Let's Talk About 'Gentle' FemDom

This is a very generous reading of the situation. The thing that's stopping him 'reaching out to me more' is that he just doesn't feel like it, and the fact that I need at least *some* indication that he's actually into me doesn't seem to be a concern. Possibly underneath that is the fact that he doesn't want get involved ... I truly have no idea what the actual reasons are.
The problem for me is that I've lost control of things. We're in that stupid situation where because he cares less, he gets to call all the shots. And I don't like that.

AHHH, not at all what I had pictured then. In that case, honestly, I'd probably drop him like a hot rock.
Lol. Yeah, that's the obvious solution. If only the sex wasn't so great

Lol. I pretty much figured as much ;-) Been there, done that; it's tough to let go of some really good sexual chemistry. Even when you want to. I wish you the best of luck on that.
Lol. Yeah, that's the obvious solution. If only the sex wasn't so great

This sounds like great sex you could be having, and someone you should not at all consider having a relationship with, unless he gets his shit together a lot better.

So if you're into non-relationship sex with this guy, go for it, otherwise, ditch him.

The question you've got to ask yourself: "Hot cock, or hot rock?"
This sounds like great sex you could be having, and someone you should not at all consider having a relationship with, unless he gets his shit together a lot better.

So if you're into non-relationship sex with this guy, go for it, otherwise, ditch him.

The question you've got to ask yourself: "Hot cock, or hot rock?"

We'll see. I guess it partly depends on how much he really wants to realise his fantasy of being fucked with a strap on. 😀

verbal abuse, spoken in a soft, velvety tone
being patted on my back while either kneeling or on all 4s
being gently pushed away with the toe of a high heel show
gentle femdom

Welcome - shall we begin? :)

I have a few questions, but it would be great if the gentlemen chiming in here could give us just the tiniest bit of an intro by way of including their age and how they became interested in FemDom (gentle or otherwise). Thank you!

**How do you see 'Gentle' FemDom being different from the more traditional type of feminine domination?

**Why is it appealing?

**What does a 'gentle' Domme look like to you? How does she behave?

**What do you look for in a GFD relationship? What do you hope to get out of it?

**How do you see it fitting into your life - bedroom only, or lifestyle?

I have a desire to experience female domination that at least begins in a gentle loving way. It might;) progress with the right women who took charge of me and evoked my submission patiently.
receiving can be better than giving

We'll see. I guess it partly depends on how much he really wants to realise his fantasy of being fucked with a strap on. 😀

I have experienced receiving a pegging twice, enjoyed it physically and even more emotionally. It was delightful to receive a good fucking.
I have experienced receiving a pegging twice, enjoyed it physically and even more emotionally. It was delightful to receive a good fucking.

I'm a little sad that that thing seems to have finished, and I'll likely never get the chance to do that for him.
Hello, and thank you for joining us! :)

It seems that by 'Gentle,' most are meaning that it involves fewer of the more extreme aspects of typical FemDom, and leans heavily in the direction of a more sensual style. Would you agree with that?[/Q

I agree, Ma'am, but I know that it could gradually morph into whatever the woman wished it to if she were patient with her submissive.

Oh, and thank you for the warm welcome, Ma'am. Or would you prefer a different manner of address?
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Your mention of pegging struck a chord with me. It's an activity I would quite like to experience again.

When he first brought it up, it wasn't something I'd ever considered, but I did a bit of research and reading (because that's what I'm like), and I could definitely see the appeal. Just the reaction when I slid a couple of fingers inside him while giving him a blow job was fucking magical. How he just kind of melted ... sigh. Now I'm just sad again.
When he first brought it up, it wasn't something I'd ever considered, but I did a bit of research and reading (because that's what I'm like), and I could definitely see the appeal. Just the reaction when I slid a couple of fingers inside him while giving him a blow job was fucking magical. How he just kind of melted ... sigh. Now I'm just sad again.

My first wife tongued my ass, bringing me to an orgasm like I have not experienced since. After my orgasm, I would fuck her until she came several times. I would love to experience a good gentle domination by a woman.

In my current relationship things are not as hot. It’s because neither of us initiate sex. I have to initiate it and it’s just not in my nature. I need a woman who will take control. You’re man may be the same.
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When he first brought it up, it wasn't something I'd ever considered, but I did a bit of research and reading (because that's what I'm like), and I could definitely see the appeal. Just the reaction when I slid a couple of fingers inside him while giving him a blow job was fucking magical. How he just kind of melted ... sigh. Now I'm just sad again.

I hope you have an opportunity to try it with a different man sometime soon. It can be a very intense experience for both!
My first wife tongued my ass, bringing me to an orgasm like I have not experienced since. After my orgasm, I would fuck her until she came several times. I would love to experience a good gentle domination by a woman.

In my current relationship things are not as hot. It’s because neither of us initiate sex. I have to initiate it and it’s just not in my nature. I need a woman who will take control. You’re man may be the same.

Ha - no. He was very good at initiating sex, but not so great at telling me what he wanted. I was surprised that he told me about this.
Unfortunately he's not 'my man' any more.
I hope you have an opportunity to try it with a different man sometime soon. It can be a very intense experience for both!

I'm not holding my breath. There was something about this guy ... I think because he's really pretty classically masculine in all the usual ways, so letting me be even slightly dominant with him had its own special edge.
I'm puzzled that he's prepared to walk away from that for the sake of not compromising on other stuff that could have been easily remedied, but oh well. That's the choice he's made.
I'm not holding my breath. There was something about this guy ... I think because he's really pretty classically masculine in all the usual ways, so letting me be even slightly dominant with him had its own special edge.
I'm puzzled that he's prepared to walk away from that for the sake of not compromising on other stuff that could have been easily remedied, but oh well. That's the choice he's made.

Men are very weird creatures sometimes. Right when we think we have them all figured out they do something unexpected, even against their own best interests, which, I'm like you I will never understand.

Stay strong. Be you. You'll meet someone else if this one wasn't meant to work out. :rose:
Men are very weird creatures sometimes. Right when we think we have them all figured out they do something unexpected, even against their own best interests, which, I'm like you I will never understand.

Stay strong. Be you. You'll meet someone else if this one wasn't meant to work out. :rose:

:heart: Yeah, I'm definitely not going to buckle with this guy - if he wants this, he needs to be able to flex a bit, and not just expect me to do all the compromising. Maybe he just needs a while to work that out. Maybe he doesn't want to work it out. That's his decision. (I have to keep telling myself this until I actually believe it. :rolleyes: )
My marriage might be too vanilla to count as "femdom" at all for some people, but I think it has a place in this thread.

Basically, I worship my wife and enjoy putting her needs first, in bed and in general. I practice semen retention and typically do not come when my wife and I have sex. This makes my erections *very* hard, and it makes me a more passionate and attentive lover. In other words, it makes sex better for my wife. She comes every time we have sex, at least once and often more than once. Afterwards I am still aroused, and she loves the way my hard shaft feels against the small of her back when I am spooning her.

Outside the bedroom I treat her like the queen that she is. I do all of the typical "guy" chores (garbage, gas, etc.) but also try to do stuff like dishes, vacuuming, and laundry whenever I can. I want her to have as much time as possible for her work and her hobbies. When we watch a movie together, she usually picks the movie. I love caressing her feet while she enjoys one of her rom-coms and typically have a massive erection while I do this. She likes it when we spend time together in the evening after the kids go to bed, and our time together almost always ends in sex, so I limit going out with my friends.

She likes muscles, and I stay in very good shape for her. She likes me to flex for her while we're in bed together, and she likes to watch me do push-ups or chin-ups.

She will occasionally lose her temper with me, but she expects that I will not lose my temper or raise my voice with her. If she is frustrated or annoyed by something I do, she tells me so, whereas I try to avoid criticizing her as much as possible. It is expected that I will be raring to go any time she wants to have sex, but if I try to initiate and she's not in the mood then of course I gallantly defer to her decision.

In general, I am turned on by being chivalrous, self-sacrificing, and deferential toward my amazing, beautiful wife, and our relationship seems to work best when that is exactly how I act.
your marriage sounds beautiful. respectfully, I think the semen retention makes it extremely femdom and not at all vanilla, but whatever taste you call it, sounds like it tastes great! the direction and inspiration your wife provides you, helping you focus on what really matters (being fit, being beautiful, being useful) and allowing you to enjoy the pleasure and love of a beautiful, compelling "queen"--thank you for sharing this glimpse into your bliss.
your marriage sounds beautiful. respectfully, I think the semen retention makes it extremely femdom and not at all vanilla, but whatever taste you call it, sounds like it tastes great! the direction and inspiration your wife provides you, helping you focus on what really matters (being fit, being beautiful, being useful) and allowing you to enjoy the pleasure and love of a beautiful, compelling "queen"--thank you for sharing this glimpse into your bliss.

Thank you for the kind words, ContinentalPsyOp. I do think direction and inspiration are two things my wife provides me. When I am lusting after my queen and thinking about how exciting it is to tend to her and serve her, even a little thing like remembering to pick up something she likes at the grocery store can feel erotic.

She is also great about providing me with positive reinforcement. She always tells me how much she appreciates it when I anticipate her needs, thanks me for taking care of stuff around the house, tells me how much she loves the hardness of my erections when I am retaining, etc. She makes it a true joy for me to put her needs and wants first.

Semen retention of course further enhances all of this. -- I really can't say enough about how much this practice benefits my marriage. At this point, being with her is so exciting that I don't even really like to stroke myself and often don't get hard when I try. I certainly notice other attractive women, but if I fantasize about them I find that my brain gets bored (for lack of a better way to put it) and I end up thinking about my wife. The only time my dick really works is when I'm with her, and then my God, does it ever work. It's incredibly satisfying to be so focused on one woman. I have come to feel like my penis belongs to her and to our marriage more than it does to me. That's certainly how it behaves!

I hope this thread continues. I am really enjoying writing about and reflecting on my relationship.
**How do you see 'Gentle' FemDom being different from the more traditional type of feminine domination?

In general, femdom has traditionally displayed to the general public as mean-assed women treating men like garbage, whipping them, yelling at them, etc.. All very much humiliation play and sadism.

**Why is it appealing?

That side of FemDom isn't appealing to me.

**What does a 'gentle' Domme look like to you? How does she behave?

Gentle to me means the 'loving type': very pretty, sultry, sexy, seductive. She is like that sexy villain in a spy movie, but more good than evil.

**What do you look for in a GFD relationship? What do you hope to get out of it?

What I look for is someone who is into the same kinks I'm into. I guess I'm looking to experiment and it would be great if I could find someone as excited to try her role as I am to try mine. What I want to get out of it is having a regular partner to fulfill both of our fantasies and experiment to see what we enjoy.

**How do you see it fitting into your life - bedroom only, or lifestyle?

For the most part, behind closed doors. It can extend past the bedroom in many ways, but not so much that it would leave me open to be outed or anything.
I thought I would write about the last few days in my marriage. My wife and I have had incredible sexual energy between us and I have given her several big orgasms (and even enjoyed one of my own). The last time I came was three days ago. Every night I have caressed her feet while she fell asleep. She loves this. Sleeping next to her at night can be hard because just doing that arouses me. It can be hard for me to fall asleep, and sometimes I wake up in the middle of the night with a raging boner. When this happens, I will often kiss or touch her foot if I can do this without disturbing her and waking her up. The act of paying homage to her this way is so deeply satisfying. And this is how it should be: the queen sleeps peacefully while her ardent knight tosses and turns, out of his mind with lust for her.

A couple of days ago, she made a very sharply worded comment that touched on a sensitive issue for me, but I took it in stride and didn't protest or give her attitude. I just focused on doing things for her and making her happy. We had incredible sex the following night, and I even had an orgasm. This was Friday. Saturday we were busy. Tonight, Sunday, I was hoping for sex but unfortunately didn't react as well earlier today when she had to get sharp with me about something. My attitude left a lot to be desired, and I even talked back to her a little. As soon as this was over I regretted it, because (1) she was right and (2) that's not how I treat my queen. It made her a bit physically and emotionally remote the rest of the day which is awful for me. This evening I did a number of chores around the house while she enjoyed one of her hobbies, and she let me stroke her feet while she was falling asleep. I gave her a number of compliments, apologized for earlier, and told her how much I appreciate her. So, I am hoping for sex and maybe even an orgasm tomorrow. My balls feel like someone is pounding on them with a sledgehammer. I mean it's really uncomfortable. Even so, I would never dream of masturbating. My orgasms belong to my queen. Besides, it is a pleasure and an honor to suffer for her.

Through these emotional ups and downs the one constant is how much I adore this woman. I truly do worship her. When I was folding the laundry this evening, I kissed each pair of her panties before I put it away, and my cock literally ached each time. That's how I feel about her. I truly hope that I will be back in my beautiful queen's good graces tomorrow.
Just one more quick update and then I'll quit hogging the thread for a bit. Last night I woke up in the middle of the night feeling very aroused and caressed and kissed my queen's foot while she slept. Going four days without an orgasm when I'm constantly in the presence of my beautiful goddess is very difficult. My brain feels scrambled, and it's hard to think for any length of time about anything except her. The hard-on I woke up with this morning felt like it was going to explode. I wanted so badly to pleasure her with it, but she doesn't like sex first thing in the morning.

My focus now is just on getting through the day. Doing what I have to do at work, and of course complimenting her and being very respectful to her, and serving her in any way I can.

I know I've written a lot, but I still don't think I've conveyed how ardently I worship this woman. I wish I could just kiss her feet and her bottom all day instead of working and doing chores around the house, but I am a man on a mission: keep my queen happy enough that she will grant me relief tonight. Wish me luck!