Let's say you need $75,000 to save your child's life. Do you have $75,000?


バクスター の
Apr 3, 2010
Let's say your kid comes down with leukemia and needs a liver transplant in order to live. Doctors say your child has a 65% chance of survival with the transplant. Your private sector health insurance provider has refused coverage for the transplant. You need to come up with $75,000 to proceed with the transplant.

How many of you have this much cash on hand?

Those of you Conservatives who don't, need Medicare For All. Those of you Conservatives who do, of course, can be happy with going homeless once the rest of the bill comes in: $450,000 in the first year.
This is why I love our health system
My sons treatments are all covered by my 1.5% contribution every tax year, plus I got to choose his doctor.
Sure - there are some problems.... I have been waiting for over a year for an op on my elbow, but I still have use of my arm and all the interim treatments are covered.
Let's say your kid comes down with leukemia and needs a liver transplant in order to live. Doctors say your child has a 65% chance of survival with the transplant. Your private sector health insurance provider has refused coverage for the transplant. You need to come up with $75,000 to proceed with the transplant.

How many of you have this much cash on hand?

Those of you Conservatives who don't, need Medicare For All. Those of you Conservatives who do, of course, can be happy with going homeless once the rest of the bill comes in: $450,000 in the first year.

Darwin is calling. :D
Is there any point to this? Or is it another all bark no bite AJ thread.....that's what I thought.

Why don't you blame the dems and Obama for selling us out to big pharma and insurance companies, charging us a fucking FORTUNE for not very much and sold it to us as "Well...at least this gigantic fucking rip off is a, step in the right direction.".
Is there any point to this? Or is it another all bark no bite AJ thread.....that's what I thought.

Why don't you blame the dems and Obama for selling us out to big pharma and insurance companies, charging us a fucking FORTUNE for not very much and sold it to us as "Well...at least this gigantic fucking rip off is a, step in the right direction.".
Jeez, you are such a brain dead idiot.

The situation I am referring to in the OP occurred in 2007. I know you're an ignorant jackass but I'm sure that you can find someone in your infrastructure-free trailer park who can tell you who was President in 2007.

I'll wait.

You can shut the fuck up now.
This is why I love our health system
My sons treatments are all covered by my 1.5% contribution every tax year, plus I got to choose his doctor.
Sure - there are some problems.... I have been waiting for over a year for an op on my elbow, but I still have use of my arm and all the interim treatments are covered.
Conservatives like to talk about how Canadians come to America to get crucial care, but then they like to shut the fuck up and leave the discussion when they see cites that Americans are leaving the United States to get CRITICAL health care elsewhere, because it's so expensive here.

(Hey cons, this is where you challenge me to post a cite so I can make even bigger idiots out of you.)
Any oncologist will tell you that even with the very best treatment, cancer cannot be cured or completely and permanently removed from your body. It can only be "managed" with extremely expensive drugs/chemotherapy/surgery, and extend your life by X amount of years.

But in the end, after hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars worth of painful and grueling treatment, the cancer will ultimately and inevitably kill you.

Basically you and your health insurance are spending away an entire fortune so you can live +/- 10 years.

Oh, and I forgot to mention how disturbing cancer statistics show that approximately 1 in every 3 people in the entire global population will develop some form of cancer within their allotted lifetime.
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Yes. I have $75K and would gladly spend it if need be on any of my children. So, fuck off!
Is there any point to this? Or is it another all bark no bite AJ thread.....that's what I thought.

Why don't you blame the dems and Obama for selling us out to big pharma and insurance companies, charging us a fucking FORTUNE for not very much and sold it to us as "Well...at least this gigantic fucking rip off is a, step in the right direction.".

Yes, both democrats and republicans are wholly owned and controlled by their corporate campaign donors and contributors.

It's absolutely pathetic how naive the US public was to be deceived by, and sold out to, the giant pharmaceutical and health insurance industry fraud and ripoff that is Obamacare.

Our elected representatives whom have taken and oath and sworn to serve the best interests of their constituents have sold us all out to greedy, evil, destructive, and corrupt private interests all so they as individuals can become richer and more powerful.

Let me point out that "big pharma" and "big insurance" are NOT the least bit interested in health and healing, but rather fulfilling their bottom line (as a business) by absolutely whatever means possible, no matter how immoral, destructive, illegal, or unethical. These corporations are constantly under ENORMOUS pressure by their shareholders and the wall street hedge fund managers (whom they are beholden to) to do whatever necessary to maximize their profits and stock value.

As long as medicine is for-profit, the bottom line will ALWAYS be more important than ethics.
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Yes. I have $75K and would gladly spend it if need be on any of my children. So, fuck off!
"Wow, did IQ's suddenly drop while I was gone?" - Ripley

Dude, I didn't say or imply you shouldn't spend it on your kids. I asked, do you have it, and if you don't, then this is why you need Medicare For All.
Nope I sure don't.... but I would get the money, I would do whatever it took to save my child.. robbing a bank, selling my ass on the street whatever...
"Wow, did IQ's suddenly drop while I was gone?" - Ripley

Dude, I didn't say or imply you shouldn't spend it on your kids. I asked, do you have it, and if you don't, then this is why you need Medicare For All.

Could you please clarify something for me....
In the USA, if you can't afford to pay, surely there's some hospitals that would treat you anyway?
Like charity hospitals or something?
The medical establishment does NOT cater to the common man. They have made it a point and gone out of their way to deliberately make life-saving treatments and surgeries affordable ONLY to the very wealthy.

I guess that this must be eugenics/survival of the fittest, and the social and economic repression of the middle class.
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Could you please clarify something for me....
In the USA, if you can't afford to pay, surely there's some hospitals that would treat you anyway?
Like charity hospitals or something?
Good luck finding one that would pay for a liver transplant.

Google "Nataline Sarkisyan" to get an idea of how good your odds are.
To answer the question directly.

I am not in favor of expanding Medicare to cover everyone if it increases my tax burden to do so.

As for the $450K year one? Necessity is the mother of invention.
To answer the question directly.

I am not in favor of expanding Medicare to cover everyone if it increases my tax burden to do so.

As for the $450K year one? Necessity is the mother of invention.
So you're okay with someone robbing a bank to get that kind of money?

Because there's no other way any working class person can hope to do that.
So you're okay with someone robbing a bank to get that kind of money?

Because there's no other way any working class person can hope to do that.

I don't think it is right to steal money.

So, no. Robbing a bank isn't the type of invention or fund raising that I had in mind.

I think I understand your philosophy and point-of-view. I disagree with it. I do not think it is a government obligation (i.e. financial one) to ensure people have access to any and all medical care or treatment needed. I don't see it as a basic human right nor does it bother me that some people die everyday because of this situation.

Life is competition and decidedly unequal.

The fact is all resources are distributed in an unequal fashion. It is utopian to think things can be equal. Why? It's not human nature. It's not animal nature. It's life.

Edit: Hell, sunlight isn't distributed equally amongst the trees. Nobody can ever describe life on this planet as fair.
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Good fucking Gawd LT...

Get some new material. You already did this thread to death about four years ago and it was provably based upon a false premise.

And yes, I have the money. So do you if a word that you spew is to be taken truthfully...
Jeez, you are such a brain dead idiot.

The situation I am referring to in the OP occurred in 2007. I know you're an ignorant jackass but I'm sure that you can find someone in your infrastructure-free trailer park who can tell you who was President in 2007.

There isn't any way I could have known that with your incomplete half retarded OP that wasn't in context and barely had complete fucking sentences. L2 post, and speak English mother fucker......and I'm the brain dead one??? :rolleyes:

I'll wait.

Same clowns are still potus....Obama is just the new mouthpiece, notice that overwhelming carrying on of Bush policy? Fuck we are still in the war that dumb shit DEMOCRAT PROMISED HE WOULD END 6 FUCKING YEARS AGO....Dem LIES.

Reform HC? Did very very little of that....slightly expanded coverage for how many hundreds of fucking billions when a single payer system could have been bought and paid for 10 god damn years ago??? Yea....we got sold the fuck out and don't ever think otherwise or you're deluding yourself.

How about energy dependency? The Chevy Volt....are you fucking kidding me? Oh look more DUMOH fail and lies.

Patiot Act...continues...

No child left behind...continues...

The guy didn't do a fucking thing he said he would....just more W with a different face.

You can shut the fuck up now.

Never going to happen....you can be the biggest politico hack douche nozzle on the board right next to BusyBody...incoherent ramblings and all....you got that part down well.

But it doesn't change the fact Obama....isn't the slightest bit better than W....in fact, he's just fucking like him. I enjoyed shitting all over you and your non argument having rage rant without any context relating it to an incident 6 years old...we should do this again sometime.
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The OP premise is flawed.

Even with $75,000 there aren't enough livers to transplant everyone who needs one.

Sign up for organ donation in case you get killed in an auto crash.

Unfortunately most of my body parts are now too old and well-used to be of any use to anyone now, but I have been a registered organ donor since I was 18.
no i don't. i may have 200 bucks extra at any given time. with obama forcing me to get healthcare, it may suck $600 out of my pocket i can not afford. i am in a wage area where i actually owe the government money every tax year, but do not qualify for any government help. and now they want to force me to pay for something i may never have to use for a very long time. and stick their noses into my business.
There isn't any way I could have known that with your incomplete half retarded OP that wasn't in context and barely had complete fucking sentences. L2 post, and speak English mother fucker......and I'm the brain dead one??? :rolleyes:
So it's my fault that you made an idiotic assumption? Stupid child. If you didn't know, you could have just asked. But you didn't, because you're a fucking idiot.

Same clowns are still potus....Obama is just the new mouthpiece, notice that overwhelming carrying on of Bush policy? Fuck we are still in the war that dumb shit DEMOCRAT PROMISED HE WOULD END 6 FUCKING YEARS AGO....Dem LIES.
Yes, but this has nothing to do with the fact that this incident happened in 2007. And probably would NOT have happened had we had Medicare For All. You do know what Medicare for All is, don't you? Hint: It has NOTHING AT ALL TO DO with your LONG TL;DR WHINY BITCH RANTS about Obama.

You should have just sat down and stayed quiet like a good little backwoods no infrastructure trailer park inbred hick boy.
I don't think it is right to steal money.

So, no. Robbing a bank isn't the type of invention or fund raising that I had in mind.

I think I understand your philosophy and point-of-view. I disagree with it. I do not think it is a government obligation (i.e. financial one) to ensure people have access to any and all medical care or treatment needed. I don't see it as a basic human right nor does it bother me that some people die everyday because of this situation.
Then I disagree that you should be allowed to live in a civilized society. Simply because you oppose the very foundations thereof.

The OP premise is flawed.

Even with $75,000 there aren't enough livers to transplant everyone who needs one.

Sign up for organ donation in case you get killed in an auto crash.

Unfortunately most of my body parts are now too old and well-used to be of any use to anyone now, but I have been a registered organ donor since I was 18.
In the actual real life case that I was referring to, there were actually TWO matching livers that came available. I am a registered donor.