Liberalism is the new Communism


Break up Amazon
Aug 30, 2007
Its now clear that Communism didn't die when the Berlin Wall came down, its alive and well in the western world. Its become the hidden shadow ideology behind what we call liberalism (or the misnamed "progressivism") in the US and social democracy in many other countries.

Unlike Marxism-Leninism and Soviet style Communism however, western Communism/ liberalism's version of the "Proletariat" vs. the "Bourgoisie" is demographic group rather than economic class based. Its based on a false scenario that certain groups are victimized by another smaller collection of groups and that a massive, total and revolutionary transformation of society in every way is needed to rectify this [imaginary] situation.

This is the ideology we've been living under since at least the late 1960s and its now in its final stages of constructing its shadow dictatorship. For society's ruling elites, its simply the latest means for them to consolidate their power and manipulate the masses by pitting them against each other.
women being allowed to vote

black people in places of power!

gay people having the same rights as straight people!

seperation of church and state!

by gods, you're right, its Stalin all over again
Thought control.

Political correctness.

Demonization of anyone who disagrees with the state ideology.

Mocking of and restriction on religious liberty.

Vilification of segments of society and discrimination against them.

A corrupt ruling elite claiming to "help the masses become equal."

Yep, Rors, it sure it.
Thought control.

Political correctness.

Demonization of anyone who disagrees with the state ideology.

Mocking of and restriction on religious liberty.

Vilification of segments of society and discrimination against them.

A corrupt ruling elite claiming to "help the masses become equal."

Yep, Rors, it sure it.

thought control...give one example that doesnt have a direct example of your side of the spectrum doing the same thing

political correctness... was actually a term first coined by the right back in the 80's

Demonization... you called all liberals communists... that is the very definition of demonization... or does it only count when anyone but you does it? what exactly have these groups done for the masses? name something

Yup, Cade, you're an idiot

Mocking of and restriction of religous liberty... 1. ) this is a democracy, if you dont like your God being mokced, move to a country where its illegal to 2. ) what exact rights have any religons in this country lost?

Name one... I fucking dare you

Villification of segement sof society .... you mean like 47 % of the country not mattering, or how " our blacks are better then their blacks"... I guess that's not villification in your books.. also the Nazi's who are the very definition of HARD right wing did the ame.. or are you one of those idiots that equate Nazis with Commies?

ruling elite... thank christ there are no elite on the right.. certainly not Romney, the Bush's , the Koch brothers, Rupert Murdoch, the Bush dynasty
Its worse than communism. Lenin tossed communism overboard when he took control of Russia. Stalin always called himself Russia's Socialist Czar. And Krushchev woulda been at home as CEO of any American corporation.

All of them took turns ruining Russias economy, chiefly by murdering everyone with skills and talent, and filling the vacant jobs with affirmative action imbeciles.
Thought control.

Political correctness.

Demonization of anyone who disagrees with the state ideology.

Mocking of and restriction on religious liberty.

Vilification of segments of society and discrimination against them.

A corrupt ruling elite claiming to "help the masses become equal."

Yep, Rors, it sure it.

Unfortunately my country is very fucked up due to this idealogy which was introduced by so called 'progressive' thinkers in the 1960's. What makes me laugh is how cool they are when mocking christianity but are then actually too shit scared of mocking islam. They are amongst the most evil and vindictive people on the planet if you go against them.
Its now clear that Communism didn't die when the Berlin Wall came down, its alive and well in the western world. Its become the hidden shadow ideology behind what we call liberalism (or the misnamed "progressivism") in the US and social democracy in many other countries.

Unlike Marxism-Leninism and Soviet style Communism however, western Communism/ liberalism's version of the "Proletariat" vs. the "Bourgoisie" is demographic group rather than economic class based. Its based on a false scenario that certain groups are victimized by another smaller collection of groups and that a massive, total and revolutionary transformation of society in every way is needed to rectify this [imaginary] situation.

This is the ideology we've been living under since at least the late 1960s and its now in its final stages of constructing its shadow dictatorship. For society's ruling elites, its simply the latest means for them to consolidate their power and manipulate the masses by pitting them against each other.

Are you Glenn Beck?
Its now clear that Communism didn't die when the Berlin Wall came down, its alive and well in the western world. Its become the hidden shadow ideology behind what we call liberalism (or the misnamed "progressivism") in the US and social democracy in many other countries.

Unlike Marxism-Leninism and Soviet style Communism however, western Communism/ liberalism's version of the "Proletariat" vs. the "Bourgoisie" is demographic group rather than economic class based. Its based on a false scenario that certain groups are victimized by another smaller collection of groups and that a massive, total and revolutionary transformation of society in every way is needed to rectify this [imaginary] situation.

This is the ideology we've been living under since at least the late 1960s and its now in its final stages of constructing its shadow dictatorship. For society's ruling elites, its simply the latest means for them to consolidate their power and manipulate the masses by pitting them against each other.

awww... how cute.

You strained your brain writing that didn't you?
Its now clear that Communism didn't die when the Berlin Wall came down, its alive and well in the western world.

It's funny to see some people are incapable of living a life without fear of an already red planet.
Remember: once you organize people around something as commonly agreed upon as pollution, then an organized people is on the move.
Saul David Alinsky
Rules for Radicals

"I am a radical, Leftist, small "c" Communist.... Maybe I am the last Communist willing to admit it.... The ethics of Communism still appeal to me."
William Ayers
Mild-mannered Professor of Education and former Terrorist

Environment and Education

The Return of the Primitive
Unfortunately my country is very fucked up due to this idealogy which was introduced by so called 'progressive' thinkers in the 1960's. What makes me laugh is how cool they are when mocking christianity but are then actually too shit scared of mocking islam. They are amongst the most evil and vindictive people on the planet if you go against them.

The big lesson for me [working at NPR] was the intolerance of so-called liberals. I say intolerance because I grew up as a black Democrat in Brooklyn, N.Y., and always thought it was the Archie Bunker Republicans who practiced intolerance. My experience at NPR revealed to me how rigid liberals can be when their orthodoxy is challenged. I was the devil for simply raising questions, offering a different viewpoint, not shutting my mouth about the excesses of liberalism — a bad guy, a traitor to the cause.
Juan Williams
If you quietly accept and go along no matter what your feelings are, ultimately you internalize what you're saying, because it's too hard to believe one thing and say another. I can see it very strikingly in my own background. Go to any elite university and you are usually speaking to very disciplined people, people who have been selected for obedience.
Noam Chomsky
It's funny to see some people are incapable of living a life without fear of an already red planet.

Vetty and Renard are re-fighting wars they lost in the 1960s.

Hence, their opponents are "dirty filthy hippies" and "Commies".
I say that big talk’s worth doodly-squat!
Its now clear that Communism didn't die when the Berlin Wall came down, its alive and well in the western world. Its become the hidden shadow ideology behind what we call liberalism (or the misnamed "progressivism") in the US and social democracy in many other countries.

Unlike Marxism-Leninism and Soviet style Communism however, western Communism/ liberalism's version of the "Proletariat" vs. the "Bourgoisie" is demographic group rather than economic class based. Its based on a false scenario that certain groups are victimized by another smaller collection of groups and that a massive, total and revolutionary transformation of society in every way is needed to rectify this [imaginary] situation.

This is the ideology we've been living under since at least the late 1960s and its now in its final stages of constructing its shadow dictatorship. For society's ruling elites, its simply the latest means for them to consolidate their power and manipulate the masses by pitting them against each other.

Oh for fucks sake!
Read a book or two. Start with the Communist manifesto, at least then you will understand what communism is and just how stupid you appear to anyone with half a brain.
Something someone said about someone who hasn't been here for 4 years without context is funny? How pathetic.

You may want to reevaluate your poor life choices, son.
that's one of the reasons why you GB progressives are perpetually angry lol…
you don't get jokes