My Valentines Day wish for you


montani semper liberi
May 7, 2002
To the people who make me laugh, bring me a smile, or just make me feel good about myself and the world in general.....the vast majority of whom don't even know me...

I hope this is a wonderful day for you, complete with flowers, candy, and ultimately you get mind-blowing, over-the-edge sex!

and since I'm an equal opportunity well-wisher:

To the people who irk me to tears, and again, they don't know who they are...

I hope this is a wonderful day for you, complete with flowers, candy, and ultimately you get mind-blowing, over-the-edge sex!

cause some of YOU people need to get SERIOUSLY laid!

:D ;) :rose: :heart: :kiss:
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foxinsox said:
But...but...does that mean I don't get laid?



It means I hope his skills improve 1000% and he can't get enough of you!
Saint Valentine said:
I guess I'm covered in that list somewhere.


I tried to be allinclusive without being offensive...
yes, you're definitely in the "gooder" list :D

I know, I know, *sigh*
I so rarely succeed at not being offensive tho.
For Emi on Valentines Day.

