Islandman, heres some info for you.


Mar 30, 2001
Islandman, I decided to post this on the general board, as it maybe more helpful to others as well as yourself.

Most of the files you named are Windows files. Nothing to worry about there. A couple of them I couldn't find, but I'll keep searching for the answer. I believe you have nothing to worry about at all, I dont think your privacy is in any danger at all.

The attached graphic file shows a search of my own Computer, and many of the files turned up on my Dual-boot system (Win 2000 Pro and XP Corporate) more than once.

I hope this puts your mind at rest.
just incase you were wondering about 98se

I'm using Windows 98se.. and I have some of those same files on my computer.
Thats right, I have Win95 on my laptop, and they appear there too.
Some of you may notice a couple of files in that graphic have a rather odd file extension (******.dl_) for example. These are "Un-extracted files", they show up because I have the Win 2000 and XP CD's copied to my hard drive. The files are "packed" (sort of like winzipped). Hope this cures any confusion.

Draco said:
Some of you may notice a couple of files in that graphic have a rather odd file extension (******.dl_) for example. These are "Un-extracted files", they show up because I have the Win 2000 and XP CD's copied to my hard drive. The files are "packed" (sort of like winzipped). Hope this cures any confusion.


And to fix that.. just simply "reformat" :D
Draco said:

The attached graphic file shows a search of my own Computer, and many of the files turned up on my Dual-boot system (Win 2000 Pro and XP Corporate) more than once.

I hope this puts your mind at rest.

Nice colour scheme brother.:D
Those boobies of yours will get formatted with my tongue, if your not careful. Now stop bandying around the "F" word...Missy.

:D :p :D

I said REformat.. you can't yell at me for using "that F word". I know my way around being bad. ;)

Thanks guys. :)
OK, if I RE-Format your boobies, that means I have to lick them up for that....???

:D :D :D
Draco said:
OK, if I RE-Format your boobies, that means I have to lick them up for that....???

:D :D :D

I might need them (re)formatted again in a few hours.. you up for that?
freakygurl said:
I might need them (re)formatted again in a few hours.. you up for that?

Is that all you guys can think of... Formatting and reformatting. You're sick... perverted the pair of you. Disgusting!

You still got great tits freaky.:D
LOL...yup sure am...I'll bring my big hard-drive, not point in floppies here......LOL
kiwiwolf said:
Is that all you guys can think of... Formatting and reformatting. You're sick... perverted the pair of you. Disgusting!

You still got great tits freaky.:D

formatting makes my panties wet..

well ummm ok it doesn't.. but it is the answer to all! really.. just ask Draco. I'm sure he will agree :D

And thanks again kiwi. :kiss:
kiwiwolf said:
Is that all you guys can think of... Formatting and reformatting. You're sick... perverted the pair of you. Disgusting!

Jealousy will get you no-where..... :p

Any ideas how many times I formatted your PC before you got it....? Something for you to ponder on.....LOL
Draco said:
Jealousy will get you no-where..... :p

Any ideas how many times I formatted your PC before you got it....? Something for you to ponder on.....LOL

I wondered about that. Ack....
freakygurl said:
I think I'll format my computer tomorrow.

Just for the hell of it. :D

LOL..."A Format A Day Keeps Bill Gates In Chump Change"
Hey Draco... a quick question for ya. Am I stuck with the three colour schemes that come with XP Pro... Blue, Green and Silver or can I get more colours? If so how do I go about it?

By the way... the Pizza was awesome.:D
Thats because you have the Flashy XP interface turned can do a web-search for XP Themes, or you can switch to Windows Classic style, and all the inbuilt colour themes are there. The spruce one is included, I run it when I switch to XP as well as 2K, that graphic was taken under 2K, but they look pretty much the same on XP, except for the flashier icons.

try this site....