my first naked, co-ed sauna experience


Literotica Guru
Sep 24, 2018
I moved to Germany 2.5 years ago from the USA. Over here, there are saunas and wellness centers that have adult-only portions in them. I finally decided to go check it out and see what it was all about.

First, the sauna area (at the place I went) is located in a portion of a large indoor public pool house. There are several swimming pools, water slides, wave-pool, and outdoor pools too.

I went to the separate sauna area. There was a single large dressing room with lots of lockers. Left side of the room for men, the right side for women. There were no dividers anywhere. The lockers were laid out in a way, led to some privacy between the 2 sides of the room. Each side of the room went to a separate shower room and toilet room. These exited into the main sauna area.

So, I stripped off my clothes and took a quick shower. Walked out with sandals on my feet, wearing a loose-fitting bathrobe, and carrying a large towel (You are to sit on the towel in saunas with wooden seats).

As soon as I stepped into the sauna area, I saw I was a little over dressed! At least half of the people were completely naked (but with sandals on), the others had a towel wrapped around them or over their shoulder. I soon ditched the bathrobe and just used my towel like the others.

The first place I went into was the steam-bath. Hot and steamy. You could not see well in here! Also, there was no wood, the seats were tiled. No one used a towel in here. Also, no sandals in the saunas. So, I go back out and hang up my towel and leave my sandals nearby. I am totally in the buff now. Funny, as there are fair amount of people going by (men and ladies) 'dressed' like me. I went back into the sauna now. There were maybe 5 or 6 people in the sauna. I just got comfy and enjoyed the moist heat of the room. Everyone kept to themselves and pretty much just worried about themselves. Nice.

It was an exhilarating wandering about the place naked or with a towel over the shoulder. The cafe and lounge area mandated that you wear a robe or towel, but the rest of the place did not matter. Beer and food was served at the cafe. Not sure of there was wine there or not.

Despite all of the naked people, it did not feel like a sexual experience at all. There were people of all shapes and sizes there. Even a few nice young ladies going about. I was damn happy with myself that I did not 'salute' them as they wandered near me. But as mentioned before, although everyone was naked, it was more about the various saunas, hot-tubs, and communal shower areas.

There was a steam-sauna, herb-air sauna, an old wood-smelling and dry sauna, and some in-between. You stay in one for 10-20 minutes, then shower and/or cool off. There are showers located in the middle of the area. Kinda in a big, walled circle in the middle. No door. Big open entry and you can see all of the showers. Men and women both use the showers together. (their own shower-head, though). It felt pretty good to go take a cool shower with 2 naked ladies showering along each side of me.

After showering, I went outside. It was a private yard area with a path around the perimeter and a few lawn chairs on the grass. I sat in the chair for a bit with only the towel under me. Then, walked about outside in the buff, towel on my shoulder. Felt very free. Awesome! The walked ended at an outside pool.

About 6 people were in the outside pool. Men and ladies mixed. I hung up my towel and entered the water. I have only skinny-dipped once before in my life. This was a great experience. Here I was in the buff along with other people I did not know. Everyone just did there own thing and minded their own business. Really quiet too.

Getting in and out of pools has to be the maximum naked exposure that one feels. The place to hang towels is usually not too close to the pool, so you have a little way to walk with nothing on. By the end of my visit, none of this was an issue to me. I blended in with the other Europeans.

I really want to get my wife to go. It would help her relax about her body, and maybe be open to other things as well. She did say that she will go to a spa when we go on vacation alone. But, alas that is a few years away until our son gets old enough to stay with grandparents. Hopefully, she tries out the local sauna first.

So, bottom line...a very positive experience! I have a public place I can go and strip off my clothes. Then enjoy some health benefits of being naked. Costs about 18 bucks for 3 hours. I hope to do this more. Just need a job now! ;)
Okay, so explain to us the “health benefits” of being naked.
This ought to be good for a laugh.
Okay, so explain to us the “health benefits” of being naked.
This ought to be good for a laugh.

Your first line seems legit, but you followed it up with a wise-crack. Therefore, I will be brief.

I am referencing to being in the sauna...
clothing inhibits sweat from evaporating properly, this also builds up extra heat. Clothing also traps non-hygenic micro-organisms quite well. Bacteria and fungi also love the area that worn fabric provides. Not something that you want to share amongst the other people in the sauna.
Now imagine taking your swimsuit or whatever you are wearing, and jumping into one of the pools. Yes, go ahead and rinse off your swimwear in the bathwater.

As a skeptic, perhaps take some time and read up on the health benefits of saunas. I am sure it can be explained much better than I could, if you are really interested.
Of all the threads on the front page, this explanation of the workings of your mind is the strongest turn off. This includes a thread where I contemplated the possibility of trump having a painful boil in his arse crevice. The older I get, the more I understand how the basic male thinks, the less nudity appeals.
And your explanation of health benefits sounds like you read it on Goop.
Hmmm. A guy posts honestly about one of his only experiences with social nudism, and he gets attacked.

Sounds like a few GBers are a bit uptight about having such an experience.
Your first line seems legit, but you followed it up with a wise-crack. Therefore, I will be brief.

I am referencing to being in the sauna...
clothing inhibits sweat from evaporating properly, this also builds up extra heat. Clothing also traps non-hygenic micro-organisms quite well. Bacteria and fungi also love the area that worn fabric provides. Not something that you want to share amongst the other people in the sauna.
Now imagine taking your swimsuit or whatever you are wearing, and jumping into one of the pools. Yes, go ahead and rinse off your swimwear in the bathwater.

As a skeptic, perhaps take some time and read up on the health benefits of saunas. I am sure it can be explained much better than I could, if you are really interested.

Well you said the health benefits of being naked not being in a sauna. Like way different, dude.
Well you said the health benefits of being naked not being in a sauna. Like way different, dude.

There are mental health benefits to social nudism in situations where people can voluntarily be naked and be assured that their participation will not be taken as an invitation to sexual activity.

Social nudism in these sorts of situations allow some people to finally get over their hang-ups of body-judging and body-shaming, both for themselves and for others. Many people have no idea how conditioned they are to judge until they drop all their armor.

Some people, mostly men, are disappointed when they find out that social nudism is not an orgy, but most people eventually find out that it is very liberating to shed deep their deeply conditioned judgements along with their clothes.

Nobody is forcing you to experience this sense of liberation.
There are mental health benefits to social nudism in situations where people can voluntarily be naked and be assured that their participation will not be taken as an invitation to sexual activity.

Social nudism in these sorts of situations allow some people to finally get over their hang-ups of body-judging and body-shaming, both for themselves and for others. Many people have no idea how conditioned they are to judge until they drop all their armor.

Some people, mostly men, are disappointed when they find out that social nudism is not an orgy, but most people eventually find out that it is very liberating to shed deep their deeply conditioned judgements along with their clothes.

Nobody is forcing you to experience this sense of liberation.

Well said.
If you want everyone to pretend you're interesting and sexy, post in the playground. the posters of the general board have an inclination to give honest reactions that offend the thin skinned.
Of all the threads on the front page, this explanation of the workings of your mind is the strongest turn off. This includes a thread where I contemplated the possibility of trump having a painful boil in his arse crevice. The older I get, the more I understand how the basic male thinks, the less nudity appeals.

And your explanation of health benefits sounds like you read it on Goop.

So sorry that my mind does not live up to your expectations. I suppose that you can read into it as you wish.

Not sure if you have ever gone. It was nice though.
So sorry that my mind does not live up to your expectations. I suppose that you can read into it as you wish.

Not sure if you have ever gone. It was nice though.

I can't see the appeal. Being naked is fine, but i prefer to only look at the bodies of select individuals. I've been up close to far too many when I worked in care. It's lost any novelty or allure.

I advise not attempting persuasion of your wife if she's at all hesitant, just because you found it therapeutic. She could equally find it distressing and humiliating. Coercion isn't consent.
If you want everyone to pretend you're interesting and sexy, post in the playground. the posters of the general board have an inclination to give honest reactions that offend the thin skinned.

Goblin, here is a FYI:

Some of the old-time GB vets around here tend to be a bit territorial. Don't worry if any of them urinate on your leg.
That's just the way it works in the sauna, banya, or steam. It's a way to get clean without using a lot of water and soap.
Goblin, here is a FYI:

Some of the old-time GB vets around here tend to be a bit territorial. Don't worry if any of them urinate on your leg.

No, dear, territorial would be telling people they can't post here. Telling people they can't expect playground atmosphere on the GB is being upfront.
No, dear, territorial would be telling people they can't post here. Telling people they can't expect playground atmosphere on the GB is being upfront.


Perhaps, you should lead him to the playground!

This was an entertaining thread.:)
No, dear, territorial would be telling people they can't post here. Telling people they can't expect playground atmosphere on the GB is being upfront.

Well, good on you, dear, for making the rules of this playground clear.

None of that snowflake stuff around here, dog-gonnit! We need to tough up, Goblin, cuz we just got schooled!
Well, good on you, dear, for making the rules of this playground clear.

None of that snowflake stuff around here, dog-gonnit! We need to tough up, Goblin, cuz we just got schooled!

I'm observant. It's a gift.
At least goblin made that insufferable fool, Kant, scurry off.

Be Gone!!