Mom and son serving on same submarine


Jan 1, 1970
How about a story about a mom and son stationed together on a nuclear submarine? The mom and son have a preexisting incestual relationship.

Navy started allowing women to serve on submarines for the past 10 years. The executive officer (XO) is a woman is in a romantic relationship with her son, who is a junior officer on board.

It's tight quarters on a submarine. The mother and son have a close relationship in public on board the boat. When schedules allow they often eat meals together or play chess in the common area. As XO the mom has her own room and it has a guest bed. The son often goes her room to nap or they play chess in her room because the common area can get crowded. You might think napping in his mom’s room might appear strange, but it might be preferable to going to his own room he has to share with 2 other officers.

The entire is considered a classified secret area. Cell phones aren’t allowed and porn is considered contraband. There are a high number of frustrated sailors who resort to a “happy sock” while the boat’s newest officer is getting regular blowjobs from the XO.

During deployment it’s usually quick and more clinical than anything. Mom is always worried about getting caught or someone knocking on the door. The son just gets his sexual needs taken care of. They really do spend most of their time discussing work, playing chess, or he’s sleeping on the spare bed.

Full sex isn’t really an option because of the time is having to strip and the difficulty in redressing quickly if someone should knock. Plus being on a submarine hygiene is an issue. Showers are limited, there’s no valid reason to have a stockpile of condoms since sex isn’t allowed on board. It’s just so much simpler for her son to finish in her mouth and her to swallow it, quick and dirty, and they continue with their duties.

The mother son duo are really model officers. They’re focused on work. For the son he probably has an unfair advantage since he doesn’t have to deal with sexual frustration like the rest of the men. It’s easy for him to focus on studying. The workout area on the sub is small and really only suitable for one person without crowding. However, the mother and son are ok with working out together, one does cardio while the other does strength training. What they do fits into the spirit of sub living since it’s about maximum utility in the minimum space. Mother and son working out at the same time means that there’s more open gym time overall for other crewmembers. The two push themselves too, scoring top marks on physical fitness tests whenever administered. Unbeknownst to everyone part of their motivation for workouts wasn’t just for career objectives, but also so mother and son could be in shape to fuck each other that much harder later on.

Deployment is on a 60 day rotation, so afterwards mom and son go back on land. After being cooped up they like to go rent a cabin out in the woods and enjoy some isolation from people, no one could blame them. It's also a good excuse for mom and son to have loud sex. Mom's even rented costumes so they can roleplay. Things other couples take for granted they enjoy to the fullest extent. The loud sound of slapping flesh, the conspicuous sound of the headboard banging against the wall. Being sweaty isn't an issue on land, both can go take a long shower then go get sweaty again.

It's such a wholesome relationship and so drama free compared to all the other sailors having martial issues. Infidelity is rampant, because the younger guys get married just because they want a steady stream of pussy. That is why a lot of wives either cheat or get fat. Sailors will often frequent brothels.

The son of course doesn't partake, some assume it's because he's an officer. Others joke with him and say he must be gay. He jokes back and says "no, it's because I didn't want my dick to turn purple and fall off."

The mom is happy. She has a great career, is happy with her sexuality and feels so fulfilled that it can't be wrong. No diseases, a man that loves her wholeheartedly, and the preservation of her married/mom/captain reputation, no sleeping around issues/rumors.

As it gets closer to get back to sub duty mom and son have more sex, just to get it all out of system. They aren’t even really horny, they just bang it out. She’ll ride him and let the tits jiggle, look back at him with unabashed lust while taken from behind, etc. Basically giving him all the views he won’t see til they're topside again.

If they can get to the point where they’re sick of sex it’s good. The first week on a sub is hectic with getting back into the regimen and not feeling sex starved is a plus. Once they do start feeling the cabin fever unlike the rest of the crew they have each other to relieve it.

Sailors decided to prank the XO one day, by stealing the door to her stateroom. It's all in good fun, but little did they know they would be depriving her of any sexual relief for the last 2 weeks left in the deployment. The XO's retaliated though. She decided to replaced her missing door with a tall sailor. Yes, that's right, a real person. He even held a handle and made creaking noises when the XO opened the "door."

There's a lot of ideas that tie into it but I didn't want this post to get any more bloated than it already is.
Uh, the Navy... at least the U.S. Navy frowns on their service persons fraternizing even when they are ashore let alone on a submarine. I'm not saying it doesn't happen, just within such a small community, such as a submarine there would be actually nowhere to go to get together.

Also the Captain of the ship would be very pissed if the crew decided to dismantle his boat. And, they usually don't assign family members to the same unit let alone to the same ship.

Not trying to put you off this one, just trying to explain the comments you will get as the story wouldn't be very believable. Sorry.
How about a story about a mom and son stationed together on a nuclear submarine? The mom and son have a preexisting incestual relationship.

Navy started allowing women to serve on submarines for the past 10 years. The executive officer (XO) is a woman is in a romantic relationship with her son, who is a junior officer on board.

It's tight quarters on a submarine. The mother and son have a close relationship in public on board the boat. When schedules allow they often eat meals together or play chess in the common area. As XO the mom has her own room and it has a guest bed. The son often goes her room to nap or they play chess in her room because the common area can get crowded. You might think napping in his mom’s room might appear strange, but it might be preferable to going to his own room he has to share with 2 other officers.

The entire is considered a classified secret area. Cell phones aren’t allowed and porn is considered contraband. There are a high number of frustrated sailors who resort to a “happy sock” while the boat’s newest officer is getting regular blowjobs from the XO.

During deployment it’s usually quick and more clinical than anything. Mom is always worried about getting caught or someone knocking on the door. The son just gets his sexual needs taken care of. They really do spend most of their time discussing work, playing chess, or he’s sleeping on the spare bed.

Full sex isn’t really an option because of the time is having to strip and the difficulty in redressing quickly if someone should knock. Plus being on a submarine hygiene is an issue. Showers are limited, there’s no valid reason to have a stockpile of condoms since sex isn’t allowed on board. It’s just so much simpler for her son to finish in her mouth and her to swallow it, quick and dirty, and they continue with their duties.

The mother son duo are really model officers. They’re focused on work. For the son he probably has an unfair advantage since he doesn’t have to deal with sexual frustration like the rest of the men. It’s easy for him to focus on studying. The workout area on the sub is small and really only suitable for one person without crowding. However, the mother and son are ok with working out together, one does cardio while the other does strength training. What they do fits into the spirit of sub living since it’s about maximum utility in the minimum space. Mother and son working out at the same time means that there’s more open gym time overall for other crewmembers. The two push themselves too, scoring top marks on physical fitness tests whenever administered. Unbeknownst to everyone part of their motivation for workouts wasn’t just for career objectives, but also so mother and son could be in shape to fuck each other that much harder later on.

Deployment is on a 60 day rotation, so afterwards mom and son go back on land. After being cooped up they like to go rent a cabin out in the woods and enjoy some isolation from people, no one could blame them. It's also a good excuse for mom and son to have loud sex. Mom's even rented costumes so they can roleplay. Things other couples take for granted they enjoy to the fullest extent. The loud sound of slapping flesh, the conspicuous sound of the headboard banging against the wall. Being sweaty isn't an issue on land, both can go take a long shower then go get sweaty again.

It's such a wholesome relationship and so drama free compared to all the other sailors having martial issues. Infidelity is rampant, because the younger guys get married just because they want a steady stream of pussy. That is why a lot of wives either cheat or get fat. Sailors will often frequent brothels.

The son of course doesn't partake, some assume it's because he's an officer. Others joke with him and say he must be gay. He jokes back and says "no, it's because I didn't want my dick to turn purple and fall off."

The mom is happy. She has a great career, is happy with her sexuality and feels so fulfilled that it can't be wrong. No diseases, a man that loves her wholeheartedly, and the preservation of her married/mom/captain reputation, no sleeping around issues/rumors.

As it gets closer to get back to sub duty mom and son have more sex, just to get it all out of system. They aren’t even really horny, they just bang it out. She’ll ride him and let the tits jiggle, look back at him with unabashed lust while taken from behind, etc. Basically giving him all the views he won’t see til they're topside again.

If they can get to the point where they’re sick of sex it’s good. The first week on a sub is hectic with getting back into the regimen and not feeling sex starved is a plus. Once they do start feeling the cabin fever unlike the rest of the crew they have each other to relieve it.

Sailors decided to prank the XO one day, by stealing the door to her stateroom. It's all in good fun, but little did they know they would be depriving her of any sexual relief for the last 2 weeks left in the deployment. The XO's retaliated though. She decided to replaced her missing door with a tall sailor. Yes, that's right, a real person. He even held a handle and made creaking noises when the XO opened the "door."

There's a lot of ideas that tie into it but I didn't want this post to get any more bloated than it already is.

WTF.....Nightmares in a Damaged Brain. get help now it's only a phone call away. periscope down dive dive dive
WTF.....Nightmares in a Damaged Brain. get help now it's only a phone call away. periscope down dive dive dive

What part of
Originally Posted by Literotica on 03-05-2011
Please keep this a SAFE place for conversation. Try not to ridicule someone just because you think their fetish (idea) is weird. Yours might seem equally weird to someone else! If you can't post without being sarcastic and rude, then please save your comments for the General Board!
did you not understand?

Here's a link to the General Board where you can be amongst your own kind.
What part of did you not understand?

Here's a link to the General Board where you can be amongst your own kind.

mmmm maybe. and your kind is. Just be very careful with this story line.

Laurel isn't overly fond of stories involving miners. i do hope you mean stories of Coal miners. good day to you i feel i need a wash after entering into an exchange with are creepy. may god have mercy on you.
mmmm maybe. and your kind is. Just be very careful with this story line.

Laurel isn't overly fond of stories involving miners. i do hope you mean stories of Coal miners. good day to you i feel i need a wash after entering into an exchange with are creepy. may god have mercy on you.

I bet you were pissed when you wrote this as it makes no sense whatsoever.

And, you spelled the first minors incorrect, if you were going for the double entendre.

Have a good day or night or whatever time it is where you laying in your own piss.