Men spanking men


Jul 30, 2022
Hi, I’m a newbi here, living in UK, home of ‘La vice Anglaise’ (I’m not actually English).

I enjoy spanking men, and also (not quite so much) being spanked. It’s highly erotic and sensual. There are men who only want the punishment but for me it’s the psychology, subjection and arousal that’s important, It’s not just about causing or experiencing pain per se, I’m not a sadist. It’s much more about the mutually intense arousal which often ends with great sex. I know it’s a ‘thing’ (for a few thousand years, including Greeks and Spartans). Guys contact me asking to be spanked, whipped, caned etc for sexual pleasure and generally I enjoy giving and receiving it.

I couldn’t find a topic on the forum about this, it seem to fall between BDSM and GLBT. Maybe falling down the gap or old threads I’ve possibly missed?
There are stories (eg ‘gay spanking’ tag) and a long-standing separate story site, which I’ve written a few for (and been spanked by a prolific author!).

So if you have views, experiences or ideas on male-male spanking, please feel free to share.

When I was at school I was always getting into trouble and on many occasions I was sent to either the head or deputy head for a canning. The weird thing for me was I enjoyed having my arse caned. One teacher I annoyed offered me one hundred lines or the cane. I opted for the cane.
One of my greatest fantasies is to have my bare arse spanked by a strong man until I could bear it no longer. Regretably it has never happened, but I live in hope.
I have been a long time devotee of man to man spanking.….both giving and receiving. There’s something very erotic when it’s a man spanking me. I enjoy being naked or just my bottom exposed in front of another man and often find it more of a turn on than when I’m with a woman. As you say, it’s more about the psychological aspect.
Quite agree.

A spanking which is desired by both parties and done well can be a wonderfully stimulating experience for both with great sex following. I’m writing a short story I’ll publish here when it’s finished and even the writing is quite arousing. Possibly why I don’t write more, it takes a while!
I’ll look forward to reading it when you publish it. I have my own series on here that I’m currently writing. Whilst it’s not spanking specific, it does have references in a couple of the chapters and will have more references in future. I fully understand why you find the writing arousing……likewise.
Hi, I’m a newbi here, living in UK, home of ‘La vice Anglaise’ (I’m not actually English).

I enjoy spanking men, and also (not quite so much) being spanked. It’s highly erotic and sensual. There are men who only want the punishment but for me it’s the psychology, subjection and arousal that’s important, It’s not just about causing or experiencing pain per se, I’m not a sadist. It’s much more about the mutually intense arousal which often ends with great sex. I know it’s a ‘thing’ (for a few thousand years, including Greeks and Spartans). Guys contact me asking to be spanked, whipped, caned etc for sexual pleasure and generally I enjoy giving and receiving it.

I couldn’t find a topic on the forum about this, it seem to fall between BDSM and GLBT. Maybe falling down the gap or old threads I’ve possibly missed?
There are stories (eg ‘gay spanking’ tag) and a long-standing separate story site, which I’ve written a few for (and been spanked by a prolific author!).

So if you have views, experiences or ideas on male-male spanking, please feel free to share.

Where in uk are you? Love to chat
I've been thinking about some of the other practices we can use which may cause men (including sissies and CDs) humiliation, mild-moderate pain, submission and possibly arousal, during spanking meets.

I'm not a sadist, I'm a sensualist, my aim is mutual pleasure heightened by the arousal of sensations, both painful and pleasurable. So I don't like terms such as 'cock and ball torture' because torture is, to me, in a very different category to anything I do and it goes on all the time in nasty places, inflicted without consent by nastier people. Maybe we have to find the language for what we do here, as below.

I'm thinking about nipples. I've been trying out ways of increasing sensitivity and decided to get one of mine (initially) pierced this weekend. I've been wearing these little plastic pegs (see pic) to raise my pain threshold in advance and they certainly do that to produce erect and sensitive little fellows. Plastic spring pegs come in a range of sizes and firmness so there's plenty of choice. So I will also be inviting spankees to wear them for a while and see how they get on. A lick and rub afterwards will be their reward! Yes I have heard of nipple clamps.

Now down below...
I find the perineum (the smooth area behind the scrotum to the anus) is sensitive but often neglected. The cock root and prostate are buried underneath with lots of nerves, blood vessels and soft tissue. Its not an area for severe punishment becaue you really don't want to cause bruising (haematomas), cuts or any other damage.

But after a vigorous buttock spanking, a guy may be ready to open his thighs right up and enjoy a light but quite long spanking with a thin paddle, light strap or (my favourite) riding crop very gently applied. This builds up a level of surface redness and warmth underneath. After a few minutes, he'll be relieved when you massage some skin cream in to cool the skin but also to gently knead and stimulate the underlying root tissues and prostate. A bit of cream rubbing to soften the way, then a first finger up his bum is usually welcome too!

Going the other way, I'm very cautious about spanking and pain on the scrotum because pain thresholds and psychological readiness varies a lot. His reaction to a few light strokes of a flogger trailed across the balls will indicate this, and a gentle massage of the testes and deeper into that cock root usually go well.

The cock is next...guys are scared of spanking it because they think it will hurt a lot. But as with all else, its all about trust. Take it easy and gently, they can stop me if they don't like it. The cock is probably semi- or fully hard by now, if not, consider some manual or oral stimulation. Using the chosen spanking implement (see above) to slowly and gently drop soft strokes up the shaft of the penis. The base area where it joins the scrotum is quite tough and can take plenty of attention, softer as we go up. Let him get used to what you're doing and where its going. Check he's ok at every stage.

Towards the tip depends on whether the cock is circumsized or not and whether the shaft and foreskin (if present) is tight or loose. We go carefully, respecting the uniqueness and shared pleasure of the cock with its owner. A few taps on the back of the cock head (where the frenum is or was) will usually be ok, if he likes it, you can do more, a little firmer. If he doesnt, you can stop anytime. But the back (frenum side) of an erect cock, along the base and shaft, can take a surprising amount of firm strokes, even with a riding crop (very carefully). Again, we don't want any bruises, burst blood vessels or skin breaks.

For me, this is where the 'punishment' usually ends (at leas for now) and he will be hugely appreciative of your oral attentions to sooth the affected area and then enjoy each cream is always a good alternative, or apply afterwards to help recovery.

Go carefully and do share your thoughts...

Martsmall nippeg.jpg
I've been thinking about some of the other practices we can use which may cause men (including sissies and CDs) humiliation, mild-moderate pain, submission and possibly arousal, during spanking meets.

I'm not a sadist, I'm a sensualist, my aim is mutual pleasure heightened by the arousal of sensations, both painful and pleasurable. So I don't like terms such as 'cock and ball torture' because torture is, to me, in a very different category to anything I do and it goes on all the time in nasty places, inflicted without consent by nastier people. Maybe we have to find the language for what we do here, as below.

I'm thinking about nipples. I've been trying out ways of increasing sensitivity and decided to get one of mine (initially) pierced this weekend. I've been wearing these little plastic pegs (see pic) to raise my pain threshold in advance and they certainly do that to produce erect and sensitive little fellows. Plastic spring pegs come in a range of sizes and firmness so there's plenty of choice. So I will also be inviting spankees to wear them for a while and see how they get on. A lick and rub afterwards will be their reward! Yes I have heard of nipple clamps.

Now down below...
I find the perineum (the smooth area behind the scrotum to the anus) is sensitive but often neglected. The cock root and prostate are buried underneath with lots of nerves, blood vessels and soft tissue. Its not an area for severe punishment becaue you really don't want to cause bruising (haematomas), cuts or any other damage.

But after a vigorous buttock spanking, a guy may be ready to open his thighs right up and enjoy a light but quite long spanking with a thin paddle, light strap or (my favourite) riding crop very gently applied. This builds up a level of surface redness and warmth underneath. After a few minutes, he'll be relieved when you massage some skin cream in to cool the skin but also to gently knead and stimulate the underlying root tissues and prostate. A bit of cream rubbing to soften the way, then a first finger up his bum is usually welcome too!

Going the other way, I'm very cautious about spanking and pain on the scrotum because pain thresholds and psychological readiness varies a lot. His reaction to a few light strokes of a flogger trailed across the balls will indicate this, and a gentle massage of the testes and deeper into that cock root usually go well.

The cock is next...guys are scared of spanking it because they think it will hurt a lot. But as with all else, its all about trust. Take it easy and gently, they can stop me if they don't like it. The cock is probably semi- or fully hard by now, if not, consider some manual or oral stimulation. Using the chosen spanking implement (see above) to slowly and gently drop soft strokes up the shaft of the penis. The base area where it joins the scrotum is quite tough and can take plenty of attention, softer as we go up. Let him get used to what you're doing and where its going. Check he's ok at every stage.

Towards the tip depends on whether the cock is circumsized or not and whether the shaft and foreskin (if present) is tight or loose. We go carefully, respecting the uniqueness and shared pleasure of the cock with its owner. A few taps on the back of the cock head (where the frenum is or was) will usually be ok, if he likes it, you can do more, a little firmer. If he doesnt, you can stop anytime. But the back (frenum side) of an erect cock, along the base and shaft, can take a surprising amount of firm strokes, even with a riding crop (very carefully). Again, we don't want any bruises, burst blood vessels or skin breaks.

For me, this is where the 'punishment' usually ends (at leas for now) and he will be hugely appreciative of your oral attentions to sooth the affected area and then enjoy each cream is always a good alternative, or apply afterwards to help recovery.

Go carefully and do share your thoughts...

MartView attachment 2169923
This is really hot. I would love to spank or be spanked this way and then be given some of this treatment. Good ideas for both giving and/or receiving.
Hi, I’m a newbi here, living in UK, home of ‘La vice Anglaise’ (I’m not actually English).

I enjoy spanking men, and also (not quite so much) being spanked. It’s highly erotic and sensual. There are men who only want the punishment but for me it’s the psychology, subjection and arousal that’s important, It’s not just about causing or experiencing pain per se, I’m not a sadist. It’s much more about the mutually intense arousal which often ends with great sex. I know it’s a ‘thing’ (for a few thousand years, including Greeks and Spartans). Guys contact me asking to be spanked, whipped, caned etc for sexual pleasure and generally I enjoy giving and receiving it.

I couldn’t find a topic on the forum about this, it seem to fall between BDSM and GLBT. Maybe falling down the gap or old threads I’ve possibly missed?
There are stories (eg ‘gay spanking’ tag) and a long-standing separate story site, which I’ve written a few for (and been spanked by a prolific author!).

So if you have views, experiences or ideas on male-male spanking, please feel free to share.

Wish a man were spanking me hard, make me cry and beg
“Wish a man were spanking me hard, make me cry and beg”

Yes this happens from time to time, it’s good to receive feedback in this way. Some guys get very aroused, in differing ways, from being spanked.

Usually the spankee is happy to submit to being fucked by the spanker, generally after mutual cock pleasuring. But I also find that the spanking and pleasuring can motivate them to take the initiative, and to ‘take’ the spanker. This happened just yesterday with a very appreciative and sensual partner, and was a pleasant surprise!
I thoroghly enjoyed it when my former Master would decide that the spanking wasn't quite enough and beat my cock with a crop or strap. That man really knew how to get the most out of me.