Is This How They Did It?

if your name is going to be ManJunk, you at least need a personal cock shot as your profile picture. the cummier, the better.

user cp - edit profile pic - choose file
Great Youtube about an impressive French architect and his theory about how the great pyramid was built. Damn impressive theory, amazing man:

Interesting. The interior ramp is plausible. I'm reading a fat book about the Giza Pyramids by John Romer. Romer discovered reference points around the Pyramid perimeter (bored in the limestone) that measure the accuracy of the construction. That is, the shadow of the Pyramid oughta conform with the borings template, and it does.

You wouldnt need to make a ramp the full length of a pyramid side, just something long enough to move blox from one course to the next. Shorter ramps also prevent heavy blox from going wild as theres too little run for a wild block to gain momentum.
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Great Youtube about an impressive French architect and his theory about how the great pyramid was built. Damn impressive theory, amazing man:

Last week you believed Aliens did it.


Gullible much?

While the architect himself isn't particularly impressive or notable, he is quite possibly right. Or at least his theory is a plausible way to construct a pyramid of that size. This has been a frustratingly difficult question to resolve for Egyptologists for a long time and most of the existing theories have serious problems.

That said, there is soooo much wrong with Ancient Aliens and their lunatic theories.

This guy painstakingly debunks Ancient Aliens and if you have three hours to kill, I highly recommend watching.
Once you see the names Erich Von Däniken and Robert Childress on know it's the same snake oil these old geezers have been selling for decades.

Some of it is entertaining, but you'd have to be a total retard to believe it.
The vid makes a good case, the process is simple to execute, and its plausible.

I dont see a need for 700 foot ramps, cuz much shorter ramps work as well, but the ramp theory is the same. Another benefit is wind blown sand protection when the exterior blox are erected first.