Making Glasses Sexy


Yes Daddy
May 23, 2018
I know lots of guys find glasses sexy. I wear glasses, but sometimes feel like they kill the vibe of my style when I’m trying to dress a bit more scandalous. My current glasses are very neutral, and they blend into my look well on a day to day basis. When I’m getting dressed up I’d like something more edgy. Anyone care to show some examples of a more sexy look? Or have suggestions on how to spice up a glasses look?

Thanks in advance!
I think that some of the on-line glasses supplies have places to try on a variety of eyeglass styles virtually, so you can experiment with a wide variety of styles, sizes, and colors. But without knowing what your face and head size looks like, I can't make any specific recommendations, because so much is dependent on your particular facial geometry and coloring.
I don't wear glasses so I'm not familiar with various terms and names of different styles. However, I find the "cat's eyes" shape quite sexy on women or at least the ones that are flat across the top and more curved or rounded for the lower. Also rims that have some color to them, whether solid or faded, sprinkled in, whatever.

My wife wears glasses sometimes and has a few pair with colors that she can match with her outfit, i.e., bracelets, earrings, necklace, etc. For example, we had a social function over the holidays and she wore a sexy black cocktail dress with a turquoise cross necklace that hung just above her cleavage, turquoise colored earrings and her glasses were black with hints of the same turquoise color as her other accessories. She looked amazing.

Definitely NOT a fan of the large thicker framed what I would call Elton John type glasses, however. Just prefer the smaller sleeker look on a woman.

Hope this rudimentary attempt is of some help! ;)
Glasses are accessories when you're thinking sexy. One thing to think about is the shape of your face, because they can influence which frames look "right" on you. Others factors are your personal style like hair and clothing. Glasses can even be color coordinated with these things.

Yes, women in glasses are sexy!😍

Smart, confident women who are comfortable with themselves are fabulous!

Keep enjoying yourself and finding new ways to smile! (It makes people wonder what you are thinking, sometimes it’s true!)
I know lots of guys find glasses sexy. I wear glasses, but sometimes feel like they kill the vibe of my style when I’m trying to dress a bit more scandalous. My current glasses are very neutral, and they blend into my look well on a day to day basis. When I’m getting dressed up I’d like something more edgy. Anyone care to show some examples of a more sexy look? Or have suggestions on how to spice up a glasses look?

Thanks in advance!
Glasses are gorgeous - those who take the less-travelled path often revel in the subtlety of a face with glasses. Fear not!
Get glasses that are tinted. One of my male main characters literally wears rose-colored glasses. His wife finds them incredibly cute.
Let’s all get our priorities straight. Women are sexy; spectacles are like earrings or pantyhose - who sees them in the dark?

The question is, who's in the dark with their women? I dont think we've ever made love in the dark! Not allowed here! We like to see each other!
The question is, who's in the dark with their women? I dont think we've ever made love in the dark! Not allowed here! We like to see each other!
We have on occasion both worn blindfolds just for fun, but ya, usually some light is in order, if for no other reason then it helps me no grab, pinch, poke the wrong place. I once in I for a kiss when it was pitch black and ended up kissing her open eyeball 🤣🤣🤣
Women in glasses are incredibly sexy.

Was in Wisconsin this week, and I started talking to a really, pretty lady. But when she put on her reading glasses, I got an immediate erection.

It’s a sexy look no matter how you slice it, imo.
Glasses are hot AF!

For me I go for round black framed glasses, but I went to an online site and bought 4 sets in varying styles and colours (thanks to ADHD I constantly lose them) but also gives me some variety if I want to switch things up