Is there anyone into normal sex on here? (22f)

Thanks to everyone who gets what I'm trying to convey. =) Lol I'm not trying to incite a Kinsey discussion on what "normal" is and as I mentioned in my post people are free to do what they like---as am I.

Don't worry, I think most of us realised what you were trying to convey ...... only a few need it spelt out.
Lol I know a lot of people might take offense to that headline and maybe what I'm about to write so let me explain.
I think everyone should be entitled to enjoy what they like. It's none of my business--I could care less honestly. With that said I'm trying to weed through the herd and find someone who's a freak or likes sex but doesn't have a burning desire to fuck their cat, cousin, sister, take 5 dicks at a time, suck cock all day/ all night with no reciprocation ever (because they love pleasing so much), or getting off on tying a girl up or calling her a slut or fuck toy??

Once again I have no problems with anyone who is into any of the things I listed or didn't list for that matter but its just not my bag.
I've talked to a lot of great people on here so far so hopefully no offense is taken.

Hi, I think I understand what you are saying. I am surprised at the sexual interests people have. Personally, I like being with a girl and just seeing where things go. I like getting to know a girl and getting to know what she likes and get my own excitement from her feeling good and exploring her own sexual interests.
No One Knows

No one anywhere knows what "normal" sex is any more. Even to classify sex into "normal" and, um, "something else" is HATE SPEECH! Don't do it!

Sex with kiddoes is out, and sex with animals, but there are special interest groups working on those, so be careful!

In my grandma's day, you could be a rebel by sleeping with your boyfriend before you were married. I wouldn't know how to be a rebel THESE days if I wanted to!
No one anywhere knows what "normal" sex is any more. Even to classify sex into "normal" and, um, "something else" is HATE SPEECH! Don't do it!

Sex with kiddoes is out, and sex with animals, but there are special interest groups working on those, so be careful!

In my grandma's day, you could be a rebel by sleeping with your boyfriend before you were married. I wouldn't know how to be a rebel THESE days if I wanted to!

Abstain and preach the same. You will be branded as a deviant and weird.

Not a lot of fun mind you.
Normal sex is whatever is normal to you.

So everyone here is into normal sex, by their own perspective.

I think we all agree that some of that German porn involving glass coffee tables isn't normal though.

But anyway- why ask?

No. Tentacle sex. Just - strange.
No one anywhere knows what "normal" sex is any more. Even to classify sex into "normal" and, um, "something else" is HATE SPEECH! Don't do it!

Sex with kiddoes is out, and sex with animals, but there are special interest groups working on those, so be careful!

In my grandma's day, you could be a rebel by sleeping with your boyfriend before you were married. I wouldn't know how to be a rebel THESE days if I wanted to!

In my grandmas day, they were chaperoned when girls went out with boys, and beware if they held hands ;)
Waves hand in air

I'm normal...but spicy...
Love erotica...making everything erotic...
Notice how when you relieve yourself in the toilet...the release feels so good...
Then you gently clean your genitals...stroking yourself...take your time...
No need to rush...mmmm...nice and clean...spread your knees...
Smell yourself...admire your anatomy...touch what is yours...
Slide your silky panties over your skin...notice the sensation...
Feel how they hug your sensative parts...
Flex your legs...rise up..turn on the water...wet your hands...
Soap up...warm wetness flowing over your skin...flirty bubbles lathering between your fingers...ahhhhh...a lovely scent...fig I think...mmm...tasty...
My hands are warm, mouth drools at the scent of figs...
My blood floods and warms my genitals...mmmm...rinse off the colorful lather...
Shake off the excess wetness...use the hot air dryer...feel the heat and forced air against my hands are ready shake yours...
Good Morning!
Normal is...

Taking time to savor
To inhale deeply
To taste and feel
To lick and suck and nibble
And sometimes bite

To feel air rushing in, that surprised gasp
the soft low moan
the light touch that gets more demanding
the look and feel and taste
And another taste
Thanks to everyone who gets what I'm trying to convey. =) Lol I'm not trying to incite a Kinsey discussion on what "normal" is and as I mentioned in my post people are free to do what they like---as am I.

Educated, intelligent and well-spoken... I do believe I have a slight crush on you already. :) :rose:

I think that's a consequence of just posting on this site. But PM's are good ways to get to know people. I feel so late joining this conversation but I've been looking for a thread like this. Not to down all the people who like kinky, BDSM, ect. You're very unique people who have the right to have their own interests in things. But for some of us, we want something a bit more tamed and controlled. For me, I know I'd like that. Normal (or vanilla) can be just as good as something wild and crazy. Honestly, it can be the best. Especially if you know the person. Their inner workings, their external features, the depths of the soul, the varieties in their mind, and the dreams in their hearts. I know this site may predominantly be used by people who aren't looking for that, rather a quick pick me up or jolt, but for those who aren't well hopefully this is encouraging. Normal is not a bad thing. It should not be shunned or pushed aside to a dark corner never to be seen again. It should be embraced. It is a beautiful thing. How else can in one second a touch of a finger feel like electricity or a kiss like fireworks? It's these simple moments that are usually unplanned which give birth to the most passionate and intimate moments of our lives. It is in moments like these we go beyond the lust and the cravings and we enter an oasis of intimacy where we go beyond our own flesh and minds and give it all to another and make them feel nothing like they have felt before; lighter than air as if they swallowed a bottle of sunshine and the light radiates from their skin, making them feel un naturally good from a natural source.
That is normal. No whips, no chains, no derogatory names. Just simply a touch and letting go.
I think that's a consequence of just posting on this site. But PM's are good ways to get to know people. I feel so late joining this conversation but I've been looking for a thread like this. Not to down all the people who like kinky, BDSM, ect. You're very unique people who have the right to have their own interests in things. But for some of us, we want something a bit more tamed and controlled. For me, I know I'd like that. Normal (or vanilla) can be just as good as something wild and crazy. Honestly, it can be the best. Especially if you know the person. Their inner workings, their external features, the depths of the soul, the varieties in their mind, and the dreams in their hearts. I know this site may predominantly be used by people who aren't looking for that, rather a quick pick me up or jolt, but for those who aren't well hopefully this is encouraging. Normal is not a bad thing. It should not be shunned or pushed aside to a dark corner never to be seen again. It should be embraced. It is a beautiful thing. How else can in one second a touch of a finger feel like electricity or a kiss like fireworks? It's these simple moments that are usually unplanned which give birth to the most passionate and intimate moments of our lives. It is in moments like these we go beyond the lust and the cravings and we enter an oasis of intimacy where we go beyond our own flesh and minds and give it all to another and make them feel nothing like they have felt before; lighter than air as if they swallowed a bottle of sunshine and the light radiates from their skin, making them feel un naturally good from a natural source.

That is normal. No whips, no chains, no derogatory names. Just simply a touch and letting go.

Very well put ma'am
I think that's a consequence of just posting on this site. But PM's are good ways to get to know people. I feel so late joining this conversation but I've been looking for a thread like this. Not to down all the people who like kinky, BDSM, ect. You're very unique people who have the right to have their own interests in things. But for some of us, we want something a bit more tamed and controlled. For me, I know I'd like that. Normal (or vanilla) can be just as good as something wild and crazy. Honestly, it can be the best. Especially if you know the person. Their inner workings, their external features, the depths of the soul, the varieties in their mind, and the dreams in their hearts. I know this site may predominantly be used by people who aren't looking for that, rather a quick pick me up or jolt, but for those who aren't well hopefully this is encouraging. Normal is not a bad thing. It should not be shunned or pushed aside to a dark corner never to be seen again. It should be embraced. It is a beautiful thing. How else can in one second a touch of a finger feel like electricity or a kiss like fireworks? It's these simple moments that are usually unplanned which give birth to the most passionate and intimate moments of our lives. It is in moments like these we go beyond the lust and the cravings and we enter an oasis of intimacy where we go beyond our own flesh and minds and give it all to another and make them feel nothing like they have felt before; lighter than air as if they swallowed a bottle of sunshine and the light radiates from their skin, making them feel un naturally good from a natural source.
That is normal. No whips, no chains, no derogatory names. Just simply a touch and letting go.
As others have mentioned in this thread, I too believe that normal is relative to each person. Missionary with the lights off is plenty normal to some of the more religious in the bible belts, for instance. While I might agree that there are plenty looking for a band-aid or some time to kill, I believe there to be a large and not so vocal number of people who are indeed on the hunt for a more meaningful connection. I'd even go as far as to say that even if someone generally would want something deeper than the usual one-off; still they wouldn't shy away from that one night if the opportunity is there. I don't think anyone really is advocating that those deeper / stronger emotional connections are less valued or should be hidden in a corner.

But it takes compatibility, time, trust and patience to get to that point. I know of plenty of people that have one of those traits, but it's much harder to find just that one perfect playmate that you mesh so perfectly and those are usually groomed over a long span of time. I think it's just an end result of people looking for compatibility first and then deciding on whether the other traits can / should be adopted later.

I think that normal you mention is more widespread and valued; just that people approach attaining it differently-- perhaps cynically, settle for less.
Thanks to everyone who gets what I'm trying to convey. =) Lol I'm not trying to incite a Kinsey discussion on what "normal" is and as I mentioned in my post people are free to do what they like---as am I.
I think if you need to ask, you 1.) Are not who she is looking for, or 2.) Enjoy semi-intellectual (really debatable) discussions more than the theme at hand; Erotica. Keeping it simple is a whole lot easier and can be really fun.

No. No, please do not write me about the definition of Erotica, and what would classify it as normal.
So how is normalcy working out for everyone?

Well Simone. For me, the new 'normalcy' over the past few weeks has been no it's not really working out too well for me in terms of my overall frame of mind. I'm finding myself grumpy, much too stressed and tense, and in a poor frame-of-mine. So I don't care for this particular brand of normalcy!!!! I want a different one!
Okay so it's Saturday Evening, just got home a while ago. Maybe too much to drink. But I will ad another comment to this just to maybe sir things up. I think th following post I just browsed over is an example of WHAT NOT she is looking for in a friend.

"Single male who wears panties, also role plays as a mommy or daughter. PM me."

My apologizes to all the guys out their who wear panties, and have the ability to change their sex as well as their age during a phone conversation. Not that there is anything wrong with that. If that is what you like then by all means.......
Normal is relative but come on everyone here has thought hey there are some dark corners long as everything is consensual hey do whatever .
Nailed it

I think if you need to ask, you 1.) Are not who she is looking for, or 2.) Enjoy semi-intellectual (really debatable) discussions more than the theme at hand; Erotica. Keeping it simple is a whole lot easier and can be really fun.

No. No, please do not write me about the definition of Erotica, and what would classify it as normal.

Nailed it. A large majority of "interest" regarding this thread has attracted people in complete opposition to this post who are looking to justify their sexual tastes to me. Or it attracts people who want to analyze normal by "enlightening me" with examples that are no where near relevant to my post.
On the bright side, I've also had a lot of great feedback :)