Looking For A Story, Forgot The Title/Author


Feb 19, 2015
So much like the title suggests, I read a really great story, can’t remember the name or the author. I’ve searched all the buzz words I can think of to find it, but can’t. If you know this story can you PUH-LEASE tell me?

So the story : College age girl is invited to a party by her friend. College girl is in love with the friend’s brother but the brother is just friendly. College girl is sad, gets drunk, friend tricks the girl into going to into Older Brother’s room, (not the guy she loves) Older brother has loved college girl for a long time but knows she is in love with his younger brother. He finds her in his bed, drunk, and she thinks it is younger brother so she asks him to sleep with her, they do. Then during she moans the guys name or something and it comes out that she thinks he’s the younger brother. Fast forward, it’s real awkward, younger brother gets engaged, College girl tries to accept it, and find a job. Turns out older brother wants to offer her a job, no sex, just employment, they fall in love, have more sex, story ends. Something like “Billionaire’s Trick” , or “Tricked by The Billionaire”. Female author, I’m pretty sure. Picture on the profile is something red with a white background. Story is at least a year old.