Kloven McCarthy says we don't need the Army, Navy, Air Force or Marines

Kevin McCarthy Threatens to Defund Military If Vaccine Mandate Not Lifted

Kevin McCarthy has said that the vaccine mandate is a reason why the military has been failing to meet its recruitment targets.


He's not wrong, at least in part.

The other part is that it turns out blue haired nonbinary SJW's with two moms aren't really a service oriented demographic. In reality the USA relies on those GOD DAMN FUCKIN WHITE MALES with all their toxic masculinity and evil nationalism to fill the military ranks.

Democrats: "Fuck whitey and those god damn toxic males!!!! No borders no walls no USA at all!!! Evil white nationalist USA is the worst EVER!!! "

Also Democrats: "Why are our recruiting numbers down?? Why doesn't anyone want to join the Woke Corps for extra sensitivity training, undoing western colonialism classes and daily white male bashing ???"

LOL..... good luck getting these blue haired AntiFa kids and spoiled Kardashian wannabe bimbos who hate the USA.... into the US military. I'm sure shitting on your primary demographics to cater to all 3 black trans Muslim communist with gay mixed race parents, is a brilliant recruiting move!!!
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Will be also remove all other vaccine mandates or just the one he doesn't like?
He's not wrong, at least in part.

The other part is that it turns out blue haired nonbinary SJW's with two moms aren't really a service oriented demographic. In reality the USA relies on those GOD DAMN FUCKIN WHITE MALES with all their toxic masculinity and evil nationalism to fill the military ranks.

Democrats: "Fuck whitey and those god damn toxic males!!!! No borders no walls no USA at all!!! Evil white nationalist USA is the worst EVER!!! "

Also Democrats: "Why are our recruiting numbers down?? Why doesn't anyone want to join the Woke Corps for extra sensitivity training, undoing western colonialism classes and daily white male bashing ???"

LOL..... good luck getting these blue haired AntiFa kids and spoiled Kardashian wannabe bimbos who hate the USA.... into the US military. I'm sure shitting on your primary demographics to cater to all 3 black trans Muslim communist with gay mixed race parents, is a brilliant recruiting move!!!
What a histrionic cuck! Lol
How about the Space Force?
Maybe they'll restore title 10 status to the "RAINBOW DIVISION" :D

The "optics" and virtue signaling are everything with these people.

Like Maaaahthaz Vineyard..... super inclusive, pro diversity and a SANCTUARY for illegals.... until the illegals show up, *GASP* *MAXIMUM DRAMA***** without leaf blowers or house cleaning kit.

THAT requires immediate military action.... LOL
McCarthy is a dumb ass and a threat to the members of the armed forces and national security.

The "optics" and virtue signaling are everything with these people.

Like Maaaahthaz Vineyard..... super inclusive, pro diversity and a SANCTUARY for illegals.... until the illegals show up, *GASP* *MAXIMUM DRAMA***** without leaf blowers or house cleaning kit.

THAT requires immediate military action.... LOL
They were shipped off to “Joint Base Cap Cod” (JBCC) which is a military facility/base.
He's not wrong, at least in part.

The other part is that it turns out blue haired nonbinary SJW's with two moms aren't really a service oriented demographic. In reality the USA relies on those GOD DAMN FUCKIN WHITE MALES with all their toxic masculinity and evil nationalism to fill the military ranks.

Democrats: "Fuck whitey and those god damn toxic males!!!! No borders no walls no USA at all!!! Evil white nationalist USA is the worst EVER!!! "

Also Democrats: "Why are our recruiting numbers down?? Why doesn't anyone want to join the Woke Corps for extra sensitivity training, undoing western colonialism classes and daily white male bashing ???"

LOL..... good luck getting these blue haired AntiFa kids and spoiled Kardashian wannabe bimbos who hate the USA.... into the US military. I'm sure shitting on your primary demographics to cater to all 3 black trans Muslim communist with gay mixed race parents, is a brilliant recruiting move!!!
Wow Linus. Got your blood pressure medication?

The overall force numbers can be down, but the key is for the forces to be modernized.

2021; 4,000 off the number…from 2020. Still met their goal as the military is changing priorities.

Dial it down a little bit, if you even know how.
The "optics" and virtue signaling are everything with these people.

Like Maaaahthaz Vineyard..... super inclusive, pro diversity and a SANCTUARY for illegals.... until the illegals show up, *GASP* *MAXIMUM DRAMA***** without leaf blowers or house cleaning kit.

THAT requires immediate military action.... LOL
Instead of letting the people just sit with no action? They were given empty promises by DeSantis’s people they would get all kinds of services. Instead of having nothing happen, they jumped into gear and got people where they could get those services.

So funny how you want to make it sound like something terrible. Just imagine if instead of playing game and spending 1.5 million on those two planes to Mass…pretty expensive flights for a stunt.

Great fiscal responsibility for conservatives.
He's not wrong, at least in part.

The other part is that it turns out blue haired nonbinary SJW's with two moms aren't really a service oriented demographic. In reality the USA relies on those GOD DAMN FUCKIN WHITE MALES with all their toxic masculinity and evil nationalism to fill the military ranks.

Democrats: "Fuck whitey and those god damn toxic males!!!! No borders no walls no USA at all!!! Evil white nationalist USA is the worst EVER!!! "

Also Democrats: "Why are our recruiting numbers down?? Why doesn't anyone want to join the Woke Corps for extra sensitivity training, undoing western colonialism classes and daily white male bashing ???"

LOL..... good luck getting these blue haired AntiFa kids and spoiled Kardashian wannabe bimbos who hate the USA.... into the US military. I'm sure shitting on your primary demographics to cater to all 3 black trans Muslim communist with gay mixed race parents, is a brilliant recruiting move!!!
Dude, what the fuck...this is the most incoherent screaming-at-clouds, post-awareness confusions ranting shit you have ever posted. Even by your own abysmally low standards. I have no idea what you are even trying to say here, other than a bunch of toxic hate-filled ranting against Democrats and the military.
Everyone in every branch gets shots and if they refuse they are no longer a member. Sick soldiers are worthless. Covid doesn't change that.
There is absolutely no reason for the vaccine mandate. It doesn't prevent anyone from contracting the disease and it doesn't prevent anyone from spreading the disease. In the age group and physical condition of the cohort under discussion the probability of a severe infection is almost non-existent. On the other there is an increase in excess deaths due to myocarditis in that same cohort post vaccination.

Research out of Germany shows clustering of lymphocytes ('T' cells) in the heart muscle that are destroying said muscle. The nut of it is that the vaccination may be more dangerous than the disease in SOME individuals. Further research is needed to determine why certain individuals in that age group are susceptible to this phenomena.

German Research
Dude, what the fuck...this is the most incoherent screaming-at-clouds, post-awareness confusions ranting shit you have ever posted. Even by your own abysmally low standards. I have no idea what you are even trying to say here, other than a bunch of toxic hate-filled ranting against Democrats and the military.

That's because you're so drunk on woke flavored Kool-Aid my anti-woke words hurt your brain.

Let me simplify it for you, the military got woke, decided shitting all over the people who join up for the sake of people who DON'T join up was wonderful progress, and now their recruiting numbers are in the shitter, go broke.

I don't hate the military, I hate Democrats destruction of it for the sake of social engineering and ideological stupidity.
That's because you're so drunk on woke flavored Kool-Aid my anti-woke words hurt your brain.

Let me simplify it for you, the military got woke, decided shitting all over the people who join up for the sake of people who DON'T join up was wonderful progress, and now their recruiting numbers are in the shitter, go broke.

I don't hate the military, I hate Democrats destruction of it for the sake of social engineering and ideological stupidity.
Whole lot of hate of people. Again, finding someone to talk to about those frustrations would be good for you in the long run. Or you can keep screaming from the toilet. You have the guns while on the toilet? Ever ready?
Wow Linus. Got your blood pressure medication?

Don't need any, 112/74 RHR-59bpm.... PT MACHINE!!!

The overall force numbers can be down, but the key is for the forces to be modernized.

Woke forces aren't key to anything but failure and celebration of failure.
2021; 4,000 off the number…from 2020. Still met their goal as the military is changing priorities.

Yes, away from combat effectiveness and towards ideological purity.

That's the problem.

Instead of letting the people just sit with no action? They were given empty promises by DeSantis’s people they would get all kinds of services. Instead of having nothing happen, they jumped into gear and got people where they could get those services.

Not DeSantis's fault the leftoids broke their promises to help their precious illegal migrants and called the military instead of being the sanctuary city they promised to be.

We had no way of knowing you guys were a bunch of lying hypocrite NIMBY's putting out totally empty virtue signals.

So funny how you want to make it sound like something terrible. Just imagine if instead of playing game and spending 1.5 million on those two planes to Mass…pretty expensive flights for a stunt.

That you guys were confirmed to be a bunch of lying sacks of shit?? No, watching rich open border democrats freak out and call the military like absolute fucking hypocrite NIMBY scum, live on global TV, was worth every penny.

Great fiscal responsibility for conservatives.

Got immigration issues taken seriously all of a sudden, hard to ignore it when the illegal migrants are landing on YOUR doorstep.