
bunny bondage

just cruisin' through
Oct 4, 2002
ok, anybody else ever check out the lit store? because i was just poking around there and i put my little mouse cursor over the "novelties" section. well up pops this great little menu with all kinds of selections and one of them is "gags". well i'm thinking of something usually accompanied by the words "shut up, bitch". so i click on this, and am quickly disillusioned. they mean like "ha-ha" gags. gag GIFTS. there i was, hoping to get ideas for drawings (or at least see a couple of interesting looking gags) and i was totally disappointed. am i the only idiot who's pulled this?
no, our minds think in different ways then the creators of that place.
I have gotten a few things from there, for loyalties sake. But not a super variety.

and that's not a gag... hahaha.. where is my coffee? That was bad.
bunny bondage said:
ok, anybody else ever check out the lit store?

Hi Bunni! I've never been to that store so I can't comment on this topic. But...I did want to request that before you start to hate my guts, could you please send me a fullsize copy of your avatar (assuming you have it)? I have a friend online who collects cool pictures of women with musical instruments and yours is a very cool one that I'd like to pass onto her.

If you aren't going to give it to me, I'd rather you say "no" right upfront, rather than promising it to me and then "erasing your written promise" like an indian giver after you decide you don't like the things that I write.

Odd kind of way of phrasing my request, eh? Let's just say that experience sometimes begets oddness. (amused chuckle)

i'll let you have the picture, IF you don't call me bunni. there's another girl here who goes by that name. please, call me bunny! ^_^ sure, you can have the picture. the full size version can be found at


cut and paste that into your browser
Genuinely sorry about the mis-appellation! What would you prefer to be called? Bunny with a Y or some other name? I will call you anything you want, even 42, although few people like being called that, I've noticed. ;)

I will check the link out now. Thanks very much! When I post the pic in this woman's small club I'm going to tell the story about how I'm soliciting cool images for her in other forums and that this one came from "Bunny." :) My friend is a kinky person, too, btw. She'd fit in well here, but her sweet sub girlfriend wouldn't (too sensitive and open) so I'm not going to tell them about this place.

Ok, got it. You can take the link down if you don't want the whole world seeing it.

The link is called "cute boy" but if that person is a boy then I am a blind old bat!
bunny bondage said:
i'll let you have the picture, IF you don't call me bunni. there's another girl here who goes by that name. please, call me bunny! ^_^ sure, you can have the picture. the full size version can be found at


cut and paste that into your browser

^_^ hello BunnyBuddy *giggles* ok, that was majorly cheesy...but anyway... Is there anything at all interesting at the store?
lol! the person in the pic is me, and no, i'm no boy.

y'know, bunni, i didn't look around much. but if i ever do need anything, this is totally where i'm coming. they seemed to have a wide selection (no gags though)
bunny bondage said:
y'know, bunni, i didn't look around much. but if i ever do need anything, this is totally where i'm coming. they seemed to have a wide selection (no gags though)

*smiles* eh, gags aren't my favorite things...i'll have to check it out when i have time...or rather when i get bored.