Lets play.....Where are they now?????


Literotica Guru
Jul 28, 2002
Forget the French and Germans, to whom honesty is an incomprehensible concept. Ignore the Arabs, with their addiction to comforting lies and a culture of blame. What about our bleeding heart celebrities who were so happy to ignore the bleeding people of Iraq?

Why hasn't the Holier-Than-Thou Club had anything to say about the regime's use of human shields? Or the use of hospitals as military facilities? Or the executions of Iraqi citizens by death squads? Or the mistreatment of prisoners? . . .Or the children imprisoned for not joining the Baathist parties?

Guess not. They've moved on. Not one film star is making an effort to go to Iraq to actually do something for the millions who suffered under Saddam. The antiwar movement was a fad for moral lightweights eager to portray themselves as heroes.

We all know where the heroes are today. They're in Iraq, making history. Not in film studios

Where are they NOW?
Tuesday, April 08, 2003

NOW, THE KIDS: Yep, over a hundred children - yes, children - escaped from a Saddam prison today. They had been jailed because they wouldn't join the Hitler, er, Saddam Youth. They are deliriously happy, along with their parents. They gave the G.I.s two signs: a thumbs-up and then they held their wrists together to signify that they had been chained up.

Where are the "celebrities" protesting against the treatment of kids? Where the fuck are they now???

Many local people seemed genuinely happy to see the army rolling past, laughing and joking even as they were stopped to be frisked at the checkpoints into and out of the city. A jubilant crowd of about 100 Iraqis surrounded two British tanks sitting side by side near a mural of Saddam Hussein and started cheering the soldiers inside and giving the thumbs-up sign. Soldiers were handed pink carna tions and yellow flowers. Abdul Karim, an English teacher, was wandering through the city late in the day. He was standing opposite a burning building, painted with the inevitable portrait of Saddam He said it was used as a food warehouse by the Ba'ath party and that it had been looted and set on fire. He said he had a BA in English. "It's great, it's great," he said with an expansive gesture. "The Fedayeen have gone. They left on Saturday and Sunday. It is fantastic."

One obvious point: if it weren't for Bush and Blair, these people would still be in a living hell. But the U.N. would be happy. The movie "stars" would be happy
Re: Re: Lets play.....Where are they now?????

Gil_Favor said:
bb, they have gone back to doing what they do best,

Attending the Oscars and other important stuff
Do the "celebrities" have no shame?

What were they hoping to accomplish? Permit the madman to continue to kill his people? Are these "celebrities" that earn millions in this country so hateful of their own country? Why do we, Americans continue to view the films of these "celebrities" and fund their idiocy?
Barbara Streisand is still banging away on her keyboard


Ole Barbs views:

I pray for America's military servicemen and women and their families. I pray that this war is over quickly, that our troops come home safely and that there are few civilian casualties.

I find it tragic that the Bush administration's attempts at diplomacy failed so miserably and have led us to the point of starting a war that might have been avoided.

Thank God the constitution enables all citizens to exercise their freedom of speech to say what they believe. That's what's great about democracy and what's great about this country.

In fact, Theodore Roosevelt said, "To announce that there must be no criticism of the president, or that we are to stand by the president, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public." How dare the media call people who speak out against the war unpatriotic. Exercising freedom of speech is an extremely patriotic act.

I have been arguing that point for many years now, that artists have just as much of a right to speak out as every other citizen. In 1995, I gave a speech at Harvard called the artist as citizen. I made the point then and many times since that artists are citizens first and artists second. We have opinions and ideas, just like anybody else. The difference is that we are given more visibility from which to speak - so we have to be informed and we have to be responsible, but it doesn't mean we have to be quiet

Isn't the text bolded above the exact same thing as Tom Daschle said...? Yes it is, Barb is parrotting Daschle
'course striesand is the one who had the balls to say that if everyone in california would hang their laundry on clothes lines there wouldn't be any more brown outs. like she even fuckin' knows where her fuckin' washing machine is.

i wonder how many of them were surprised to see all the munitions that they were storing in the frickin' schools over there. what's the phrase i'm searching for that they should be aware of... oh yeah, shut the fuck up.
I don't believe anyone who was against this war ever said that the treatment of the Iraqi people wasn't wrong.

Let's remember that this war started because Saddam in the eyes of Bush was a terrorist and dangerous to us not because we needed to help the Iraqi citizens. Suddenly it became operation "Iraqi Freedom". That's not why it started though. If Saddam had cooperated with the UN resolutions and Bush had been satisfied that all weapons had been destroyed we wouldn't have been there helping the Iraqi people.
Where are they? The same place busybody is. He was never THERE, he's certainly not THERE now, and he will do everything he can to keep from going THERE.

So there.
Action hero

How about our wonder Action Hero--RAMBO--Sly Stalolne--the man who ran to Canada to get out of the war. What a country that we have, people who died so that he can do this.
I thought this was going to be a thread about Siren & Cymbidia's release from mental hospitals.