Kingdom Of Kidnappers (RolePlayers needed!)


Literotica Guru
Nov 16, 2012
Age: 18
Sex: female
Apperiance: brown hair, brown eyes, paleish skin, shouldè length hair, cuts and bruises on chest.

The Story:
I was walking down the road to my cottage as usual. I saw somethings today tgat i wish to write down. As i enter i notice a draft. One of my windows is broken and a piece of paper tied to a stone reads: we are coming for you bitch! -your worst nightmare!
I pack my stuff and run for the door. Scared out of my mind. I think of who it could be. But i have never done ANYTHING that would may someone mad at me.
I run down the road eager to get away. I look around before flipping my the hood of my forest green dress onto my head
wolf pack

We ,the half dozen ,known as the Wolfpack ,follow on rubber soled shoes ,we can see she senses some thing or some one ,her head keeps turning back but she see's no one .We know where she is going ,we take a side street and lay in wait ,she must be relieved as her senses tell her she is safe .
She rounds the corner almost to her destination .The startled look on her face makes me grin ,her scream is cut off by one of the 6 who clamps his hand over her mouth .Another victim ,I mutter .Lets get her into the van .She has pissed herself ,the telltail wetness spreads across her dress ,not to worry my dear you'll soon have that off ,I'd hate to see you uncomfortabele. The others snicker ,oh yeah she'll soon enough have that and the rest off .I rub my crotch in anticipation .
I bite his hand and as he removes it i say ," let me go! I am a Wood Elf! Let me go WOLVES!" I scream
The one i bit puches me across the face and bust my lip and knocks me out. I go unconsious blood dripping from my lips.
kingdom of kidnapped

Fonzy snarls ,you fucking bitch and drives his bleeding fist into her face ,she drops like a stone .Easy Fonzy I caution him ,we want her looking half ways decent when we fuck her ,we need to get our cum in her to breed out this fucking elf shit .
Ok but if we knock her teeth out she won't be able to bite when I have my cock in her mouth ,she'll look just like all the other one's .
Ever since the lawmakers decided to allow the "Elf"s" equal statis they have been fucking like rabbits ,popping out another one every nine months and now were over run with the vermin and the only way to stop them is to get em knocked up with human sperm ,well they claim there human but we know there just fucking elf's .
This one showed promise ,well they all do ,nice tits showing through her dress ,her hem hiked up around her ass ,very nice indeed , I lick my lips in anticipation of getting my cock into her cunt .
Pick her up ,she's easier to manage when she's out cold.
We get her back to the estate ,throw her into a cell ,one of 50 all with one of her * sisters *in them, all in various stages of pregnancy .I order one of the truste's to get her cleaned up ,wondering to myself if she's a vigin ,if there is such a thing in there wierd fucked up world ,well I'd find out shortly when I split that crack of her's .My cock was hard thinking about it .
Hey dude the new ones awake and cleaned up ,not bad looking for a fucking elf .Ok I,ll have a look . I stroll to the cell ,she looks confused ,the backs into the corner ,very frightened ,thats ok I like them scared serves the bitches right . I stand in front of the bars rubbing my cock wondering how much of a fight I can expect from and that to is good gives me an excuse to slap them around or take the studded belt to her sorry ass ,not a problem since the municipal government authorized. us to do what ever it takes to eradicate the vermin My my I was getting horny watching .I bark out stand up whore show yourself
The bitch is defient go in and get her ready,fozy and
Jake go inthe cell ,she looks from one to the other there carful watching those nails one fients to the left the other one grabs .I grin as she kicks claws spits and bites ,Jake has had enough ,he belts her knocking her on her ass they ripe the shit from her ,shes not wearing anything else,now naked she seems to settle .Get her on the cot I tell the guys as I walk in undoing my pants .I,m gonna break this bitch ,shes got 3 holes and Im gonna use all of them , but first I gotta just fuck her to see if I can knock her up , she looks in horror at my 10inch cock
The boys hold her down on the bed ,she quit the fighter alright ,spread her legs I instruct ,their licking their lips in anticipation of fucking her .Now you fucking elf your gonna feel what a real person does .I kelt between her out streched thighs ,positoining my cock to her lips ,she was a dry as the desert ,with one hard shove I was in her, balls deep .She arched her back in pain screaming ,begging me to stop ,I slowly began pumping in and out ,picking up speed as she tossed her head back and forth sobbing loudly
Man she's tight ,her cunt is gripping my cock ,it only takes me a short time to blow my load into her .I pull out ,tuck away ,turn to the rest of the guys. Have at her boys ,any way you want , mouth ,cunt, asshole ,have fun
I watch them pull their dicks out and one stuffs his in my mouth, another in my ass, and another in my pussy. And one of them playing with my tits
grinning as I watch them got at her,her screaming has quieted down to a low moan ,every time one guy cums in one of her holes another takes his place ,this is the way these fucking elves should be treated ,a fresh cock is shoved up her asshole ,this times she screams lond loud ,no wonder it *tony the pony* with his 12 inches and as big around as a beer can ,we like to see him wait until the assholes are opened up by the guys with the cocks not quit so big ,cause tony has a habbit of ripping open the virgin assholes ad it kind of spoils the fun for the rest of the guys.Me I like to have all the others fuck the shit out of her ass hehe ,little play on words ,then the next day when she's still so sore she cant sit or shit for that matter lol then I fuck her ass with my 10 inches sligtly bigger around than tonys ,oh yeah Im looking foward to that ,the screaming will get all the other fucking elvs bawling knowing thatg their turn is coming
As the breaking of the elve continue,s ,I see a new comer watching the procedure .Your new here ,and by the look on your face you don't approve but you see the council voted to treat these in the way were doing ,the males are shipped to an island in the south sea,s ,t
He female,s are to be bred by humans to hopefully Impregnate them so after 2 generations there offspring will be human and we have been autherised to treat them in any way we please ,so what your seeing is with the blessing of the powers that be
The guys are done with latest capture ,she,s left huddled on the cot crying ,naked.I enter the cell with sheets and blankets . The trustee brings in food and drink ,I cover her ,the food is left ,I smile at the thought of fucking her ass in the morning
I can see the defience in her ,a tough one I thought ,they usualy knuckle under after being used ,not many elve's would still have fight left in them and we knew as long as they kept the defient streak alive they become very hard to knock up ,some internal resistence I guess . I hollered at Jake ,see what you can find out about her ,if she has any sisters or other female family members .If we can capture another one or if we have one already here we can break the bitch using one of them.Her face turned sharply when I mentioned sister ,she almost said some thing .Yes ,you have something to say but she turned her head giving a loud sob
"Yah she has 2 sisters one is her twin and one is a year older..." Jake yells back and i tense up not wanting either of them to get hurt. "...but apperently her older sister is all human..."