Is the golden age of epic mother-son incest stories in the past?


Jun 28, 2016
This is going to be a long post, so apologies beforehand. Firstly, a little background on what prompted this post... A couple of days ago, Matt Tims, known here as mt44, took down his subscribestar page. I don't live in the US but rather a country where paying for stuff online is a tedious task not worth the trouble. But for the express purpose of subscribing to Matt's page and specifically for his story "Mom likes it black," I was willing to endure, so when he took his page down it was particularly devastating. Today when I opened Matt's Literotica page, he was no longer a member.
I am a connoisseur of mother-son stories as I have convinced myself that no woman in real life could love me in the way the moms in my imagination could. With Matt gone, it feels like another one of the good ones has bitten the dust.
This is not meant to denigrate the current writers who still churn out excellent stories in the genre, as one look at my favorites page will tell you. Rather, it is to look back fondly at the past, at what I consider the golden days of mother-son stories.
I long for the days when I could reliably count on the litany of writers to craft beautiful love stories that happen to feature mother and son. Writers like Ahabscribe, alwayswantedto, lovecraft68, CP Baudelaire, just to name a few. Nowadays, such stories are few and far between and it makes me sad.
I am a master of catastrophizing so I hope we are just having a dry spell but looking as how Matt just up and left, I fear for my most beloved genre of smut. I have obsessively favorited every average or above incest story and painstakingly saved each one because I feared this exact thing but it is still jarring when it actually happens.
As a sort of conclusion, I want to express gratitude to all the master storytellers and wordsmiths who filled my imagination to the brim with hot, erotic tales of maternal love. I also implore writers to not give up on the genre and bring forth another golden age of mom-son incest stories.
As I said, sorry for the long post/rant. I am truly but a humble fan of everyone whose stories I have read and favorited.
P.s. I hate to sound like a freeloader but if anyone who reads this and was subscribed to Matt's subscribestar page and has a copy of "Mother likes it black," if I could just read it, I won't lose anymore sleep over it. Thanks for indulging me!
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I didn’t read that long post but as someone that has been here a long time I can say the following.
There are shitty authors
There are authors that think they are better than they actually are
There are authors that can’t take a single piece of criticism and because of that never improve
Then there is clearly talented and/or professional authors that move away from this site and take their work with them. I can think of two but forget their names but their stories were awesome.