back on after a slight pause for thought over the scheduler's words.

"You make a good point. Akako might just bring up old feelings for his ex with a body like hers. I think Hiromi will be just what he needs to give him a kick in the pants. Thank you very much.

"As for scheduling, will your service be able to accommodate a Thursday late afternoon appointment? His new job has him working the vampire shift so he's asleep during the day and off most of the late half of the week."
"The clack of a keyboard comes over the phone. It's all set come Thursday around 4pm she'll be at his place and take care of him."
"Fantastic. Thank you so much. I'll call him and let him know that I got him his housewarming gift finally."

The voice on the line hung up.


It was a typical Thursday. Jon was up at about 3:15pm, showered and shaved by 3:45 and waiting on his couch at 3:55pm. He would have slept in a bit longer, but his brother said he was sending a maid around to "help with his lax cleanliness" as he said. Normally, he would have scoffed at his brother; their mother prided herself on keeping an immaculate home and passed that on to her boys. 'Oh, if she could see this place now...' Jon thought as he walked around. Spotting himself in a mirror that was part of his decor, he once again ran his hand over his short-cropped hair. It was one feature that he couldn't control; he was cursed with his maternal grandfather's hair and had started going bald at 25. Now, in his early 30s, it had sharpened his brow line to a deep widow's peak with high "oh my god" marks on either sides. Shrugging at himself in the mirror, he turned to scan his new house, frowning at what he saw.

Between moving and working a schedule that wore him out, he had let some things slip. There were still empty boxes all over that he had meant to recycle. Here and there, he was finding places where he could stand to sweep. Even after just a few months, there were dust bunnies under his furniture.

He told himself that it was his schedule, but deep down it had nothing to do with that. It had to do with her.

Jon was kept from wallowing in painful reminiscence when there was a knock at the door. Checking his watch he saw that the maid was very punctual. 'Hmmph, 4pm on the nose.' he thought as he opened the door wearing some loose shorts and a comical t-shirt, his typical off day attire.

"Yes?" He asked, barely registering who was on the porch as he was still glancing back into the house.
HIromi was wearing a short jean skirt, ankle socks and sneakers, with a low cut tank top showing more than a hint of clevage. "Hi I'm HIromi. I'm here to clean for you, a gift from your brother, I believe." She smiled shyly at him, offering her hand.
Jon turned toward the voice. It sounded a little more bubbly than he figured. As he took her in, he noted how she was dressed and slightly arched an eyebrow. Still, it wasn't in him to be rude and he took her tiny hand in his.

"Yes, as he explained it to me, he thought I could use someone to look after my place since I've been too busy to do it myself. Please, won't you come in."

Jon stepped back, holding the door open and gesturing for Hiromi to enter. Once she was in, he closed the door behind her and joined her in the living room.

"Right, so I don't know if you brought your own supplies or this is just an initial visit to see what you'll need for the actual cleaning, but this..." He paused and gestured to her outfit. "Doesn't look like a cleaning outfit, if you don't mind me saying."

Jon waited, curious about her answer.
"Well to be honest, there is a uniform we are supposed to wear. However, it's a bit embaressing to wear in public. If there's a place I can change I would appreciate it. Then I can get started on making this place immaculate."
Jon tilted his head at the mention of a uniform. 'How could a cleaning outfit be embarrassing?' he thought, but his curiosity got the better of him. He'd take a look and if it wasn't above board he'd do something at that point.

"I see. Apologies. If you'll go down that hall..." Jon turned and pointed to a hallway to their left. "The second door on your left will be the bathroom. There should be plenty of room to change in there. When you return we can discuss the areas for cleaning."

Jon stepped back, giving Hiromi plenty of room to move past him. As she did, he watched how she walked. When his brother called about a cleaning service, he was dubious; this wasn't the usual sort of thing he'd get as a housewarming present. Now, that present was here. It was time to figure out what this was really about.
She smiled as she moved past him, "accidently" rubbing her tits on his chest. She went into the bathroom and closed the door. Several minutes later, the bathroom door opened and a naked Hiromi walked out carrying her clothes. "I guess you can now see why the uniform is embaressing." She said standing in front of him letting him look at her smooth skin.
Jon's face showed his disapproval immediately as she walked out completely naked. "Okay, what the hell is this? You're not really a maid, are you?"

Jon turned from her to give her some small amount of respect. He didn't wait for her answer though and kept talking, mostly to himself. "My stupid brother thinks I'm grieving too long over my old relationship so he hires me a call girl..."

Jon turned his head slightly, but doesn't look at the naked woman in his house. "Look, I'll pay you for your time and you can be on your way. I have a phone call to make and an angry conversation to have."
She walks up to him, putting a hand on his arm. "Yes, I am a maid." She hands him a business card. "The service is called Neat and Naked. We do clean, but we do it naked. Some girls do more than just clean, but it's not required. I'm not embaressed to be seen naked, so look all you want. Besides once I got here there's no refunds and your brother did pay for my time."

She stood there looking up at himcaressing his arm gently waiting for him to speak.
Jon turned slightly and took the card, looking at the name on it. Sure enough, the service was called "Neat and Naked". As he looked up, he had to admit that she looked like something out of his fantasies. Her petite body looked like she had been carved out of marble like a Greek statue. Her pert breasts and hourglass waist made him reconsider for a moment, but if he wanted sex, he would have gone out and gotten it. He just wasn't ready to go get it, or so he told himself.

He pocketed the card since she had no pockets in her "uniform". He sighed as he did honestly need another set of hands cleaning up his place.

"Alright... since he's already paid for you to be here and you are a maid, though an underdressed one, you may as well stay and help me out. As far as rooms I need cleaned, you can start out here..." He gestured to living room where they were standing. "Then the rooms down the hall where you found the bathroom. The other rooms are my TV room, the bathroom you used, obviously, and my home office. If I still have time on the clock..." He turned and walked through an arch that had been to the right of the living room. On the other side of the wall from the living room, there was a kitchen that Jon gestured to. "You can clean this and the dining room beyond. The dining room wraps back to the living room."

As they stood there, they were in front of a door that stood out slightly as it had a key lock on it. Jon didn't even bother to mention it.
"As you wish...sir." She said meekly. Walking into the living room she bent over at the waist pointing her ass right at Jon as she began to neatly stack up the books and magazines on his coffee table. Looking over her shoulder, she asked "Is there anything in particular you would like me to take care of?"