looking to chat

ooo...another first date! lol. Hey Porky - Welcome! I've seen you post elsewhere on the forum, glad to see you here.

Thank you for saying: "You're under no obligation to respond to a PM." I try to be respectful and thus would prefer to send a reply each time, but I suppose if they don't respect what I've mentioned in my forum, then I don't owe them anything, not even a courtesy reply.

I respect the "dont kiss and tell" policy. You've answered the above questions sufficiently though - enough for a public forum. I'd be interested to hear anything else that you might like to expand further on though, feel free to PM.

Talking before meeting? Absolutely! Definitely would have to talk and even cam, before such a meeting.

SE Asia - if you hit the tourist spots, there will be places where it will be stuffed with tourists. If you're ever headed this way, let me know!

My favorite color? hmmm....right now, I'd say "multi-color", abstract splashes of color.
Welcome and Thanks for posting, Viper!

It's really great when you find someone you can confide in. I hope your meet-up with this person goes well! Keep us updated! :)
Hi Asian - a wonderful weekend here - nice and lazy, which I needed.

I've never attended a lit gathering, though I would be willing to go. I have attended other gatherings from other sites I've been a member of - some sexually oriented, some not.

How is your weekend? Did you do anything exciting?

Hey Paul! You've been missing for a while now!

Would you care to tell us about the gatherings that you have attended? How did it go? Did the people you meet turn out to be as you expected?

Nope, I did not do anything exciting this weekend. I did get to talk a short while with my online-friend whom I've known for more than 6 years now, so that was cool.
I have never been anywhere in Asia, but the one thing I am jealous of that we simply do not have anywhere around here, is the night food markets. Forget clubbing, I think I could spend all night wandering a night market and having to try a little of everything!

Here, if you are lucky, there might be one person selling hot dogs out of a cart on a street corner. I've heard so much about night markets from friends that have been to Singapore, Thailand, China, Vietnam & Cambodia...it seems almost universal in SEA! I'm jealous!
Porky...LOL, now I understand why "he" seemed so excited when we visited a night food market in a country we traveled to.

There are some really big and busy night markets in some countries here, those are popular tourist spots too where you can possibly find anything and everything here, not just food. You boys need to learn how to bargain though (for the non-food items)! lol
Hey Paul! You've been missing for a while now!

Would you care to tell us about the gatherings that you have attended? How did it go? Did the people you meet turn out to be as you expected?

Nope, I did not do anything exciting this weekend. I did get to talk a short while with my online-friend whom I've known for more than 6 years now, so that was cool.

That is cool. I'm glad you got a chance to talk to your friend. That's always pretty exciting.

The gatherings went pretty much about as I expected. I was fine but about half the people are exactly like you expect them to be and the other half are different. Of those that are different you can split them in half again. Half of them are cooler than expected and half of them are idiots. People often have great traits that don't come across online. Just as often they have bad traits that you never see online.

Are used to belong to an online group, fan group, that was focused around the old erotic journal Yellow Silk. It was regional here in California so we were able to get together two or three times a year. Those were always a lot of fun and I made a couple of good friends that I've kept long since the group itself broke up.

Then for a couple of years I dated a woman who was pretty heavily involved in fetlife. I went to a couple of gatherings with her. Those were a little more iffy as there were some strange characters but again I met a lot of great people.
Wow Paul, you've certainly had an interesting life! Thanks for sharing.

I once chatted with a guy who was into such lifestyle, I can only wonder...I think it takes a certain breed of person to be in that lifestyle. I'd be curious but I doubt it's for me ultimately.
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I'd agree with you. I think it takes a certain type of person and a certain type of world view. It was an interesting journey getting there, full of curves and dead ends, but I have enjoyed the journey so far. I think a good percentage of people might like the idea, but never make the decision to act on it. I know that some people try it and then eventually leave because it doesn't work. It's certainly not the end all cure to wide variety of relationship challenges that exist out there.
@asian: because Bali is a warm place with fabulous scenarios. And I come from a European country - winter is almost here. I see it as a compensatory space
@asian: because Bali is a warm place with fabulous scenarios. And I come from a European country - winter is almost here. I see it as a compensatory space

:) I understand. I'd like to experience winter, but I'm afraid I might freeze lol.

Any plans to visit Bali soon?
not in the next 6 months. Well, winter is great when its snowy and not that cold. But currently its about 3-4, windy and raining. Sucks :(. But I look at pics of Bali and do some sort of daydreaming. Like I said before, a compensatory space.
I've met up with one lovely litster for lunch, when I was travelling to her city. We had a lovely meal and conversation, making each other laugh - barely even mentioning Lit. That was years ago, and she dropped off Lit as far as I can tell.

No more, even though I do travel a lot - and I'm spending a lot of time in SE Asia at the moment, Jakarta, Singapore mainly, for work trips. Often there isn't much lead-time when I know where I'll be trtavelling to with enough time to find a litster in the same area and set up a date with! Its fairly easy to find people and profiles across the USA, and even Australia - but very few in other Asian countries.
Robed - There are a few profiles from India and had chatted with one who claimed to be from Singapore (he skipped away when he thought I was a guy just because I couldn't voice/talk at that moment).
Originally Posted by AmellieAdams
I read your posts. Y0u interested me. We will get acquainted? P.S. My photo/videos you will find in my bio ;-)


I've received the above exact same message with same typo a few times already (from different usernames); this spammer is also on other sites too with the exact same message.

I do not even bother to look at their profile or pics, so maybe there's a chargeable link there...I wouldn't know.

Besides that, could anyone tell me what spammers gain out of sending such messages?
The conversion rate on it is low, but it costs next to nothing to spam, so it's worth it. If 1 in a 100 converts to a paying customer, they make their tidy little profit. Sometimes it's simply the click through advertising at a penny or so a view. Sometimes it's the limited purchase of a session. Top of the line is a subscription with recurring fees.
Hello I'm looking to chat with people on here. I'm new to this Forum so I'm sure people will want to see what kind of person I am by my posts which can be understanding. To say a little bit about me I want a person to respect me like a person.

I've met a lot of assholes in my life and I don't have time for that anymore. I'll be completely open and honest with you. Be patient with me and understanding. If you feel as if I'm not the person you want to chat with, I'll completely understand. I'm a very friendly person and love talking about anything. Love being able to go from one topic to the next and one thing about me is that I love learning. Not just sex here okay, lol!! One thing that bores me the most is small talks. Underneath I am a compassionate person at heart and want nothing but the best for people. Not really sure what to expect out of this to be honest. Just thought hey why not and give it a shot and see what comes out of this. Whatever happens, happens. :)
1. Have you ever met a lit-ster? If you did, how did it go?

Twice. The first time was with a couple from the US who had approached me asking for travel information. They were very pleasant personalities, and we had a nice time together those two days they eventually stayed in Athens. The second time was with a woman who arrived without notice and demanded that we meet; it was a mistake even that I didn't refuse.

2. Guys, if you send a PM to a woman, are you really expecting a reply or is it "no biggie" if she doesnt send you a reply? How do you feel?

If you mean PM's trying to commence some kind of flirty communication, I haven't sent more than a dozen. All of them (but one) had been to women with well-written and interesting personal ads, who were obviously seeking more than instant cybersex, and I was sure they 'd reply. Most of them did. About those who didn't... no biggie.

3. This probably happens with both sexes, but since I generally chat with guys, my question would be: why do guys lie when they chat online?

I don't lie, so I cannot answer...

4. How has your experience on lit been? if you have any particular experience you'd like to share, please do so.

A nice site to spend some time and communicate with interesting people.

5. Since I'm from South East Asia, have you been to this region? Yes? Please share where you've been and what you liked/disliked about it. No? Well, if you could, where would you go? Why that destination?

No, I haven't.

6. whats your best experience from lit? this could be anything from a story (tell us which one); a litster; a voice; a picture; something new you learnt about yourself; .... etc etc.

Hmmm... Should I pick just one? Some amateur models such as ran57 and smileycouple in the past, or the evergreen Vanessa. And some great women I 've interacted with.
Robed - There are a few profiles from India and had chatted with one who claimed to be from Singapore (he skipped away when he thought I was a guy just because I couldn't voice/talk at that moment).

what would be the point to lie about the location?