

Literotica Guru
Jan 21, 2003
I know the ladies here say size isnt important, but its appearing more and more that the..'oversized' gentleman is becoming more popular.

Even one of the advertisement links on literotica is for huge dicks.
All i wanna know is have any of the ladies here experienced such a monster, or would you do it if the opportunity arose.

Its just curiosity. Im thinking if women ever took one of those things, would a 'normal' man ever be enough again?
What do you mean by "monster"? I've been with a guy that was about 8 1/2" and I preferred giving him blowjobs much more than actual intercourse. It just didn't seem to hit the right spots. I'm not complaining, I enjoyed it, but my husband fits me much better.
well if u take the example from the sites i spoke of i guess a monster would be a 12" +
me and my boyfriend fit together well in that area...
but my friend kelley has had several complaints about her boyfriend's size... he's actually TOO big... she gets too sore too quickly and it hurts her a lot sometimes.
I'm not sure of his exact measurements though so i cna't tell you if he's an official "monster" sorry.
UC_Gav said:
well if u take the example from the sites i spoke of i guess a monster would be a 12" +

I'm not sure I'd be able to handle that! But I'd sure try...just to say I did it.
give me about a week and three days and i will let ya know. the monster in this case being actually 15 inches long.
Why is it do you think, that guys always tend to measure penis size in 'inches long', yet every woman I know is FAR more concerned with how big around it is?
After a certain point extra inches in length just mean more of you that doesn't get to go in anywhere.
I'm above average in length and girth, and i've never had any complaints...although i'm not HUGE, by anymeans, i'm just bigger than alot of guys...seems i can fill things up and hit all the right spots;)
When looking at heterosexual porn, I think both sexes prefer that the men be well endowed. In fact, how many men don't fantasize about watching their S.O. taking on a "monster", as you put it? I think it is rather common.
I used to have a girlfriend who stood 5' 7" and weighed 125lbs. She had a fuck buddy whose equipment was as big as her forearm. He was big enough that she too preferred to give him head. He wasn't into threesomes, but on several ocassions she let him pound her as I waited in the next room. I'm 6' 0" and 165 lbs, and he would leave her so stretched out that, if my cock had an eyeball at the end, I could have entered her with my full length and never touched the sides. She had great muscle tone and control, and by the time he was heading for his car, her pussy would be grabbing me so tightly that the only way to tell that he had been there before me was by the extra wetness!
UC_Gav said:
I know the ladies here say size isnt important, but its appearing more and more that the..'oversized' gentleman is becoming more popular.

Even one of the advertisement links on literotica is for huge dicks.
All i wanna know is have any of the ladies here experienced such a monster, or would you do it if the opportunity arose.

Its just curiosity. Im thinking if women ever took one of those things, would a 'normal' man ever be enough again?

The men I've been with (haven't had many partners) haven't been overly large.....For me, they've been perfect in size....a lot has to do with how they use it!
I'd be curious to try it with a "monster" but when I see some of those ads all I can think is OUCH!
Native Alien said:
give me about a week and three days and i will let ya know. the monster in this case being actually 15 inches long.
this was posted originally 4/5
Isnt 10 days from then 4/15, I think every american will be taking a monster that day.
okay nick1, i have to ask. into genetics are we? and how is every american going to take a monster that day? oh, i get it and yea you are right, that is a monster for us all. and the answer to the quote is yes, the 15th would be about right.
Native Alien said:
okay nick1, i have to ask. into genetics are we? and how is every american going to take a monster that day? oh, i get it and yea you are right, that is a monster for us all. and the answer to the quote is yes, the 15th would be about right.

You could say I study some genetics, or at least a lot of biochem. So how are you getting a monster on the 15th? Do you know what my signature means?
I believe, and genetics are not my cup of tea, for the most part that your signature is a polypeptotide. Not sure exactly which one but that is just a guess. As to the April 15th date reference, that is the day that everyone's taxes are due.

The signature line breaks down like this.

(please forgive all spelling beforehand),




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I am not in the 'monster' category I don't think, I am just under 8.5 inches in length and about 6.5 in circumference. I have been told no a few times due to size. To be bluntly honest having a 15 inch penis would most likely lose you more dates than get them for you. I have only had a few complaints and those have just been things like,, "anal? have you lost your mind?" or 'damn thats nice, but I don't think it would be comfortable, sorry bout that, does it hurt when it gets that hard and you don't do anything?" so for any guy who wants to be 15" long, don't do it, the money in the side shows is not that great.

funny you should bring that up Carnus. he says the same thing, but if you know what you are doing, it can be a very good thing.
NA - why do we always end up on these kind of threads together! lol And I'll say it again - sounds like a challenge to me.....