Literotica: the very best of


Apr 15, 2002
Need to start by saying I don't do ads!

I bought the above book from amazon for my fiance as a stocking filler for Christmas.......

It must be good as I haven't been able to get my hands on it as yet, Akasha felt the first story was a "bit wierd", but since then I have heard no complaints :) :)

Not sure if this is Laurel's work or not, it's credited to "Lori Selke".

Regardless, to whomever it should go, a thankyou and a congratulations on the results of your endeavour!

HI, this is J_CARVILLE here and I want to recommend my very special friend ClosetDesire’s book, Closet Desire, which has been published and is available in the US and the UK on, and others. Closet Desire II, featuring stories by us and other Literotica members now out. Closet Desire III should be out in September 2001.

Don’t forget for sex toys, J_CARVILLE recommends you shop first!
Kathy Acker
Laura Hamilton
Jane Rule
Dion Farquhar
Paul Mayersberg
Alice Joanou
J.P Kansas
M Christian
Vicki Hendricks
Marco Vassi
David Guy
Alice Blue

I'm just fishing...
HI, this is J_CARVILLE here and I want to recommend my very special friend ClosetDesire’s book, Closet Desire, which has been published and is available in the US and the UK on, and others. Closet Desire II, featuring stories by us and other Literotica members now out. Closet Desire III should be out in September 2001.

Don’t forget for sex toys, J_CARVILLE recommends you shop first!

Hey CARVILLE get back to one of your other personas where you belong...

[color=sky blue]brrr...he gives me the creeps, he really does...[/color]


p_p_man said:
Hey CARVILLE get back to one of your other personas where you belong...

[color=sky blue]brrr...he gives me the creeps, he really does...[/color]


Did I get fire and ice right? You advertized a lot.
p_p_man said:
Hey CARVILLE get back to one of your other personas where you belong...

[color=sky blue]brrr...he gives me the creeps, he really does...[/color]



Yeah but how many guys could look good in a cheap suit tennis shoes and no hair standing next to Mary Madalin.
Answer....every man. She is beautiful!
For the ladies-

:p :p :p
:eek: :eek: :eek:

Lickin your lips, pinching your nips, hearing you sigh your breathless quips-
ozraven said:
Not sure if this is Laurel's work or not, it's credited to "Lori Selke".

Regardless, to whomever it should go, a thankyou and a congratulations on the results of your endeavour!

Lori Selke is the editor who chose the stories and did the "grunt work" of getting the anthology published. However, the stories are chosen from those submitted to Literotica, and all but one of them are still availble here -- including Two Bags For the Bride, my contribution.

So, for myself, and the other literotica authors chosen to contribute: Thanks.
Re: Re: Literotica: the very best of

Weird Harold said:
Lori Selke is the editor who chose the stories and did the "grunt work" of getting the anthology published. However, the stories are chosen from those submitted to Literotica, and all but one of them are still availble here -- including Two Bags For the Bride, my contribution.

So, for myself, and the other literotica authors chosen to contribute: Thanks.

And an excellent contribution it is, having just skipped through to read it so I could answer this post knowledgeably!

Personally though, I would have chosen the cute one, I guess I am just too shallow :)