
Dear You,
I read this entire thread today. I don't know if that makes me overly nostalgic or a little bit crazy.

Do you know Colin Hay? You make me want to listen to Colin Hay songs over and over again, like a stupid little teenage girl.

What are we going to do? What are we doing?

A dormant part of me has awakened like the Spring coming soon.

There is no going back.

I'm yours.

Dear Mopey,

A figment of my imagination, if course.

We know no one can love me back.


Lilted lover
Dearest commiserator,

Newborn. I open my eyes. I melt. Into the eternal night. A spark. You got me out of the darkness. You gathered me up from earth. You've brought me back to life.

I heard these lines in a movie. I thought they may be for me but if they are for you. What if this can be truth if you drop your armor and let me in, truly?

I know I am a lot to take. But, I give all that I can to those I love. My friendships, my romance, my dedication- I bleed.

Image Letter

Dear You,
I read this entire thread today. I don't know if that makes me overly nostalgic or a little bit crazy.

Do you know Colin Hay? You make me want to listen to Colin Hay songs over and over again, like a stupid little teenage girl.

What are we going to do? What are we doing?

A dormant part of me has awakened like the Spring coming soon.

There is no going back.

I'm yours.


Dear Mother of Carmelitos,

While I don't know Colin personally I do know his work.

I question his use of the word "chunder" constantly.


Man Not At Work

P.S.---I have no idea what to do either. You're beautiful, amazing, and sensitive and yet you're probably going to crush me. Again.
Dear holy cruncher,

There is no crushing!

Be nice or you get the rack!

Let's meet for gelato soon when the weather warms.


Dear Petey,

I am booking a trip this weekend.
Hopefully, we can meet after over a decade of typing to each other! I will be a nice girl.

Or I can put my thumb up your butt.


Your friend in hot sauce
Dear holy cruncher,

There is no crushing!

Be nice or you get the rack!

Let's meet for gelato soon when the weather warms.



Dear Sex Counselor,

I'm into it.

I have but one mouf to give.


Hall (not Oates)
Dear Raindancer,

I am captivated by every sentence you speak
I listen to your words intently at its rhythm
It warms me on a cold day and cools me off in the heat
How I love just to hear you speak to me
---Wilfred Mellers


John "Damn Damn Damn" Amos
Dear O.J.,

Why did you do it man?

You had a perfectly good thing going and you had to fuck it up.


Dear R. Kelly,
We only speak within letter form in this thread.
Don't pee on me!
Your Biggest Fan
Dear Marxist,
Yes. It's called the bad knees weather report.

The Tempest

Ps- you a smartass.
Dear Marxist,
Yes. It's called the bad knees weather report.

The Tempest

Ps- you a smartass.

Dear Temptress,

I'm fully capable of supporting said knees on my shoulder.

Cheers and Good Thighdings,

The Acrobat
Dear Friends:

You make me smile. I love checking in here and seeing some familiar faces. It brings back memories of rainy day dancing, rap battles, and spinaroonie's pincil.

awe sweet joy!

forever yours,