

the once and future
Dec 14, 2001
So are you loud in bed? Do the neighbors pound on your mutual walls and scream epithets when you are getting it on? Or are you the shy retiring type that prefers to whisper naughty things?

So are you loud in bed?
very much so

Do the neighbors pound on your mutual walls and scream epithets when you are getting it on?
That has been known to happen ..... alot.

Or are you the shy retiring type that prefers to whisper naughty things?
If it is good I don't have enough breath or composure to say anything other than scream for God. :D
various noises...

but he says a favorite is the little mewling whimpers, and how i seem to have this breathy shudder as i am climaxing.
Mostly I make a terrible racket. We've never had anyone knocking on walls BUT we have had 3 different neighbours on the side of the room where our bed is in the last 2 years.......
is it possible to be a moaner and a screamer :)

PS two girls are louder then one :eek:
ah and that might be the "get back to nature" weekend down at the beach...no neighbors!
I whimper

...ususally, but sometimes i say things that even i can't believe i'm saying! and every now and then i'll let out a low moan
im not actually loud everytime though infact im probably not all that loud most times ... but just every so often a lot of sound seems to come out
I'm loud, unless I am giving commands, then I tend to whisper.
Yeah, I am quiet as a mouse.

Except for when...

and then....

oh and that too...
I'm not loud, at least I don't think I am lol....

My voice gets deeper....;)
Summery said:
Yeah, I am quiet as a mouse.

Except for when...

and then....

oh and that too...

uh huh!

happy couch!
Summery said:
Not as happy as Summery!

April~ why would I be afraid?;)

Hmmmm maybe surprised more than afriad lol....I have a deep voice as it is lol......;)
guilty pleasure said:
I love a loud guy, the gaudier the tie the better.

but do you like to be tied up with loud ties?