kotori = happy


Fool of Fortune
Oct 9, 2001
after a miserable monday (even as compared to the average monday), i got some great news.

when mrs. k gave me my walking papers last spring, i moved into the downstairs apartment of a friend's two family house (gratis, under the circumstances). I had to move out six weeks later, 'cause he had a tenant coming in, and since then, i've been here, aka 'the flophouse.'

Tonight he told me that I could move back at the same rent I'm paying now (this is major, believe me). Two more months, and then I'm outta here.

Moving is so much better than cleaning...
I forgot to add the happy dancing bananas.

:nana: :nana: :nana:

that's only proper etiquette, right?
Very happy to hear that
So do you leave an interesting midden wherever you go?
Congrats, Kotori...I'm glad you'll be getting settled where you want to be...
Okay, J.P.

just pet said:
So do you leave an interesting midden wherever you go?
I'm too lazy to google. I don't know from "midden." 'Splain.
Archaeologists call the mounds of shells, bones, tool-like implements and other detritus that might suggest a "kitchen" area a midden, I think.
Re: Okay, J.P.

kotori said:
I'm too lazy to google. I don't know from "midden." 'Splain.

kitchen midden, refuse heap left by a prehistoric settlement; more specifically, a deposit consisting primarily of discarded shell and related cultural material in coastal environments. First studied (1848) in Denmark, middens are an important source of ecological and cultural information. Kitchen middens, generally known as shell mounds in the Americas, usually date from the late Mesolithic period. Their contents include artifacts that can be dated, suggesting the mode of life and technology of ancient peoples. Analysis of animal remains can indicate the climate, season, length of occupation, hunting patterns, and the possible presence of domestication. Such middens generally represent only one component of a complex foraging strategy of migratory hunter-gatherers.

Your trash tells so much about you
I see. In future ages, they'll know I smoked Doral Menthol Lights and drank massive quantities of tea and the occasional Guinness.

In other words, "I see Irish people."
Re: Re: Okay, J.P.

just pet said:
kitchen midden, refuse heap left by a prehistoric settlement; more specifically, a deposit consisting primarily of discarded shell and related cultural material in coastal environments. First studied (1848) in Denmark, middens are an important source of ecological and cultural information. Kitchen middens, generally known as shell mounds in the Americas, usually date from the late Mesolithic period. Their contents include artifacts that can be dated, suggesting the mode of life and technology of ancient peoples. Analysis of animal remains can indicate the climate, season, length of occupation, hunting patterns, and the possible presence of domestication. Such middens generally represent only one component of a complex foraging strategy of migratory hunter-gatherers.

Your trash tells so much about you

i thought you were talking slang about a masturbation mitten-
silly me...:eek:

i used to go bottle diggin in old redwood stumps in the woods of logger norcal...

diamonds in the mudpuddles:rose:
Re: Re: Re: Okay, J.P.

eagleyez said:
i thought you were talking slang about a masturbation mitten-
silly me...:eek:

i used to go bottle diggin in old redwood stumps in the woods of logger norcal...

diamonds in the mudpuddles:rose:

Eagle.. I didn't know what a midden was either....

and your guess was pretty good.... It is a Porn Board ya know ;)
He who lays down with the lamb comes out OK in March.