It's almost time for ... NaNo!

Good work, Ogg! Yours is a lofty goal, but it anyone can do it, you can! :rose:

Thank you.

I've just added a non-erotic poem - The Song of King Alfred

Neither submission required much more than getting them of the pending heap. Most of the words were already there, but they needed reviewing, and some editing.

My target will get harder as I dig further into the heap.
Hello NaNo peeps!

So ... who got started today? I've seen posts from ellie, MST, Lynn and BuckyD on the thread in the forums so far.

I got a good start, though truth be told, I was starting with 3,000 words, and I found some more that I had written that I forgot about. Woot! I'm still writing for the next hour or so, but wanted to check in as the 1st day of NaNo, at least in my time zone, comes to a close.

Do any of you listen to music as you write? I do, sometimes, but I'm listening to Hozier right now, but it's distracting me because the lyrics are so good. :rolleyes:
Thank you.

I've just added a non-erotic poem - The Song of King Alfred

Neither submission required much more than getting them of the pending heap. Most of the words were already there, but they needed reviewing, and some editing.

My target will get harder as I dig further into the heap.

Dig away, Ogg. I wish you well.
Do any of you listen to music as you write? I do, sometimes, but I'm listening to Hozier right now, but it's distracting me because the lyrics are so good. :rolleyes:

I found these a few years back.

No lyrics, just soft background music, it kind of helps keep away distractions. There are all kinds. A youtube search of Epic music will find them. There are some that are as much as 8 hours long.

Well, I've typed till my fingers are cramping working on my winter story. Will try and finish it up and get to NaNoing tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone.

That's great, MST. I'm hoping to grab some time in the next month to work on a short holiday story.

I'm done for the night. Thanks to my head start, I feel good about where I am. Though, as I went along, I discovered a few holes in my plot, some motivations, that I need to figure out before I can really move forward.

But I'm enjoying my story, so it's been a good first day!
Happy writing on Day Two, everyone!

(except ellie, she's a bit ahead of us. :))
I'm aiming to start on Wednesday when the kids are back in school... guess I'll have to type all day to make up for lost time. On the upside, I have two stories started that I could use for this so I don't have to start from a total blank slate.
Well I have a working title, that's a start right? LOL too little time to write everything. Such is life :D
How are we doing on Day 3, NaNo folks? I only got 1200 or so words in yesterday, and I'm working most of the day today, so I'm hoping to get a good chunk in tonight and tomorrow. I'm still working with a bit of a cushion, so I'm doing ok word wise.
A holiday story ideas is trying to tempt me. Can I write it and count those words towards NaNo? ;)
A holiday story ideas is trying to tempt me. Can I write it and count those words towards NaNo? ;)

You can be a NaNo rebel and count any stories you write this month, you just can't count any words written before Nov. 1.
You can be a NaNo rebel and count any stories you write this month, you just can't count any words written before Nov. 1.

I actually wrote some today while at my daughter's gymnastics class. Wa hoo.

I took a story I'd started and although I'm reworking the beginning as well as continuing the story, what I did was take a word count (about 4100) and so my NaNo goal will be 54,100. I just go for 50k above whatever I might start with.
I actually wrote some today while at my daughter's gymnastics class. Wa hoo.

I took a story I'd started and although I'm reworking the beginning as well as continuing the story, what I did was take a word count (about 4100) and so my NaNo goal will be 54,100. I just go for 50k above whatever I might start with.

An earlier start than you expected. Congrats!
An earlier start than you expected. Congrats!

Indeed, and thanks. Probably won't get to it again until Wednesday, but it's nice to have done something. I'm having some doubts about what I've written but in the NaNo spirit, I'm going to just push on and worry about it later.
I actually wrote some today while at my daughter's gymnastics class. Wa hoo.

I took a story I'd started and although I'm reworking the beginning as well as continuing the story, what I did was take a word count (about 4100) and so my NaNo goal will be 54,100. I just go for 50k above whatever I might start with.

That's what I'm doing as well, but to be honest, I'll be thrilled if I get within 10,000 words of 50,000. Though technically my goal should be 54,000 or so, I'm still going to consider myself a winner if I get past what I accomplished last time.

Congrats, PL, on getting a start today! I finally finished my work and I'm hoping to get some words in tonight, as well as write some notes on this Holiday story idea that keeps poking at me.
That's what I'm doing as well, but to be honest, I'll be thrilled if I get within 10,000 words of 50,000. Though technically my goal should be 54,000 or so, I'm still going to consider myself a winner if I get past what I accomplished last time.

Congrats, PL, on getting a start today! I finally finished my work and I'm hoping to get some words in tonight, as well as write some notes on this Holiday story idea that keeps poking at me.

I think anyone who makes a solid effort at the challenge is a winner. I noticed on the NaNo forum that someone had 58k the first day. On another thread, someone was excited because they crossed the thousand word mark.
I got 62K in July, and that's my goal again here. That and a coherent, workable story beginning to end. But I'm feeling a lot less urgency than in July, and that may come back to bite me in a couple weeks. I need to rip of a couple 3 or 4 K days to get ahead on the count a bit.
Got just under 2K done tonight. Would have been more but I've been craving a hot buttered biscuit and finally gave in and baked up a tray of them.

Oh, well. I have breakfast in the morning to take with me to work.

I'll keep plugging along all week, but I'll make a big jump this weekend.

There is a movie playing on the inside of my eyelids, I'm going to go watch now. Ya'll have a good night.

I had to work all day and then started to feel quite unwell. No words for me today. Boo. :(
I had to work all day and then started to feel quite unwell. No words for me today. Boo. :(

Have a virtual hug to make you feel better.

My project is going off track too. Instead of finishing an incomplete story from the heap, I've started two new ones...:(
Thanks, guys. I'm feeling much better this morning and I'm raring to go. As I just said in the NaNo thread, I've set a very silly goal for myself for today. To reach 10,000 words. Hmmm ... I need to talk to someone about subplots. ;)

Because this story idea started out as a FAWC idea, I hadn't really thought about subplots, as it was going to be a short story. This is something I really need to think about.
Thanks, guys. I'm feeling much better this morning and I'm raring to go. As I just said in the NaNo thread, I've set a very silly goal for myself for today. To reach 10,000 words. Hmmm ... I need to talk to someone about subplots. ;)

Because this story idea started out as a FAWC idea, I hadn't really thought about subplots, as it was going to be a short story. This is something I really need to think about.

Glad you're feeling better. I've had major health issues the past few months that interfere with my concentration and effect my production. If I can stay awake, I have the entire day for typing.
Glad you're feeling better. I've had major health issues the past few months that interfere with my concentration and effect my production. If I can stay awake, I have the entire day for typing.

I'm sorry, Lynn. I can empathize. I've had the exact same problem for quite a while now.

But, I've had a productive-ish morning so far. I've written 1372 words today, and I only have 2198 to go to reach 10,000. Could be doable for today, though I have a busy afternoon. I have to go vote, get my haircut, pick up the kids, get homework done, and take my son to cub scouts.

We'll see how the evening writing goes!
I'm sorry, Lynn. I can empathize. I've had the exact same problem for quite a while now.

But, I've had a productive-ish morning so far. I've written 1372 words today, and I only have 2198 to go to reach 10,000. Could be doable for today, though I have a busy afternoon. I have to go vote, get my haircut, pick up the kids, get homework done, and take my son to cub scouts.

We'll see how the evening writing goes!

Good luck with the push to 10K! I'm going to take inspiration from you and try to do the same. I've got about 3,300 to go to get there.