Is Valentines more about sex, love or chocolate?


Oct 4, 2012
You can eat sex or chocolate, but love, I think you have to drink it, but it burns, like Bacardi 151. Love drunk, slathered in chocolate, and oozing sex. Not every Valentines Day can be magical like that.
It's about a woman getting an acknowledgment of love, commitment,esteem and of her man making an effort or they will be HELLl to pay!:rolleyes:
It's about making a fuck load of money off the fact that women expect men to buy them a bunch of shit b/c hallmark told everyone that's how it should be.

Happy Valentines....
It's about making a fuck load of money off the fact that women expect men to buy them a bunch of shit b/c hallmark told everyone that's how it should be.

Happy Valentines....

Just shut up and give the bitch her chocolate.
It's about making a fuck load of money off the fact that women expect men to buy them a bunch of shit b/c hallmark told everyone that's how it should be.

Happy Valentines....

I'll tell you what some women expect. SOME women expect to hear that tired old shit every fucking year from selfish, whiny old men out to ruin our buzz on Valentine's with their negativity.

Fuck that! :)

Happy Valentine's!
I'll tell you what some women expect. SOME women expect to hear that tired old shit every fucking year from selfish, whiny old men out to ruin our buzz on Valentine's with their negativity.

Fuck that! :)

Happy Valentine's!

Ditto. And it's really about the chocolate.
Country who eats the most chocolate and has the most sex? Switzerland. Who knew?

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Who wants a shot of 151? It may not bring you true love but it will temporarily ease the pain.
I'll tell you what some women expect. SOME women expect to hear that tired old shit every fucking year from selfish, whiny old men out to ruin our buzz on Valentine's with their negativity.

Fuck that! :)

Happy Valentine's!

And THAT is why I stick to disposable bar skanks met just before last don't have to give them shit except maybe a few drinks. You still get your dick wet AND she's a bar skank so you don't feel the least bit bad about kicking her ass the fuck out after you get off.

fuckin' right....happy Valentine's....

Negative or not doesn't change the fact that it's not a real holiday, just a circle jerk to keep florist and other manufacturers of "totally useless bullshit the other 364 days a year no one cares about." around until next year.
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