Language is a puzzle.


Not Innocent
Oct 26, 2001
Out of to communicate the impulse, writers peice different together words make to sense. It all like seems an illusion even outside of what is concidered 'correct' the realms, communication real there is sense a that can happen but at moment any.

You do agree?
Kitte said:
:( Im too sleepy.

The point of communication isn't about thinking, rather, it is about giving and recieving. You don't have to be awake to recieve...

Some couples enjoy recieving from their partner while still half asleep. ;)
Black_Bird said:
The point of communication isn't about thinking, rather, it is about giving and recieving. You don't have to be awake to recieve...

Some couples enjoy recieving from their partner while still half asleep. ;)

When you put it that way, I definatley agree!
you think too much. for this time of night, anyway.
Black_Bird said:
Any Piece outside of 'correct' realms is a sense of impulse that writers happen to communicate. Together different words make sense even outside illusion. It all seems like what is considered the communication is real, but out of the sense that there is a moment that can happen.
Re: Re: Language is a puzzle.

horny_giraffe said:
Black_Bird said:
Any piece outside of 'correct' realms is a sense of impulse that writers happen to communicate. Together different words make sense even outside illusion. It all seems like what is considered the communication is real, but out of the sense that there is a moment that can happen.

I agree.

As do I. I didn't know I said that.