Is male on male with a female still qualify for gay male category?

Jul 11, 2022
Hi everyone,

I'm a fairly new author around here and I'm still learning my way around. If I have a story about a male in a relationship with a female wanting to explore his male on male sexuality, but there's def a female involved sexually also. Does that still qualify for Gay Male category? Am I way over thinking this? I don't want to put it in that category only for people to be peeved there's a female at all.
MMF bisexual is the type of story that gets the most heat. I would love to put in casual MM relations in a story, but that seems to really offend a lot of people for some reason. FF is fine; people love it, even expect it, but from what I've seen, MM needs a disclaimer at the top.

Here's a guide on categories that a kind author, Tx Tall Tales, made:

Here's what he has to say about it:

Bisexual males have a hard time on Literotica. You would think they'd be more prevalent, since the scenario is so popular with female readers. Bisexual males end up in the Gay Male category for the most part. They can often survive in the Group Sex and Romance categories, as long as it's not the central theme.
Ah!! Thank you so much for the feedback! I didn't think about it the other way around where no one wants male-love in other categories. Thank you, this helps me feel better about my choice.
Holding the top two production slots for GM here, I'll report I put everything that has MM action in it, including MMF and MFM, in the GM category--and I don't remember the last time I've gotten any negative comment for doing so.
Ah!! Thank you so much for the feedback! I didn't think about it the other way around where no one wants male-love in other categories. Thank you, this helps me feel better about my choice.

I wouldn't say no one wants it. I personally love a bit of it in a story. You just need some thick skin for the people who really don't want it. Some readers love to power through a disclaimer and read a story they hate. It's bizarre.
I think it depends on the story.
I wrote a story about a young married couple who experiments by bringing in another male.
I placed it in EC, and it did OK... The extra male was added to the relationship as experimentation only. The married couple were the focus...
If on the other hand. The males were the centre of the story and the female as an added extra. Then GM might be the better option.
Male bi sex stories are so hard to categorise...
If you have a thick skin, then put it where ever the hell you feel comfortable and accept the slings and arrows.

If I ever decide to write in detail about my recurring male lead's experimenting with other guys (it's gone no further than kissing, see A Personal Request for summary of his feelings about it), the story will be in Gay Male. He'll discover a friend is bi and witness that friend with another man, kiss them both just to see if he's into it and find out he isn't, then decline another man's advances based on that. He'll meet several gay and bi men in the story, subtle and flamboyant, and accept that they're just people, not something to be bothered by. Well, he'll eventually work up to that. Doug, like me, enjoys watching and reading about women having sex with other women and men, but he's not really into guy on guy. Just personal preference. I accept other people have different tastes.
Ah!! Thank you so much for the feedback! I didn't think about it the other way around where no one wants male-love in other categories. Thank you, this helps me feel better about my choice.
What I've found, from a couple of chapters within longer pieces that are otherwise mf, that folk will generally tolerate a bit of gay male action within the overall story context, provided you don't go on too much.

In some categories, the reaction ranges from, "Oh no, I didn't like that, I wish you hadn't. But the rest of the story was okay," through to that chapter having a noticeably higher View count compared to those around it, and often a kick-up in score. I attribute that to folk reading it twice, despite their protests, which always amuses me.

There is a fairly strong undercurrent of homophobia on Lit, I reckon, but we often see threads here where people protest vociferously, "Oh no, I'm not gay," which I often think is protesting too loudly, or "pointing over there" as a distraction.
I think its fine in other categories provided there is no direct sexual activity between the two men. For example, I've got one story in Fetish where two loser metal-heads have a threesome with a trashy, loud-mouthed nympho girl, but while these two idiots did fuck up (the guy screwing her up the ass broke the condom and ejaculated up her rectum causing her to get really angry) they didn't have any homosexual activity.

I've also got plans for a story where the father and son/brother tag team the daughter/sister in a threesome, but all attention is on the girl and there's no male/male action.

If you stay clear of any acts that could be interpreted as homosexual, you should be fine. Except maybe for LW, where anything even remotely like this will attract comments like, 'Get this fucking faggot shit off the internet!'
I recently published a story in I/T that has some MMF scenes with son and dad doing the mother together. There were some grumpy comments about it, but not many, and it’s doing very well regardless in terms of views and favs.

Like in @RetroFan case, though, there are no actual male/male elements, just spitroasting and DP’ing the same woman. I’m pretty sure it’d be different if there was some true MM action in there.
I really can't answer the OP's question without a diagram showing the relative positions of the three of them
If there's some fetish elements, e.g. 'forced' bi, Fetish can work.

But in general the GM category doesn't object to a woman around (not that they vote or comment much, either, so they may be silently ignoring stories after clicking).

Or you can go with Group, knowing the score will be somewhat lower, there may be a homophobic comment, but more people may actually read the story.
GM is the safest place to put it. Personally, I prefer to post in other categories like group sex, fetish, novels/novellas or incest/taboo. Sometimes I offer a content warning. Most of the time, that content warning is right in the title or the description as a "feature" of the story, not as a trigger warning. Truth is, there are a lot of people who enjoy bisexual males as much as they do every other kind of combination.
I really like to read a story of a MMF with male to male sex in it! This is one of my biggest fantasies
M/M sex trumps everything and will go in Gay Male category.

But that's because we don't have the Bi category everyone has been suggesting for years. But don't worry, new upgrades no one wants are on the way.
I write scenarios all the time where two or more men interact sexually, but I (as far as I can remember) I don't submit it to GM unless it's only men. Gay men deserve porn that's tailored to their interests just like anyone else, and mixed gender group sex doesn't qualify.

What this question is really about is, how much should we protect straight man for having to read something with a little bit of gay stuff in it? And the answer is, we shouldn't.

In fact, we should sneak little bits of it in as often as possible and build up their tolerance until they're roller skating around in crop tops and short shorts. Y'know, microdose them into gayness.
Yeah, no. The "secret gay agenda" should remain an irrational fear of the few remaining people who are still prejudiced against gays and lesbians. Don't validate their claims by making it a reality.
Yeah, no. The "secret gay agenda" should remain an irrational fear of the few remaining people who are still prejudiced against gays and lesbians. Don't validate their claims by making it a reality.
There is nothing secret about my gay agenda.

Hear that, straights? I'm coming for you. When you least expect it, my fiction will turn you gay.
I guess the question is how the female character is involved. Assuming it’s just one, if she’s watching her male partner with other men, it’s strictly Gay Male. And if you can’t use that as a springboard for a hot GM story, you’re not even trying.
Most stories I read…there is a “warning” if you will of what’s to come…personally if it’s not something I’m in to I just move on…no commenting ,no reporting, no being a “Karen”…like the old saying…if you don’t have anything nice to say then just STFU 😂..that’s my opinion
I am surprised at the lack of MMF stories, as women tend to love male/male action, especially if it is a straight man getting taken. Back in the day, I was initially surprised at how many wives wanted to see their husband on his knees, sucking cock, not in a humiliating way, just hot for her.
It brings back good memories, and I look for those stories, but find very few, even in the tags/search function
I am surprised at the lack of MMF stories,
Not much surprising when you look at how the site is constructed. Nearly thirty categories, each with the possibility of a cash award, for straight, one for lesbian, one and a half for GM (trans/crossdressing could be/need not be gay), and none for bi. The site is gay tolerant, but it's straight oriented/emphasizing. It should be no surprise that MMF stories are not presented here to be easily found for readers looking for them here.