looking to chat

How do you like Lit's web chat?
Do you use the lit web chat often ?? Do you think there is a big cross over between the forum users and the web chat users ??

I find that there are a lot of web chat users without profiles, quite different to the forum users in that respect.
Late Responding

Hi there

I am new to Lit so I haven't met anyone other than trading messages on the forum so far. I have been to Asia visiting Tokyo and Singapore and I hope to travel some more there in the near future.

Nice to meet you and please drop me a line!

Do you use the lit web chat often ?? Do you think there is a big cross over between the forum users and the web chat users ??

I find that there are a lot of web chat users without profiles, quite different to the forum users in that respect.

Hey there. Welcome!

Nope, I haven't used lit web chat much. Back in the days, both the participants and the rooms had seemed more friendly. It was easier to find compatible people to chat with.

My PI did report that most of those in the chat rooms seemed inactive, but I suppose this happens in most chat rooms, even on other sites. There are more lurkers than chatters.

Profiles - to be fair, many forum users' profiles are also essentially empty or it doesn't exactly tell you much. For example: on one profile, basically the only info is that he's a sorcerer with a good set of teeth. :p
Profiles - to be fair, many forum users' profiles are also essentially empty or it doesn't exactly tell you much. For example: on one profile, basically the only info is that he's a sorcerer with a good set of teeth. :p

Ha! It's a good start though, isn't it? ;) ... if I put it all there people wouldn't be interested in know more of the story, methinks

Here are my answers:

1.No, but I would be interested in.
2.Not applicable yet.
3.Yes I would
4.Well, I do expect a reply since I write politely, nicely and not in an aggressive way. Either way, even a short message would do. Matter of communication. Well, in the beginning, I would be a bit disappointed, but there are many crooks around there and I assume that once you get tons of messages, cannot answer each.
5.This is a bit sexiest in my opinion. The likelihood of lying online is much higher due to anonymity.
6.Talking from other people around the world, understand things, make me ask questions, etc. a lot.
7.No, I haven't. The most farther I was = Middle East.
8.Not applicable.
9.Bali, deserted islands, etc.
10.Voice chat for hours, never turned sexual. So it was really great.
11.M, 35, from Europe, looking to meet nice decent, honest people.
Hi asian2015

I was wandering through the Playground and eventually dropped into your thread here.. To get the ball rolling my responses to your initial questions.

[QUOTE1. Have you ever met a lit-ster? Yes, a few.
If you did, how did it go? Very well, good conversation, good company
If you havent, would you?
2. Guys, if you send a PM to a woman, are you really expecting a reply or is it "no biggie" if she doesnt send you a reply? I would normally expect a response, so I make sure I word the PM appropriately. How do you feel? I feel healthy! lol, I tend not to send random PM's so in general I always get a response.
3. This probably happens with both sexes, but since I generally chat with guys, my question would be: why do guys lie when they chat online? No idea, no point in lying in my view.
4. How has your experience on lit been? I have been here a while and enjoy the forum. I do have times where I am not as active. It is a great place to chat and interact with like minded people. if you have any particular experience you'd like to share, please do so.
5. Since I'm from South East Asia, have you been to this region? Yes, I travel there on a regular basis.
Yes? Please share where you've been and what you liked/disliked about it. All over, mainly for work. I enjoy the people, the culture and the experiences.
No? Well, if you could, where would you go? Why that destination?
6. whats your best experience from lit? Meeting in rl some listers and enjoying the time together. this could be anything from a story (tell us which one); a litster; a voice; a picture; something new you learnt about yourself; .... etc etc.
7. tell me about yourself and what you'd like to chat about. I come from NZ and have a wide eclectic interests and like to talk across all sorts of topics. I keep an interest in what is happening in the world and naturally time here at lit means I have some special interests.

Not forgetting: do you have any thoughts/questions to ask and share?][/QUOTE]

You have recently joined Lit, what was the motivation to search for sites such as this and what draws you into Lit?

Do you travel through SE Asia or are you more permanent in one country?

rycinkpen and Dreamliner - Welcome!

rycinkpen - Why is it sexist? If you notice, I did state a disclaimer from the on-set. As explained, I pose the question only from my view-point.

Dreamliner - In one of my earlier posts, I've already shared about my experience here on lit. Not exactly new to lit, but pretty new to the forums.

Yes to both - I live in SE Asia :) and I've traveled some, but still many more countries to visit within the region.
Hi ! Oops, sorry, I didn't get that part. But I see you are correct.

Thing is, in my opinion, it would be mathematically biased to say that X-gender is that , in contrast with Y- gender. Thing is the internet , in general, and websites offer a lot of anonymity. Unfortunately, some people take it as a "safe-haven" to perform various types of activities (even criminal). In short, many people confuse the internet and forums (no matter the orientation of it) with a compensatory space for real-life problem (a classical thing being Second Life game).

My experiences are mixed and I do believe that the amount of fake people is evenly distributed (gender-wise). But again, this is my own personal experience.

Of course, this leads to turning oneself into a "nasty" person, which is an aphorism for "sick and tired" of games. But I do respect you because you answered the PM fast and I also publicly acknowledged it.
rycinkpen - glad to see you posting.

I'm confused though. How is it mathematically biased if it's evenly distributed?

Also, my English must not be very strong, so I'd like to clarify: Since your post is directed to me, are you saying I'm a nasty person?
Hi there,

Thanks for answering me. English is not my native language either.

In short:

1. Absolutely NOT. You are very far away from being a nasty person. Someone that is answering genuinely the PMs and engages the chat is extremely far from being nasty.

2. I wanted to say that "since, in my opinion, the distribution is even, it is my opinion that saying "X-gender is more prone to being worse" is biased. But this is just my opinion.

I appreciate much that you are answering the forum and keep it alive ;) It's great.

I am asking myself how soon will I get to SE Asia....since it's that far away, probably not in the near future but Bali is very appealing ;)
Hi there,

2. I wanted to say that "since, in my opinion, the distribution is even, it is my opinion that saying "X-gender is more prone to being worse" is biased. But this is just my opinion.

I am asking myself how soon will I get to SE Asia....since it's that far away, probably not in the near future but Bali is very appealing ;)

Nowhere did I say that one gender is more prone to being worse.

Why does Bali appeal to you so much?
How is everyone this weekend?

Who has attended a lit gathering?

Let's chat here.
1. Have you ever met a lit-ster?
If you did, how did it go?

I've met several, guys and girls.
Mostly gone well, only one really bad mistake.

2. Guys, if you send a PM to a woman, are you really expecting a reply or is it "no biggie" if she doesnt send you a reply? How do you feel?

No biggie. You're under no obligation to respond to a PM. After the 2nd unanswered PM they should get the hint. Or are really REALLY horny. :D

3. This probably happens with both sexes, but since I generally chat with guys, my question would be: why do guys lie when they chat online?

It happens with both sexes. It's online, and people like to use Lit for fantasy time. The real world sucks for a lot of people! :D

4. How has your experience on lit been? if you have any particular experience you'd like to share, please do so.

I don't kiss & tell.
I do insist on talking to somebody I'm thinking of meeting, or even like spending time with just talking.
My funnest date was taking a married Litster on a date, just to flirt and laugh together. We didn't fool around, it was fun just to flirt with somebody, and the food was excellent!

5. Since I'm from South East Asia, have you been to this region?
Yes? Please share where you've been and what you liked/disliked about it.
No? Well, if you could, where would you go? Why that destination?

I have not. I'm curious about visiting Indonesia & Singapore, it just seems like so much to do there in such a small area, without being STUFFED with tourists. I don't like being a tourist, I like travelling and seeing what life is actually like at the places I visit.

Maybe visit Sri Lanka too. Apparently Sri Lanka has the highest concentrations of Blue Whales in the world, and I would like to see a Blue Whale in the flesh.

6. whats your best experience from lit? this could be anything from a story (tell us which one); a litster; a voice; a picture; something new you learnt about yourself; .... etc etc.

I'm not telling you that on a first date! :D

7. tell me about yourself and what you'd like to chat about.

What is your favourite colour?
Mine is Corso Rosso, Italian RED!

i'm bored and would like to chat with someone who's interested in more than sexual chat. (Yes, I know this is literotica) :)

Sex is fleeting, making somebody laugh is priceless!
1. Have you ever met a lit-ster? No, but I would, possibly will next year purely as friends
If you did, how did it go?
If you havent, would you?

2. Guys, if you send a PM to a woman, are you really expecting a reply or is it "no biggie" if she doesnt send you a reply? How do you feel? - - i try to be selective so don't bombard people however, when I do I don't get that bothered by a non reply.

3. This probably happens with both sexes, but since I generally chat with guys, my question would be: why do guys lie when they chat online? - - probably because they think it's easier to get away with lieing on a forum

4. How has your experience on lit been? if you have any particular experience you'd like to share, please do so. I've enjoyed it and messaged a few interesting people who have been able to help me with advice and helped me enjoy my fantasies etc, the person i said i would meet become someone I trusted and valued their opinion when I was going through a difficult time in my marriage (now divorced)

5. Since I'm from South East Asia, have you been to this region?
Yes? Please share where you've been and what you liked/disliked about it.
No? Well, if you could, where would you go? Why that destination? No I haven't, but probably Bangladesh as my dad is from there. He's never been part of my life though.

6. whats your best experience from lit? this could be anything from a story (tell us which one); a litster; a voice; a picture; something new you learnt about yourself; .... etc etc. Interacting with the person I may meet I consider them a valued friend.

7. tell me about yourself and what you'd like to chat about. I'm a 35 year old male from the UK. I've been divorced almost a year after a 10 year marriage I have a 8 year old son who's my world. I have some odd kinks and enjoy learning about new things

Not forgetting: do you have any thoughts/questions to ask and share?

Feel free to join in! :)

The original post:

i'm bored and would like to chat with someone who's interested in more than sexual chat. (Yes, I know this is literotica) :)

Allow me to clarify: no, we WONT be chatting or role-playing about your fantasies - at least, not on the first chat and not if I dont know you. Thank you for understanding![/QUOTE]
How is everyone this weekend?

Who has attended a lit gathering?

Let's chat here.

Hi Asian - a wonderful weekend here - nice and lazy, which I needed.

I've never attended a lit gathering, though I would be willing to go. I have attended other gatherings from other sites I've been a member of - some sexually oriented, some not.

How is your weekend? Did you do anything exciting?