Looking for a male writer to collaborate on short stories


May 20, 2019

I'm looking for a creative male writer to collaborate on short stories. I'd prefer someone located in Asia/Australasia as I find time zones really messes up communicating in a timely manner.

I'm open to many genres, other than horror and in terms of sexual content, I tend to sway towards romance/vanilla scenarios, rather than anything taboo (so no underage, rape, incest, etc). Happy to discuss all this privately.

I don't mind if you're new to writing as I've only written 12 stories myself. I'm happy to share those with you and I'd like to read your work, to see if we have writing styles that would flow together.

I started writing stories with two male friends, but they lost their creative mojo while I was still excited to continue. That has left me with 3 pieces of unfinished work, which is beyond frustrating!

This is a hobby for me, something that I love doing and I don't intend to publish the stories unless we both feel it's worth sharing on Lit.

If you don't have the time to write regularly, then please do not get in touch as I do like to keep the story flowing. Totally respect that real life sometimes takes over and we can't write daily, but if you're not going to write for weeks at a time, then I don't think you're the person I'm looking for.

If this sounds interesting, please send me a PM and tell me about yourself and what stories you have written.

Thank you for reading and hope to hear from some new writers on my side of the world!

I'm in Australia and also mostly write romances. Feel free to have a look at my stories (the best are linked on my sig-line) and let me know if you smell a match.
I'm in Australia and also mostly write romances. Feel free to have a look at my stories (the best are linked on my sig-line) and let me know if you smell a match.

Thank you for reaching out! I'll have a read through some of your stories and let you know. I love romances :)