Is there anyone into normal sex on here? (22f)

I sort of take exception the term "normal sex". What's normal with anything in life? For people who think riding a motorcycle or skydiving is "crazy" then anyone who does it gets classed as "not normal."

A sexual relationship between people has to seek it's own level at whatever the two people enjoy. For some it's missionary position under the covers with the lights out. FOr others it can be a 6 person gang bang or an orgy with 20 people.

I myself would prefer the term "conservative sex" versus "normal sex". The OP seems more "conservative" because she doesn't seem to understand what other's here may express an interest in. I think we all need to keep an open mind.

I sort of take exception the term "normal sex". What's normal with anything in life? For people who think riding a motorcycle or skydiving is "crazy" then anyone who does it gets classed as "not normal."

A sexual relationship between people has to seek it's own level at whatever the two people enjoy. For some it's missionary position under the covers with the lights out. FOr others it can be a 6 person gang bang or an orgy with 20 people.

I myself would prefer the term "conservative sex" versus "normal sex". The OP seems more "conservative" because she doesn't seem to understand what other's here may express an interest in. I think we all need to keep an open mind.

Well you can go back and forth on what normal is in your mind or you can go and create your own post like I did. Life is full of choices.
There are loads of straight sex stories on Lit and surely it is the erotica which is the heart of this site?

The bulletin board is home to plenty of threads apart from 'un-normal' sex. I find the humour here is the best anywhere and maybe that's because people here have a broad-minded attitude to life and sex? I used to be quite shocked by some of the threads when I first started posting - some of it's kinda disturbing and it took me a while to figure the same guy who was into bondage could actually be very considerate, intelligent and witty. There are a number of threads where I never go but I'm glad I know they exist because it's a heads-up for the real world.

If people just want straight sex maybe they go to YouPorn and whack off, but visitors from outer space would get a pretty skewed view on sex if they came here first :D

...some of them are still here of course....

I'm assuming you do regard LGBT as normal? Doncha??
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Define yourself

In response to "Sticky girl" no where in my post did I say that LGBT wasn't normal. So take it down a notch and re read the post.

And on a side note to all of you who are asking me to define "normal"--you've have already surrendered and further empowered me by asking me to validate you with a definition (that I define) of what normal is? Validate yourself--I can't do that for you.
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I like to think I'm pretty normal. I mean, I have a crazy over-active sex-drive, but I think I'm more into cuddling up than anything too out of the ordinary. I'm a very attentive lover, and pay attention to my partner, but don't have a ton of experience, so... yeah.
I started to reply but

is easier
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Thanks to everyone who gets what I'm trying to convey. =) Lol I'm not trying to incite a Kinsey discussion on what "normal" is and as I mentioned in my post people are free to do what they like---as am I.

Your OP was clear, careful and thoughtful. Ignore the replies from the few who just aren't very bright but are trying to appear to be.

What I'm wondering is, was it just a curiosity question? Or are you interested in finding someone who knows how to have a "normal" good time online? If it's the latter, pm me if you'd like :) I'd imagine my inbox is far more empty than yours. Ha!
80% of the time we have "normal" type sex. It's the weekends and the special days where we role play and do "other" things. :)
Thanks to everyone who gets what I'm trying to convey. =) Lol I'm not trying to incite a Kinsey discussion on what "normal" is and as I mentioned in my post people are free to do what they like---as am I.

I like normal sex, but I also like to try new things (within limits).
Normal sex

I have a question for you and that is what is normal sex. Most talk here is not true but what that person dream of and gets them off. Sex is fun and many thing will get you off. You want to talk let me know. :)
I started to reply but

is easier

Lol the best post in this thread.
And to cut the discussion a bit - "normal" is when horny males see 22f and are willing to agree on everything just to get some cyber pussy :rolleyes:
Lol the best post in this thread.
And to cut the discussion a bit - "normal" is when horny males see 22f and are willing to agree on everything just to get some cyber pussy :rolleyes:

Really? I never noticed!!

Of course, I am simply agreeing to what you said in the hope of qualifying for some of that cyber pussy you mentioned.
Lol the best post in this thread.
And to cut the discussion a bit - "normal" is when horny males see 22f and are willing to agree on everything just to get some cyber pussy :rolleyes:

What an astute observation. I bet it you looked the government probably would give you a grant to study the effects of a post starting with 22f on an the adult members of the forum.
Wow, apparently a lot of people don't like others having different definitions of normal. You'd think you'd just let her have her definition. It's not like she's trying to ban anything or making laws against anything.

Lol the best post in this thread.
And to cut the discussion a bit - "normal" is when horny males see 22f and are willing to agree on everything just to get some cyber pussy :rolleyes:

In response to "straykat"---Do what your name suggests and stagger back into whatever dark alley you crawled out of. Thanks.
Watch out sweetie, your intolerance and bitchiness is showing :)
What's normal

Lol I know a lot of people might take offense to that headline and maybe what I'm about to write so let me explain.
I think everyone should be entitled to enjoy what they like. It's none of my business--I could care less honestly. With that said I'm trying to weed through the herd and find someone who's a freak or likes sex but doesn't have a burning desire to fuck their cat, cousin, sister, take 5 dicks at a time, suck cock all day/ all night with no reciprocation ever (because they love pleasing so much), or getting off on tying a girl up or calling her a slut or fuck toy??

Once again I have no problems with anyone who is into any of the things I listed or didn't list for that matter but its just not my bag.
I've talked to a lot of great people on here so far so hopefully no offense is taken.

No offense either but when i comes to sex, all bets are off. one mans kink id another mans normal
Lol I know a lot of people might take offense to that headline and maybe what I'm about to write so let me explain.
I think everyone should be entitled to enjoy what they like. It's none of my business--I could care less honestly. With that said I'm trying to weed through the herd and find someone who's a freak or likes sex but doesn't have a burning desire to fuck their cat, cousin, sister, take 5 dicks at a time, suck cock all day/ all night with no reciprocation ever (because they love pleasing so much), or getting off on tying a girl up or calling her a slut or fuck toy??

Once again I have no problems with anyone who is into any of the things I listed or didn't list for that matter but its just not my bag.
I've talked to a lot of great people on here so far so hopefully no offense is taken.

Haa haa okay this post made me smile.
I asked the same thing last year, somewhat less elegantly than you did though.

Think my question was worded something like "Doesn't anybody just fuck anymore?!?!" :cattail:

Yes, vanilla with some rainbow sprinkles puts it quite well too. :kiss: