Lit Exodus?



I've just become aware that some of the old timers are leaving Lit to join other exclusive discussion forums such as (according to Lancelot, the site goes down often like a $5,000 a night escort) or Why do people move their stuff to other sites? Us newbies bothers you so much? I'm kinda like feeling left out and hurt and stuff. Would you like me to leave you alone? I'm decent enough to do that, you know.
fuck off, cv. we don't want your passive aggressive crap. go back to school and learn how to spell.
by the way, it's way past your bed time, son.
listen to chilled vodka 2 cv, dood. u fukked up phagggot! go fukk u r slef and keep likkking a$$. we don't like u.
Hahahahahahahah Naseem is right, fukkerzz. cv needs medication bad!!! lol a$$hole deficiency syndrom is hard to cure, dood. go fukk u r self, b!tch

Yea, Unregi, I'm so hurt by your words. LOL

Seriously, folks. Do you know anything about the Lit exodus? Don't you find it kind of elitism?

What do you know about it?
Indigo.Rose said:
im lost, why are there two chilled vodka's?

I dunno. Some guy ordered em and left. They've been sitting on the table all night.

I'm not gonna pay for em.
Indigo, you look off colour, man. You feeling alright?

Oh, good luck with Freya's panties, el presidente.
ChilledVodka sad loser,

dont you eva get off the fukking net??!!

What a fukking loser!!! I am about to go out and play football with a few buddies of mine - you should get out too.

later blackjack