It's almost time for ... NaNo!

Guess I should get around to logging in to the NaNo site and finding the thread...
Right now the Winter story is the one that's flowing the easiest so kind of going with that. Really tempted to add the word count from that one to my NaNo count, lol is that allowed?
Right now the Winter story is the one that's flowing the easiest so kind of going with that. Really tempted to add the word count from that one to my NaNo count, lol is that allowed?

I suppose if you don't tell anyone, they'll never know. ;)
I suppose if you don't tell anyone, they'll never know. ;)

Yeah, it all comes out in the wash. If it keeps you motivated and writing, I say go for it! I think anyone writing 50,000 words in a month is impressive, whether on one story or five.
Right now the Winter story is the one that's flowing the easiest so kind of going with that. Really tempted to add the word count from that one to my NaNo count, lol is that allowed?

The challenge is 50,000 words during the month.

What you do with those words is your choice.

But - the only person who knows whether you really completed the NaNoWriMo challenge is yourself.

You can use the challenge to write several stories; to write the beginning or outline of your blockbuster novel; to draft several chapters of an ongoing story; or just to write notes for your biography.

NaNoWriMo is a tool. You decide what you make with that tool.
Well, I didn't reach my ridiculous goal today of making 10,000 words, but I did get to 8600, so that's pretty good. They aren't all pretty, and I feel like I'm losing the ... style and mood, because I'm just rushing, but I will hopefully get back on track tomorrow.

PL - have you registered/set up a page yet?

MST -- nice to see you on the board with some words!

Lynn -- how are you doing?

See you all tomorrow, NaNoers. :rose:
I suppose if you don't tell anyone, they'll never know. ;)

Yeah, it all comes out in the wash. If it keeps you motivated and writing, I say go for it! I think anyone writing 50,000 words in a month is impressive, whether on one story or five.

The challenge is 50,000 words during the month.

What you do with those words is your choice.

But - the only person who knows whether you really completed the NaNoWriMo challenge is yourself.

You can use the challenge to write several stories; to write the beginning or outline of your blockbuster novel; to draft several chapters of an ongoing story; or just to write notes for your biography.

NaNoWriMo is a tool. You decide what you make with that tool.

Thanks for all the responses! Good point about how it's more to write 50K words in a month and that really is a lot of words. Certainly puts in perspective some of those very long stories I see posted in contests.
Well, I didn't reach my ridiculous goal today of making 10,000 words, but I did get to 8600, so that's pretty good. They aren't all pretty, and I feel like I'm losing the ... style and mood, because I'm just rushing, but I will hopefully get back on track tomorrow.

PL - have you registered/set up a page yet?

MST -- nice to see you on the board with some words!

Lynn -- how are you doing?

See you all tomorrow, NaNoers. :rose:

Shea, I think so. I logged in and created my novel and put in a title and synopsis and tried to enter a current word count. That function seemed to be iffy, though. My profile is probably pretty minimal, but it's there.
Shea, I think so. I logged in and created my novel and put in a title and synopsis and tried to enter a current word count. That function seemed to be iffy, though. My profile is probably pretty minimal, but it's there.

Yeah the word count has been up and down with how many users are online at any point in time. I've noticed that evening times for the US are usually slammed and generally I always time out trying to update. Mornings and early afternoons seem to have less people on the site and better allow for word count updates.
This time (about 1pm EST) I could put in the word count. I suppose I should poke around and kind of see again how it all works. Has anyone started a thread in one of the forums for us Lit participants? Just asking b/c I'm not sure I'd know how.

ETA: Found the thread. :)

Okay, so here I go. I am sitting in my kitchen, ignoring the dishes and various other things that call out to be done. I am playing "Aurora" by KKNull on the iPad...
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I'm in. Created my account and posted on the Literotica thread. Good luck all!
Well, I didn't reach my ridiculous goal today of making 10,000 words, but I did get to 8600, so that's pretty good. They aren't all pretty, and I feel like I'm losing the ... style and mood, because I'm just rushing, but I will hopefully get back on track tomorrow.

PL - have you registered/set up a page yet?

MST -- nice to see you on the board with some words!

Lynn -- how are you doing?

See you all tomorrow, NaNoers. :rose:

I spent today fitting the chapters I wrote before with those I wrote now to see what I needed yet. Tomorrow is another day.
Thanks Jag, same to you.

I figured seeing as how I'm not eligible for the Winter Holidays contest (though I do have a small two-pager basically written) I might as well take a kick at Nano.

Good luck Sean!

Been on a real roll with the Winter story, looks like I'll actually catch up to the curve.
I actually did write some more today, yay. But I think I will update my OS now so I don't have to lose writing time doing it tomorrow.
I considered it, again, this year, but I just don't have the time or energy. Still working on story ideas though.
I considered it, again, this year, but I just don't have the time or energy. Still working on story ideas though.

I did it three or four years ago, and haven't done it since. Not even sure how this year will go but here's to trying.

Now I need to stop procrastinating...
I need to stop procrastinating, too. And resist the urge for a nap. I was up late finishing up a job and I'm tired. I tried to do my work while my kids were doing their homework, but that was impossible. My fourth grader had a math problem that we could not figure out. Well, I could solve it, but I couldn't explain to him how to easily solve it, or how to show his work. F-U Common Core! I mean, math is not my strong suit, but this is 4th Grade!!!

Glad to see more of you registered and raring to go!
I need to stop procrastinating, too. And resist the urge for a nap. I was up late finishing up a job and I'm tired. I tried to do my work while my kids were doing their homework, but that was impossible. My fourth grader had a math problem that we could not figure out. Well, I could solve it, but I couldn't explain to him how to easily solve it, or how to show his work. F-U Common Core! I mean, math is not my strong suit, but this is 4th Grade!!!

Glad to see more of you registered and raring to go!

My kids' school is using a program called "Go Math" which I guess is okay, but I admit sometimes it makes me scratch my head. Guess I should have gone to one of the info sessions. My son doesn't like it, because before this he used something called "Everyday Math," and apparently Go Math is quite different. And I run into the same thing -- I can solve a problem, but it's hard to make my solution align with their instructions.

I've written some, honest... :) Some Ryan Adams in the background and back I go...

But I'm hungry.
Reminds me of a Calc teacher I had who had to reteach her granddaughter how to do algebra because the school relied on a program. The problem was, the program wanted all the wrong answers. Some things you just can't replace.
Did you make it?

I didn't get there that day (Tuesday), but surged past it yesterday. I'm having trouble finding the time, but when I get an hour to actually sit and write I'm banging stuff out at a furious pace, which is satisfying.
I didn't get there that day (Tuesday), but surged past it yesterday. I'm having trouble finding the time, but when I get an hour to actually sit and write I'm banging stuff out at a furious pace, which is satisfying.

That's great! I didn't write anything yesterday, or today so far. I need one of those furiously paced hours right about now!
I didn't get there that day (Tuesday), but surged past it yesterday. I'm having trouble finding the time, but when I get an hour to actually sit and write I'm banging stuff out at a furious pace, which is satisfying.

Good for you. I'm finding it tough to kind of get in the zone, even with minimal distractions. Due to being out of habit, I think. But I did add about 2k words today. And they weren't all just going back to flesh things out at the beginning. :)