Is your PM box full?


Equal Opportunity Enjoyer
Oct 26, 2001
I didn't think so.

Mine either.
Stripped my clean yesterday, so there's plenty of room...
Oh, extra credit for use of the word stripped in a post, ts! The search engine loves you.
No but sometimes the lack of replies I get to ones I send out makes me wonder.
Ha! I emptied mine on Jan. 1 and now I'm going to see how long it takes to get filled. I'm guessing I won't have to clean it again much before May Day.
Re: Re: Re: Is your PM box full?

MaximusPhalicus said:
That ALMOST sounds like a complaint.

Full??? Do they really get full???

No I like it full.

La Principessa said:
you mean your cup doesn't runneth over?? ;)
Since New Year's mostly it's been my optimism which has runneth, nothing at ALL has runneth over.
Re: what kinda dork lets his or her PM box fill all the way up?

LukkyKnight said:

Someone's in trouble aren't they?

Did they allow themselves to become overstuffed? :eek:
One might infer that, or one might infer that I am merely doing a public service.:devil: