IT'S MAGIC! Biden's Brother Wins $100 Million Federal Contract to Build Homes In Iraq


Jan 23, 2011
IT'S MAGIC! Biden's Brother Wins $100 Million Federal Contract to Build Homes In Iraq --

Does he work for HALLIBURTON?
Video: Did Biden get his brother a lucrative contract in Iraq?

posted at 2:01 pm on October 23, 2012 by Ed Morrissey

Joe Biden’s younger brother James stands to earn millions of dollars in post-war construction in Iraq, thanks to his long experience in the construction industry. No, wait, James Biden doesn’t have much experience in construction. All right, he stands to make millions due to his long experience in investing in South Korean construction firms and doing business in Iraq. No, wait, he doesn’t have any experience in either of those fields, either. How, then, did James Biden work his way into a partnership with a South Korean firm to build 100,000 homes in Iraq, a project that will be financed by the Iraqi government?

It really helps, as the president of the partnership managing the project involved told investors, to have “the brother of the Vice President as a partner”:

David Richter, the president of Hill International (HIL), a mid-sized outfit that manages construction projects, was speaking last year at a private meeting with investors when he was asked about the recent success of his newest subsidiary, HillStone International.

How was it that HillStone, a newcomer in the business of home building, landed a massive and potentially lucrative contract to build 100,000 homes in war-torn Iraq?

Richter didn’t mince words. It really helps, he said, to have “the brother of the vice president as a partner,” according to a person who was present.

The “brother” Richter was referring to during the meeting is James Biden, the younger brother of Vice President Joe Biden.

Since November 2010, James Biden has been the executive vice president of Hill International’s housing subsidiary despite little if any documented work history in residential construction. And if the company’s projections are accurate, both Hill and Biden are on the verge of a huge payday, beneficiaries, some analysts believe, of James Biden’s connections to the Obama Administration through his older brother. …

And if the deal does happen, a chunk of that $1.5 billion will flow to the biggest connection Hill has to government: James Biden. Hill International owns a 51% stake in HillStone; a group of minority partners, including Biden, hold the rest. That means that the minority partners would split roughly $735 million, pocketing millions of dollars even after expenses are paid.

“There’s plenty of money for everyone if this project goes through,” said Hill International’s chief executive, Irv Richter, who founded the company 40 years ago.

I’m sure this was all just a coincidence, including the state dinner that Biden attended that just happened to include a delegation from South Korea. After all, this is the administration of Hope and Change, where personal connections, cronyism, and corruption no longer exists. Right?
So Hill corp owns 51% of the company and a group of minority partners including James Biden split the other 49%? This kinda seems like... you both want to change the conversation from the beat-down your candidate took in front of America last night. :rolleyes:
So Hill corp owns 51% of the company and a group of minority partners including James Biden split the other 49%? This kinda seems like... you both want to change the conversation from the beat-down your candidate took in front of America last night. :rolleyes:

Really get the fuck out here ass clown.
So Hill corp owns 51% of the company and a group of minority partners including James Biden split the other 49%? This kinda seems like... you both want to change the conversation from the beat-down your candidate took in front of America last night. :rolleyes:

Richter didn’t mince words. It really helps, he said, to have “the brother of the vice president as a partner,” according to a person who was present.

Hey ASSHOLE, what % of HAL did Cheney own?:D
Originally Posted by mercury14 View Post
So Hill corp owns 51% of the company and a group of minority partners including James Biden split the other 49%

Merc, you're a jerkoff.

Make that Mercoff.
Okay then.


Ok ass clowm, Obama would like that.
He never said what he going the next four year's it was always going after Romney but never saying what he's going to do.
Romney's shit might not work but we know Obama's shit doesn't so what keep a loser around.
Ok ass clowm, Obama would like that.
He never said what he going the next four year's it was always going after Romney but never saying what he's going to do.
Romney's shit might not work but we know Obama's shit doesn't so what keep a loser around.

he has a 20 pager out today

same shit



read it.....when CNN laughs, you know its shit

same shit



read it.....when CNN laughs, you know its shit


I just did
Hey we need start a green energy company then find us a black lady to run it then we'll be rich and move to another country:D
You see the report energy department released today saying we are becoming oil independence faster in it says nothing of green energy:D
if OBAMA would get the fuck outa the way and we KILL all ENVIRO MENTAL ISTS

we would have MORE oil and gas then we have welfare recipients:D
Ok ass clowm, Obama would like that.
He never said what he going the next four year's it was always going after Romney but never saying what he's going to do.
Romney's shit might not work but we know Obama's shit doesn't so what keep a loser around.

That's funny that you think Obama doesn't have a plan for the next four years because Republicans attack him for those plans every day.
No ass clown
They attacked him for not having one.

So Republicans aren't attacking Obama on health care, letting the Bush tax cuts expire for the wealthy, or investing in infrastructure? Hell, Republicans even made up a lie that Obama is planning on sequestration as part of his economic plan (while magically not counting any deficit reduction from it if it did happen).

They even attacked Obama for the 2014 withdrawal from Afghanistan and then stopped last night when Romney flip-flopped and took up Obama's plan.

Now you're saying Republicans aren't attacking Obama's plans?
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