Is there anyone into normal sex on here? (22f)

Great thread and I commend the OP for putting it out there. Almost seems as if intolerance is the major response for someone just asking a simple question. Guess if they had dressed in a leather costume, holding sex toys and a trio of nude dudes behind her, then posted it as her avie, you would be all for it.
Woody Allen

He said it best, "Sex is really dirty if you do it right", he ought to know, since he married his daughter.
The thing that I've found is, there's vanilla and there is vanilla.

There is the mass produced, machine made, nobody ever got fired for picking it, I'm to lazy to put any effort into it vanilla.

Then there is the harvested from the finest orchids, grown in the most idea fields, plucked at the perfect time, and steeped in the right liqueur, this is the flavour that swept the globe when it was introduced, vanilla.

Many of us have had the former, but I suspect far fewer have had the experience of the latter.
Simple Stuff

You know sometimes the simple stuff is the best stuff? Just being held or told you're attractive. It doesn't have to be exorbitant or outrageous. That stuff has it's time and place. But most of the time at least for me, well I wish this, just cuddling and having that passion, that's what is most attractive for me anyway and maybe others.
So much into it...

Definitely into simple little nothings. Like holding hands together, snuggling a bit as she leans onto my shoulder.
Just so much deliciousness in simple displays of affection at times. Though I must confess I also love the extremely pervy things. Maybe am a weirdo for loving both flavors.
different strokes for different folks

there are plenty of people who are in to the simple things but there are many who want and have stretched their boundaries also...
I don't think anyone is normal. I think we do things that are acceptable in society. We do this in many ways. Wearing clothes, having a job, getting an education, having a spouse, being . For example, I wish to be accepted by having a boyfriend but usually tend to my inability to properly express my emotions and my tendency to hold things in as well as my repetitive nature of being subject to cheating as usually the person who gets cheated on. My remedy for this is now to self examine more in-depth, not to just check a box of COMPLETE. I want to have someone that smiles at me and who I smile at. Someone who actually knows how to spell my name correctly, who I can make lunches for, who will send me flowers, and do other couple related things that I have yet to experience. Although I love being myself, I am often afraid people will be hate me if I am who I am all the time. As for now , well now I'm really trying to be normal. Maybe someone will want to get to know me or accept me for me?

Ehhh ok that's enough of a rant from me for now.
Back to dormancy.
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I don't think anyone is normal. I think we do things that are acceptable in society. We do this in many ways. Wearing clothes, having a job, getting an education, having a spouse, being . For example, I wish to be accepted by having a boyfriend but usually tend to my inability to properly express my emotions and my tendency to hold things in as well as my repetitive nature of being subject to cheating, well now I'm really trying to be normal.

Amen to being different , and normal ! :kiss: