Life Changing Gift (Closed)

Ethan was of course aware of Kimberly as she got up and left the room. He actually felt the slightest bit guilty that they couldn't include her in this. As Jasmine spoke though, a small smile came to his face as he pushed the other girl to the back of his mind once more.

The light kisses and brief flicks of her tongue had Ethan actually wondering if Jasmine wanted, or even expected more from him. "You are welcome Ma'am, and always will be." Ethan smiled down at the beautiful woman he'd just taken so. Despite the furious and almost violent experience the pair had just been through, they were still together. Every night with Jasmine so far had been special, and Ethan hoped that that never changed.

As Jasmine let her legs slip down the sides of his legs, Ethan lowered himself to press another soft kiss to her lips. His hips moved slowly backwards and then forwards, first once, and then again, almost asking with his motions if she wanted him again.
Jasmine savored the kiss Ethan gave him and even the slow movements he made inside of her. She moaned softly as her fingers pressed slightly into his back while her body tightened around him. Ethan always knew how to get her going again even if it wasn't what was on her mind. She whispered to him, "You better stop or we won't be eating breakfast, though I really would love to stay right here all day."

Jasmine's mind was far from Kimberly by this point, centered solely on the man rising above her, the feel of his body along hers and his lips as they kissed her. Her fingers loosened on his back before beginning to stroke over him once again. Her eyes roamed over his face, taking in the sight of him like she had to burn it into memory.

Slowly it occurred to her that Kimberly was there somewhere. Her eyes shifted to find the couch empty, looking back to him she smiled softly and kissed his chin, "We better go eat before it gets too cold. Besides you need your strength my dear, I have plans for you today." Her grin widened as he looked curiously at her.
Jasmine's words and reactions brought a smile to Ethan's lips, even if he did know what they meant. He shared the same feelings to be sure, but she was right of course. He hadn't gone to the work of preparing them breakfast just to see it go to waste.

With deliberate and slow motions, Ethan lifted himself free from Jasmine. Her words brought a look of true curiosity to his face as he reached down to help the lovely woman to her feet.

"I am already looking forward to your plans my dear." Ethan said once more, moving to Jasmine's side, letting a hand rest on the small of her back as he guided her towards the dining room where their meal and guest awaited them.
As Ethan pulled from her Jasmine couldn't help the whimper that followed. She loved feeling him deep inside of her even as he grew soft. But again they needed to eat.

Getting to her feet with Ethan's help she couldn't help the smile that he brought to her lips. She hadn't been this happy in a long time and as they rounded the corner and her eyes landed on Kimberly she smiled even brighter. Moving over to her friend she cupped her face and gave her a soft kiss, whispering to her, "Thank you."

Kimberly smiled back at her before glancing up to Ethan, "I am surprised you two made it in here. That was, for lack of a better word, amazing. I just figured you two would be out for awhile before trying to find your sea legs." Kimberly's eyes came to rest on Jasmine's as Jasmine began to prepare her plate of food.

Jasmine laughed and couldn't help but look over at Ethan, "Yes, well I knew we needed to eat and I didn't want this food to go to waste since Ethan worked so hard to prepare it." Jasmine began to eat but paused at Kimberly's next words, "Match made in heaven, that is what I saw. You two can get so lost in one another. It is a beautiful sight to say the least."

Jasmine glanced to Kimberly, hearing a bit of regret or jealousy in her words. It made Jasmine think for a moment if Ethan had a brother. Kimberly was always such a good friend to her and yet she knew that Kimberly had never had a chance to have something so wonderful before in her life. Jasmine reached over and took Kimberly's hand, "Until we can find you Prince Charming we will keep you company. You know I love you Kim and you are more than welcome here anytime you want."

Kimberly smiled, squeezing her friend's hand before going back to eating her food.

Eventually Kimberly ran upstairs and took a shower before heading out, errands she said but Jasmine felt something else. As she kissed Kimberly once more she watched her walk over to Ethan and give him a kiss as well. Jasmine felt the love for both of them growing by the minute. When Kimberly left she turned to Ethan and held her hand out for him, "It was a wonderful night my dear, but I think wounds were opened too. Do you possibly have a brother?" Jasmine laughed knowing she was probably asking for way too much.
Ethan prepared his own plate in a comfortable silence, listening with a slight blush at the conversation between Kimberly and Jasmine. His eyes lifted to Kimberly as she spoke though, watching and observing her as she did so. He was a trained submissive and pleasure slave after all, and despite what she tried to hide, he could read it all too well.

After breakfast, Kimberly had to run up stairs for a quick shower, and Ethan was actually hard pressed to not ask for Jasmine's permission to tend to the needs that he could feel were in her friend. When she did come down though, she offered up simply a brief kiss goodbye to each of them before heading out the door.

Jasmine's words caught Ethan by surprise, but sadly, he had to shake his head no. "No Ma'am, I'm an only child, but if it's not too bold to say, we could just do for her what she did for you, find her one like myself. She said at the restaurant that she was wishing she'd kept me for herself, so why not do just that, get her a pleasure slave of her own?"

Ethan could read the emotions that danced across Jasmine's face as she thought about her friend, and the wounds that she'd talked about. He actually hoped that she did accept his idea. It could lead to more nights like this, and possibly beyond.
Jasmine looked to Ethan for a moment and it did make a lot of sense, but then again Jasmine had no clue where to even begin looking, "I will need your help dear, if we are to do this for her." Jasmine moved closer to Ethan and raising up on her toes she kissed him softly, "We will find someone for her together." Jasmine smiled before taking his hand and slowly leading him up the stairs toward the bedroom.

Once inside she moved over toward the bed and laid down, pulling Ethan with her, "For now though I just want to enjoy time with you." When Ethan finally made it into the bed, she pulled him to her for another soft kiss. Jasmine wasn't expecting anything to happen, more just him being there with her was enough for now.

Her hand moved up as the kiss broke and she gently pushed his head down onto her chest while her arms wrapped around him. She closed her eyes and savored him being there, her fingers moving softly over his arm and back while they just laid there together. She didn't care how long it lasted, just that she got some time with him just like this.
Jasmine's words were understandable enough, and Ethan simply nodded, smiling that small and knowing smile of his once more. "It would be my pleasure to help you find somebody for Miss Kimberly."

Ethan had expected that Jasmine would want to leave right away, and he was genuinely surprised when she took his hand and led him upstairs once more. Her words had of course made him smile that much more.

As Jasmine laid down, pulling him after her, Ethan let himself be guided how she saw fit. He let her pull him to cover her, if only long enough for her to kiss him before moving just slightly, laying his head upon her chest. The feel of her arms wrapped around him was a truly unexpected treat, but he couldn't help but enjoy it, nuzzling his cheek against her skin as he let his own arm drape over her stomach.

Ethan let his eyes drift closed as he felt Jasmine's hands tracing over his back and his arm. He was more than content to give her this,understanding why she wanted it.
They laid there for what seemed like only minutes but it had been at least an hour. Jasmine didn't want to move, but she knew they needed to be on their way to finding someone for Kimberly not to mention the idea she had in mind for Ethan.

She slowly moved, leaning her head down to kiss the top of his as she breathed in his scent. She loved the smell of him and could bathe in that scent to keep it on her forever. Sighing softly she whispered to him, "Best to shower and get ready. Wish we could stay like this all day but then we wouldn't get anything done."

Laughing softly Jasmine slipped from the bed and the feel of Ethan's body before heading to the bathroom and starting the shower for the two of them. Slipping back into the bedroom and the sight of Ethan on the bed she couldn't stop the smile that spread over her lips. She slowly opened the robe and slipped it from her shoulders. Catching it before it hit the floor to lay it at the end of the bed. She reached her hand out to Ethan and waited for him.

When he finally rose from the bed she pulled him to her for a kiss, a kiss that lasted them as she walked backwards toward the shower, only bumping into the door frame once. As they entered the shower Jasmine was laughing, full of joy at the smallest things she was sharing with Ethan. "Tell me dear, I know I am not experienced as some of the women you have been with, but is there anything you are disappointed in? Anything I can do to make your time with me more enjoyable?"
How long the pair rested like that, Jasmine holding him, Ethan wasn't sure. He wasn't even sure if he'd stayed awake, or if he'd simply been broken from his sleep every now and again.

At Jasmine's words though, and the feel of her kiss, Ethan nodded, reluctantly moving off of her and watching her as she moved to start the shower.

If Ethan wasn't awake before, the sight of Jasmine untying the robe and letting it slip certainly did the trick, especially the way she caught it behind her, that coy look on her face as she looked back at him.

This time, it was Jasmine's hand helped Ethan up, but the way her arms wrapped around him told him what she wanted. His lips pressed to hers as their arms wrapped over and around the other. They still moved towards the bathroom, but they bumped into the door frame just once, a small laugh coming from the happy pair when they finally broke apart to step into the shower.

Jasmine's question caught Ethan off guard. He turned back to her, his green eyes reflecting his concern for her, even as he stepped close. He lifted a hand to cup her cheek, smiling as he met her gaze. "You don.t need to be experienced to do well, and you don't need to crack a whip to be dominant. Your newness makes you different from any other woman whose commanded me, but that's a good thing. You have my companionship, my body, my heart, and my love Ma'am, for so long as you desire it." Ethan's green eyes practically shone as he spoke, his hand on Jasmine's cheek holding her head in place, making her look at him as he spoke.

"The answer to your first question is no, and the second is maybe. There may be things that we can do to make me want you more, make me enjoy your presence more, but things like that take time Ma'am, time I am more than willing to give if you'll have me."

After he finished speaking, Ethan leaned in to kiss her once more. There was no force to this kiss, no pressure. His hand cupped her cheek still, holding her without force to that tender and loving kiss.
Listening to Ethan Jasmine nodded in understanding. She was relying on him to tell her what he needed, what he desired and his confession of wanting to be with her humbled her to no end. When he kissed her she more than willingly kissed him back. She knew there was no force to it, just a simple coming of two people willingly to be with one another.

She broke the kiss softly and smiled to him once again, "If I will have you? I would be happy to have you my dear as long as you are happy to have me." She moved back to the water and pulled him with her. Pressing her body to his even as her mouth went to his chest to kiss softly along his flesh.

They had done many things in this shower already, but none of it mattered to Jasmine. She was content with just enjoying her time with Ethan, hoping that he wished to stay with her as much as she wanted him to stay. Her lips slid lightly over his skin as her hands stroke lightly over his lower back. The feel of his body pressed to hers was comfort all in its own way.

Jasmine's eyes flicked up to Ethan and she smiled, amazed at the man before her.
Ethan basked in the kiss, even if it was a short one. He smiled at it all the same, simply enjoying it, and Jasmine's presence. Her words brought a smile to his face. He let his thumb trace lightly over her lips as he spoke. "Then have me you shall."

As he felt Jasmine's soft kisses to his chest, Ethan wrapped his arms around her, lifting a hand to stroke lightly over her hair as he held her. Even if they had things to do, there need be no rush in this, not right now anyway. Ethan knew that Jasmine needed him, not sexually just then, just needed him, needed him to hold her, even if she didn't say it. It was for that reason and so many more that he held her close, hoping to ease any fears and calm any nerves.
His arms around her just made Jasmine feel completely protected, almost vulnerable to him, but she didn't mind it too much. She was strong in herself, always taking care of what needed taking care of and Ethan was now hers to take care of. Jasmine felt a connection to him even though they hadn't been together long.

Her lips traced lightly over his chest before moving back up to press to his softly. She wanted to tell him thanks without words. Her fingers stroked his lower back, the water rushing over them. Jasmine laughed softly pulling away from Ethan. "We stay like this we won't get anything done."

She moved to grab the body wash, beginning to wash Ethan's body with it before rubbing hers against his. What a fun way to take a shower she thought. Before it was over with though she was laughing softly, finding this to be so normal and yet so deep at the same time.

They stepped out of the shower and dried each other off and even though Jasmine was tempted to tease him and have him once again she knew it needed to wait. Jasmine knew she had all the time in the world with him yet it still nagged at her to have fun with him while she could.

Moving into the bedroom she grabbed a pair of jeans and a top to slip into. Her eyes moved to Ethan, watching the way he moved. The sight always bringing a smile to her face.
Ethan felt Jasmine's light kisses, to his chest, and he smiled down at her as he wrapped his arms around her, aching for her once again, but never pushing her, especially after she spoke.

As Jasmine pushed him backwards, Ethan held still as she grabbed the body wash, soaping him up adequately and beyond. He was briefly confused, wondering why until she pressed herself close to him. Then he understood, wrapping his arms around her as he used the extra to wash her, smiling down at the enjoyment she seemed to be having in the simple yet romantic task.

Once the pair was clean once more, they dried each other off, another task that could have taken so very much longer if either of the pair had truly pushed it. Instead though, their hands and bodies had held the other close, rubbing gently, stroking over the skin with a tender care as they went about it.

It wasn't until the pair was getting dressed once more that Ethan realized that he hadn't taken the time to have his clothes sent to him. They were still at the holding center where he'd been rented out from. He made a mental note of it, and would take care of it soon enough. Until then, he simply smiled as he was forced to pull on his dress pants. He didn't dress completely formal though, electing for just the dress pants and his under shirt, thinking that they'd be enough for now, also figuring that Jasmine wouldn't hate how tight it was on him.
When Jasmine finished getting dressed she turned to Ethan, smiling as she saw how good he looked in the dress pants and undershirt. "We still didn't get your things did we? We will." She made sure everything was done before moving to him and brushing her fingers over his belly lightly, "Ready dear?"

As Ethan nodded Jasmine leaned up, kissing him before turning toward the bedroom door. Taking his hand she lead him from the room and down the steps toward the front door. Grabbing her purse along the way they darted out and to the car. Jasmine was getting excited and nervous all at the same time. She wanted to give Kimberly everything her friend had given to her.

Getting into the car they headed off, Jasmine taking directions from Ethan as she drove. Only he would get her back to where he came from as she didn't have the first clue where to look.
A small smile came to Ethan's face as Jasmine spoke, almost as if she'd been reading his mind. He nodded to show that he'd heard her, and again when she asked about his readiness. The light kiss that she pressed to his lips widened it some, especially as she took his hand and led him back down the stairs once more.

The two held hands like that until they had to separate to get in the car, but Ethan smiled as his found hers inside once more. He stroked his thumb slowly over the back of her hand.

There was only a little actual conversation between the two, in between his directions. Ethan could feel the battle of emotions within Jasmine, even if she didn't voice them. He understood that she wanted to repay her friend in kind, repay her with a pleasure slave of her own, and she wanted it to be just right. He smiled at the love he could see and feel from her, thinking how rare such a thing truly was, especially in a life such as his.
Jasmine loved the feel of Ethan's hand in hers, she wouldn't have changed that for anything, but when they pulled up in front of the building she knew she had to let go of him if only to get out of the car. She slipped out and moved around to where he was standing, waiting for her. She couldn't resist taking his hand again and could care less what anyone thought of it. Jasmine looked up to Ethan and gave him a loving smile, one that told him how deeply he had buried himself into her life.

They moved to the door and Jasmine grew nervous at what was on the other side. Never in her life had she ever thought of buying some guy, or that guys like Ethan even existed. Her fingers must have gripped his hand because she felt him thumb brush over the back of her hand, trying to soothe her. They opened the door and stepped inside.

Jasmine didn't know what to expect, but people looking and then one woman calling out Ethan's name as she rushed over to him was something she really didn't expect. She glanced up to Ethan as the woman literally launched herself into his arms kissing him. Jasmine felt like a third wheel with a long lost couple, at least on the woman's side of things.

Jasmine stepped back to watch Ethan as he lowered the woman to her feet, almost having to pry her off of him. Jasmine wondered for a moment if this was one of his previous owners and if so why did she give him up if she wanted him like this?
As the pair stepped from the car and stepped close once more, Ethan let a small smile come to his face. He allowed Jasmine to take his hand once more, and at the feeling of the tension he traced his thumb over the back of her hand once more. He also stood up that much straighter, his breathing slow and steady as he tried to help calm her, if only with the strength of his own conviction and presence.

For the first time since the pair had met, Ethan's attention was ripped away from Jasmine as he heard his name called. He turned in time to see Katrina running up to him. He had to pull his hand from Jasmine's to catch her as she threw herself into his arms, kissing him hard and insistently.

Ethan was stunned by the sight of Katrina, and he couldn't resist her kisses, not at first anyway. When he finally got a hold of himself though, he set her down and had to literally pry her hands from behind his head. "I...uh...Miss Katrina I'd like to introduce you to my mistress, Jasmine."

The use of that word towards Jasmine was something Ethan had been avoiding, not sure if she would be comfortable with it. It was necessary in this case though, if only to settle Katrina down long enough for them to get what they'd come for.
Jasmine watched the woman's expression as Ethan gave Jasmine a title she didn't expect. Her eyes flicked to him as a smile spread over her lips. In her book she was probably far from a true Mistress, but she was happy that Ethan has used it, even if it was for the benefit of the woman standing before him.

Jasmine's eyes turned back to the woman and seen the woman literally sizing her up. Jasmine didn't know what to say or do at that point but she knew that if they didn't get what they come for she was going to lose her nerve. She turned away from the woman and Ethan like she was checking the place out. This was all new to Jasmine and she really had no clue how to proceed.

She took a step further into the place not really looking at anything in particular yet giving Ethan and the woman time that she obviously needed. Jasmine took a few deep breaths and let Ethan's words float around in her head, liking the sound of them and yet knowing she was far off from it.
Observation was a pleasure slave's greatest utility when it came to serving his Mistress, and among pleasure slave's, Ethan was a paragon. There were two reactions to be noted from his use of the word mistress, and he didn't miss either of them. Both Katrina and JAsmine were clearly surprised, though for different reasons of course.

As he watched, Katrina's gaze turned towards Jasmine, clearly sizing her up. The smile that had first dawned Jasmine's face at his use of the word seemed to disappear under the gaze.

Jasmine turning her back on the pair of them actually caught Ethan off guard. He quickly schooled his gaze though, turning fully towards Katrina once more. His hands still held hers, but she was the first to speak. "Mistress?" The tone of Katrina's voice implied a different word, almost asking him if she was really what he'd claimed she was.

Ethan couldn't help the smile and chuckle that slipped from his lips before he responded in kind. "Mistress."

Katrina's gaze turned to follow Jasmine once more. When it returned to Ethan she spoke once more. "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't surprised, but I suppose it was only a matter of time."

Ethan let a small smile come to his face, even as his head bowed, a light flush coming to his cheeks for the unspoken compliment that hadn't been necessary for her to say. They both knew that he'd been one of the best, and his rating in this facility had truly been proof of it. Katrina's hand slipped free of his, moving to his chin and guiding his gaze back up to hers. "If not for resale, then what brings you back here?"

"A couple of reasons," Ethan started simple. "Firstly, we've come to get my things from my room, and the second reason is not for me to say."

Katrina nodded at his first reason, and when he turned his head towards Jasmine, indicating that she would be the one to give her their second reason. Ethan let Katrina's hands fall from him as they turned to walk towards Jasmine. He let Katrina have the lead, moving to fall in step behind and to her right. "Miss Jasmine," Katrina said confidently. "Ethan informs me that you've come to get his things, and that there is another reason. What can we do for you?"
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Jasmine didn't go far, in fact she heard everything that was said between the two, but she wanted to give Ethan his space should he need it. Jasmine was in new territory here and if she needed to wait for Ethan to explain things then she would, it was only the right thing to do.

Jasmine heard the two approach so she turned to face them both. Her eyes moved over Ethan as she couldn't help the smile that slipped on her face. Jasmine's eyes moved back to the woman, "Katrina is it?" Making sure she heard the woman's name correctly, "Well honestly, we are here to find someone just like Ethan for a friend of mine, though I doubt there is a twin when it comes to Ethan." Again her eyes move back to Ethan and she smiled brightly.

Jasmine's attention turned back to Katrina as she smiled and moved to lead them to another area of the building. Jasmine's nerves were shot, she didn't want to look badly in front of Ethan's friends and yet she was supposed to be the confident woman. She decided to look at this as any other business she had dealt with in the past.
Katrina's gaze was on Jasmine as she spoke. When she mentioned the unlikelihood of his twin though, her gaze turned towards Ethan, much as Jasmine's did.

Ethan however, bowed his head once more, clearly proud of his recognition, if not fully used to getting compliments.

As Ethan bowed his head, he saw Katrina's hand lifting. He remained still, even as her hand brushed lightly against his cheek.

"You're right about that, sadly enough. If he had a twin, I'd certainly be one to know." Katrina chuckled likely before letting her hand slide from his cheek, falling to her side once more.

Almost seeming to ignore what she'd just done, Katrina turned to lead the pair through the door into the next room, heading towards the individual rooms of each pleasure slave.

"As for your friend though, Miss Jasmine," Katrina said as they came through a door and upon a fork in the hallway. "Would your friend prefer a female pleasure slave, or a male?"
Jasmine moved through the next set of doors and as Ethan made it through she reached out her hand to him. Smiling softly as he took it before her attention went back to Katrina, "I believe my friend would fancy a male more than a female. She has never really been into women until lately." With that Jasmine turned to Ethan and gave him a wink.

They moved up to the first room before Jasmine turned back to Katrina, "Would you mind giving us some privacy while we look. I would rather this decision be between Ethan and myself. If we have any questions I am sure Ethan will know where to find you."

Katrina didn't look like she wanted to leave but eventually she smile and nodded. As she began to walk away Jasmine moved closer to Ethan and whispered softly to him, "Is this bothering you dear? I want to make sure you are alright with all of this. Coming back here and all."
Ethan didn't expect Jasmine to be waiting for him when he came through the next set of doors, but when he saw her, he smiled all the same. He allowed her to take his hands, and he gave hers a squeeze, letting her know that he was with her, even if he didn't say it.

What Jasmine did next though, caught Ethan completely by surprise. It wasn't so much that she asked Katrina to leave, but rather the question that she asked him. He hadn't been aware that he was being so transparent with his feelings, though he couldn't truly be surprised at that, given the shock that he'd been given when Katrina had rushed up to him.

"'s not this ma'am." Ethan said softly, almost whispering so that Katrina didn't hear. "It's not this place, or coming back, it's just..."

Ethan bowed his head briefly. When he lifted it though, he wasn't looking at Jasmine. "Miss Katrina!" Ethan called out, watching as she turned. Ethan let his gaze lower briefly from hers, especially as she approached once more.

"I know it's not normally something we allow...but do you think we could have a viewing...of one of the others..."

As he spoke, Ethan lifted his gaze. He didn't hide any part of what he was feeling, not from Katrina. He knew she'd understand, and he hoped she'd allow him this liberty.

Katrina looked at Ethan as he spoke, and even after he finished, he felt her eyes studying him for what felt like an eternity. He blinked first of course, and lowered his gaze before hers. She almost seemed to be waiting for this, because her words followed soon after. "Exceptions can be made. Follow me."

Katrina turned to walk down the hallway, and Ethan surprised himself as he stepped in front of Jasmine, his hand still holding her as he led the way in following Katrina.
Jasmine looked at Ethan rather curiously as he turned and called out to Katrina. Jasmine didn't know what to think or even say to him before Katrina walked back over to them. When she heard his request she wondered what it was that he went through here to make him so hesitant in talking to her.

Jasmine watched Ethan move in front of her, guiding her to the room he had requested. She was in shell shock to say the least, this wasn't like Ethan at all but even that made her curious as to what she was about to see. In the room her eyes glanced around, taking note of the window, the kind you see in any copy show. She wondered if they had the same set up as the local police, but then why would they?

Her eyes moved over to the chair before turning up to Katrina and Ethan. Stepping over she took a seat and waited for what was to come. Totally unknown to her, this was a learning experience for her.

Jasmine's eyes centered on the glass noticing that she could in fact look into another room at a man. He was similar build to Ethan, same dark hair, different eye color and he was a bit shorter than Ethan was.

Jasmine's eyes moved over to Ethan as he moved closer to her but before he was settled beside her, her eyes moved back to the man in the other room. She didn't know if Katrina had left them or not but for some reason she knew whatever was going to happen in that room was what Ethan wanted to show her.

Jasmine took a deep breath and let it out slowly as the door opened. She didn't know whether to be afraid, excited or anything at all so she just sat there and waited for the bomb to explode around her. It had to be something pretty big to have Ethan not talking with her, which worried her.
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Ethan knew well enough that what he was doing, and how he was acting, was different from his norm. He expected that it would be a surprise for Jasmine to see him acting like this, and possibly for Katrina as well.

Katrina led them to the room Ethan had requested. He let go of her hand as they entered, moving to the pair of switches on the wall beside the 1-way glass. He flipped one of them, so that they would be able to hear what was going on inside it, but left the other one off, ensuring that they couldn't be heard.

Once he was done, Ethan moved beside the lone chair that Jasmine had settled in. He lowered himself to his knees beside it, his green gaze turning towards the glass. He didn't say a word as he settled there, but rather waited patiently until he saw the door on the other side of the glass start to open. Then, and only then did he start to speak.

"Do you see his face, and how it changes when she walks into the room? Whether he knew she was coming or not, the mere sight of her makes his heart skip a beat." A small smile came to Ethan's as he spoke, watching as the man's handler simply smiled at the man, watching as he knelt before her. Within moments, she simply raised her arms, and the man rose once more.

"Notice how she needs not speak a single word, yet he knows what to do. She's his handler, has trained him to serve and please her, in preparation for what will be expected of him by others. She returns every day to ensure his skills remain sharp. He's not forgotten though, for he has but a single handler, and even though she is responsible for two to three slaves, their devotion is unwavering."

As Ethan spoke, the man moved behind his handler, his hands sliding over her shoulders before slowly starting to undress her. His lips dropped to her skin, pressing a kiss to every bit of it as he bared it before his gaze. He worshiped her body with his kisses, right down to her toes. Only then did he stop, on his knees once more.

"In a world that is constantly changing, people, places, expectations, almost everything, his handler is the only constant. For seven years, ever since I turned eighteen, she was there." Ethan gave no indication that he either noticed or cared that he'd switched from speaking about the man, to now talking about himself.

"No matter how many times I was bought, rented, sold, resold, or traded, I always ended up back here. And every time, she took me back, even if she already had a full batch of slaves to tend to. She taught me everything I know: how to serve, how to please, to pleasure, how to fuck, and how to make love. Even now, she knows the keys to my body, knows hot to coax the responses from me that she wants, even with the smallest of ministrations. I gave, and still give her leeway's that I wouldn't allow anybody else, save you, not even Miss Kimberly."

Ethan's head bowed, but the scene in front of the pair of them continued, the handler extending her foot towards the man now, watching as he kissed and licked over it, worshiping it as she desired. Even when the woman finally pushed the man to his back, her body moving to cover his, Ethan's voice remained calm.

"You told me once that you didn't want me to hide things from you, but I didn't know how to tell you, how to truly tell you what she did, could still do, how she makes me feel. I had to show you." By this point, the handler on the other side of the room had taken her slave's cock within her. Her hands were braced on his chest as she rode him, her eyes starting down into his as she took him, used him, enjoyed him.

Soon enough, the woman started to move faster, her eyes slipping closed as her body started to spiral out of control. Both Ethan and Jasmine would be privy to the sounds they were making. They could hear the woman's release coming, and the slave's as well. Ethan remained silent as they observed the spectacle, watching as first she, and then he, took their release, their voices rising practically in unison as they came.

Ethan wasn't sure how Jasmine would respond, to either his words, or the spectacle they'd been allowed to witness, but he didn't move from his spot, kneeling beside her. There was not for him to do but wait, wait and hope that she understood.
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