Is anyones Child Support Agency as fucked up as Australias?

warrior queen

early bird snack pack
Jul 17, 2003
For some reason, our CSA has now assessed me as owing child support to the bastardex..... for the years that none, NOT ONE, of our children was living with him.
Forgive me for thinking that HE should have been paying ME while our kids were with me 100% of the time.

Surely, no other country has a system that's so completely screwed that the custodial parent has to pay for the privelege of having their kids :rolleyes:
You don't own a mirror, do you?

I own one.
But it shows me a mother (me, for the stupid) who paid every cent and more when her kids lived with their dad, and who has been screwed over by that same dad when he threw our kids out one by one.
I kinda like my mirror.
But that's not the point here - the point is that despite having all the income info at their disposal, our CSA can't seem to work out which parent owes what.
Yeah, yeah, yeah...

...just make sure you remit all the child support you've been welching on in US dollars now, k?
Yeah, yeah, yeah...

...just make sure you remit all the child support you've been welching on in US dollars now, k?

Nope. I won't pay a cent (dime?).
If he wants it, he can come back to Oz and take me to court ;)
Not a surprise: most liars are welchers, too...

...pathological is what pathological does.

The trouble with that is - when I left, I left the bastardex with just about everything we owned together.
I took a suitcase full of my clothes, and a few personal gifts. He got to keep a whole house, plus furniture etc, plus our near-new car.
I never got any of the financial renumeration for any of it.

And now he's trying to fudge his child support.
I was kinda hoping someone who lives in Chicago would go find him and give him a smack upside the head for me :eek:
bullocks! your ex husband is as inoffensive as perg. your the problem;)

Yeah - like I haven't hears that before.
Untul.somone hears the TRUTH, and then it's all 'sorry I didn't believe you' and shit :rolleyes:

and my fat fingers fuck up and press the wrong keys on my phone :eek:
I dunno...

China's might be. We were taken to a "model" orphanage and is was dank, dirty and overcrowded.
mostly it is the court system. you'll have to file papers for a hearing, have all evidence in hand to get the judge to change it. the BCSE (board of child support enforcement only collects what the judge says is to be collected)
4 years ago i was semi-homeless after my divorce, (couch surfing), and unemployed. the judge was told this, he knew it and still slapped me with a high child support. after getting this job i paid off $1500 i was behind, and kept it current until ex disappeared and i get a BCSE paper saying they were no longer responsible for collecting it from me or my employer. i asked for a clarification in writing, they said it was strictly just between me and the ex.
the only consolation of her disappearing with the kids is that i know i no longer have to deal with her or see her ever again.
mostly it is the court system. you'll have to file papers for a hearing, have all evidence in hand to get the judge to change it. the BCSE (board of child support enforcement only collects what the judge says is to be collected)
4 years ago i was semi-homeless after my divorce, (couch surfing), and unemployed. the judge was told this, he knew it and still slapped me with a high child support. after getting this job i paid off $1500 i was behind, and kept it current until ex disappeared and i get a BCSE paper saying they were no longer responsible for collecting it from me or my employer. i asked for a clarification in writing, they said it was strictly just between me and the ex.
the only consolation of her disappearing with the kids is that i know i no longer have to deal with her or see her ever again.

Using a public library PC again.:devil: