which actors have you wanting to see the film and which put your right off even considering watching it?


High on a Hill
Jul 2, 2009
i'll watch anything with Margot Robbie in, Idris Elba, David Tennant, Sally Field, Daniel Radcliffe, Denzel W, Judi Dench, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Di Caprio, Jodie Foster, Tom Hanks, Octavia Spencer, Viola Davies, Ralph Fiennes, Will Smith, Jackie Chan, Ryan Reynolds, Matt Damon or Daniel Craig. There are more but... :) Even if the premise sounds unappealing, if they are in it then i'll watch it and decide what i think after the fact, trusting the actors' filmographies to guide me.

people who'd put me right off?

Steven Segal
Charlie Sheen
Steven Segal
Chuck Norris
Steven Segal
longer list, but i can't even remember half the names; if i see one of those names or faces, i'll flick right past the film. Nightmare scenario would be if there's someone i'd need to see in the same movie as someone i cannot stand watching. :eek:

your turn
i'll watch anything with Margot Robbie in, Idris Elba, David Tennant, Sally Field, Daniel Radcliffe, Denzel W, Judi Dench, Anthony Hopkins, Morgan Freeman, Di Caprio, Jodie Foster, Tom Hanks, Octavia Spencer, Viola Davies, Ralph Fiennes, Will Smith, Jackie Chan, Ryan Reynolds, Matt Damon or Daniel Craig. There are more but... :) Even if the premise sounds unappealing, if they are in it then i'll watch it and decide what i think after the fact, trusting the actors' filmographies to guide me.

people who'd put me right off?

Steven Segal
Charlie Sheen
Steven Segal
Chuck Norris
Steven Segal
longer list, but i can't even remember half the names; if i see one of those names or faces, i'll flick right past the film. Nightmare scenario would be if there's someone i'd need to see in the same movie as someone i cannot stand watching. :eek:

your turn
I avoid movies with The Rock in them.
Off the top of my head I'd go with Sam Rockwell, Tim Roth, Emma Thompson, Daniel Radcliffe, Sarah Polley, David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Olivia Colman on the must watch side. On the avoid at all costs side Sly Stallone and Karen Gillan.
Although I'll probably edit the avoid side when I think of more actors I dislike.
Off the top of my head I'd go with Sam Rockwell, Tim Roth, Emma Thompson, Daniel Radcliffe, Sarah Polley, David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Olivia Colman on the must watch side. On the avoid at all costs side Sly Stallone and Karen Gillan.
Although I'll probably edit the avoid side when I think of more actors I dislike.
That's funny. Tennant was my favorite Doctor, and Gillan my favorite companion.

Love Tennant and Sheen together. They crack me up.

I'd check out anything Simon Pegg is leading, especially if Nick Frost is in it too.

Ruling out anything with the Baldwins.
That's funny. Tennant was my favorite Doctor, and Gillan my favorite companion.

Love Tennant and Sheen together. They crack me up.

I'd check out anything Simon Pegg is leading, especially if Nick Frost is in it too.

Ruling out anything with the Baldwins.
Looking forward to the new season of Good Omens in a couple of days! Agree about Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.
The Baldwins suck and so does Charlie Sheen. I'd add Nicholas Cage but he was terrific in Werner Herzog's Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans.
Looking forward to the new season of Good Omens in a couple of days! Agree about Simon Pegg and Nick Frost.
The Baldwins suck and so does Charlie Sheen. I'd add Nicholas Cage but he was terrific in Werner Herzog's Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call - New Orleans.
Cage is interesting. He's sort of straight to video A lister 😂

Jeff Goldblum is another weirdo that I'll go see.

Right now Tom Hardy is on the "Go See" list. Looking forward to Venom 3.
Aside from The Life Aquatic and Guardians of the Galaxy 2 I avidly avoid Goldblum. How can I forget Jim Carey and Jeff Daniel's? The very sound of their names makes me cringe. 😵‍💫
I give most actors a chance but there are a few that are off-putting to the point where I just refuse to watch them. The list of not-a-chance is short
Jake Gyllenhaal, Vin Diesel top the list for me.

There are directors that I will watch just about anything they make moreso than a particular actor.
Paul Thomas Anderson
Wes Anderson
The Cohen Brothers.
You can't go wrong with any of them.
isn't it funny that the list of 'likes' comes to mind so much easier than the names on the 'not a chance' list? it's not that the list is necessarily shorter, but the names are less important to our brains right up till we see them in a cast list :D

Off the top of my head I'd go with Sam Rockwell, Tim Roth, Emma Thompson, Daniel Radcliffe, Sarah Polley, David Tennant, Michael Sheen, Olivia Colman on the must watch side. On the avoid at all costs side Sly Stallone and Karen Gillan.
Although I'll probably edit the avoid side when I think of more actors I dislike.
That's funny. Tennant was my favorite Doctor, and Gillan my favorite companion.

Love Tennant and Sheen together. They crack me up.

I'd check out anything Simon Pegg is leading, especially if Nick Frost is in it too.

Ruling out anything with the Baldwins.
this! pegg and frost together or separately are fab to watch. Paul has to be one of my favourite films, but so is Shaun of the Dead
World's End was excellent as well, which reminds me,l. As long as it isn't LOTR, I'll watch anything with Martin Freeman.
Likes: Samuel Jackson, Ed Norton, Lance Henriksen, John Cusack, Robert Downey Jr, Johnny Depp, Helen Bonham Carter, Drew Barrymore, Cate Blanchett

Not so much: David Schwimmer, Owen Wilson, Pauly Shore, Mark Wahlberg, Dakota Fanning, Joan Cusack, Maggie Gyllenhaal