It's True! It's True!


*insert random title here
Feb 23, 2002
Got the Kurt Angle book on paperback as a stocking stuffer today and have already read the first three chapters.. Very good read! Dare I say it's better than Rock's book.. But Foley's two books still kick ass.

Non-wrestling fans really should be reading these books.. it would give them a new appreciation for pro wrestlers.
Lion..please tell me that you do NOT have a TITANS av up??

i've got so much respect for you, brother. why???
amelia said:
Lion..please tell me that you do NOT have a TITANS av up??

i've got so much respect for you, brother. why???

Ok.. I'll tell you that I do not have a Titans av up. :D

But you'll understand once we claim top spot in the AFC (those Chiefs better win..) and then when Air McNair is the Super Bowl MVP..
dude, you know i'm a raider's fan..right?

the chiefs are going down. and not in the sexy way! :catroar:
amelia said:
dude, you know i'm a raiders fan..right?

the chiefs are going down. and not in the sexy way! :catroar:

I know you are... but I've never held that against you :p

Even if the Chiefs lose and let the Raiders win, that's fine.

A Titans win and they have a bye as well and at least one home date at the stadium.