Let it Ride

Dixon Carter Lee

Nov 22, 1999
"Let it Ride" with Richard Dreyfuss is one of those great movies only eleven people have ever seen. I have to rent it at least once a year. Just rented it again this weekend. What a great, great movie.

Ever see it?
No, where i'm from Let it Ride is played in casinos. but if it is good enough to rent once a year maybe ill check it out.
I really like that movie too. But why rent it? It seems to be on cable quite often.
Well written, well acted fantasy about a loser's perfect day at the track. It's worth it just for Robbie Coltrane as the 50 Dollar Ticket Window Clerk.
Robby Coltrane definitely adds the right touch to a movie. Many people think "Nuns on the Run" is a stupid movie, but Robby Coltrane makes that movie great.
I rarely see it played on cable. I loved that movie. I'm a huge Richard Dryfuss fan to begin with.
SilvaTungDevil said:
I really like that movie too. But why rent it? It seems to be on cable quite often.

It's an urge thing. One day I wake up and say, "Time to see it". I get the same way about "The Maltese Falcon", "The Third Man", "The Godfather", etc.

I really should buy movies.
Robbie Coltrane is very underrated. I loved him in Nuns on the Run, but became a big Cracker fan too.

Dixon Carter Lee said:
"Let it Ride" with Richard Dreyfuss is one of those great movies only eleven people have ever seen. I have to rent it at least once a year. Just rented it again this weekend. What a great, great movie.

Ever see it?

That is a GREAT movie, definitely in my personal top ten. Everyone in the cast gives a great funny performance, and it was brilliantly cast. My favorite bit player was Robbie Coltrane, who played the ticket seller.

I love that movie. But...I'm blocked on the title of that great old horse racing song they used in the soundtrack...