It's OK to....


Well, that is lovely
Sep 20, 2005
This is an attempt to rewrite Then Rule Book using positives.

Contributions welcome.

It's OK to eat pancakes for supper :D
It's ok to leave social events early because you know you'll have more fun at home.
It's okay to ....

dislike someone you love.

can you dislike someone you love? yes. Is it OK?

It's okay to not like "It's okay to ...."

I don't want to give in to acceptance

"It's OK to say No. Seriously the world will still keep on turning." ...this is good
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It's ok to want your own bedroom in a permanent relationship.

It's ok to want time alone.

It's ok to play star wars on the wii with the lightsaber attachment.

It's ok to really covet pretty shoes, even if you have nothing to wear them with.

It's ok to act like a besotted, smitten, infatuated teenager in public.

It's ok to go back for free sample seconds at the supermarket.

It's ok to send your food/coffee/whatever back if it doesn't come up to standard.
It's ok to endure some pain to spend time with friends

It's ok to sometimes back away from friendships

It's ok to sometimes want to be alone in a room full of people

It's ok not to be the person with all the attention

It's ok to not get what you want when you want it
It's ok to daydream when, where, and however long you want.

It's ok to believe in love stories.

It's always ok to sleep in.

It's ok to window shop and desperately want all the things you really can't and will likely never be able to afford.
It's ok to not like other people's children and think that babies are kind annoying.
It's ok to think inside the box once in a while (as long as you don't tape the top closed behind you).
It's ok to eat Mc Donald's in your car in the parking lot (as long as it's not every day hehe)