Interracial category question


Going with the flow
Feb 4, 2002
Ok, time for another one of my stupid questions. :D

What really makes an interracial story? Yes, I know they have to be asian/white/black/indian/middle easter. But I'm talking more from a writing perspective.

Where is the line between interracial and erotic couplings?

Example: If my male character is black and the girl white, do the interracial category readers expect me to keep putting emphasis on the fact he's black and she's white, and in what way?

Depending on what I want the story to be about, I either mention ethnicity among other physical attributes, such as clothes and hairstyle, or I make it a big deal, like in "Room-Mating". (Link below.)

Those interracial readers who want to read about a white woman who abandon her white husband because his little 5" dick can't compare to the 16" cock of the black man, will want you to put a lot of emphasis on the black man, on his crude language, on all his masculine glory, and preferebly also a few lines like "she felt that she would go crazy if she couldn't get to drink all his sperm, she felt like a cumhungry whore for black cock, and she loved it".

Those of us who have more than 1 braincell, however, like our interracial stories to be just like any other story, romantic, funny, sexy, whatever, and just enough info to make us understand that it's an interracial couple.
I think Svenskaflicka's right. All... er, I mean both of my stories so far have technically been interracial, but as I put absolutely zero emphasis on contrasting skin colors they probably wouldn't do very well in the interracial category.
Lovepotion69 said:
Where is the line between interracial and erotic couplings?

The line is where you, the author, place the emphaisis.

If you're characters just happen to be different races but don't seem to notice -- except for an occasional, "I love the contrast between pale skin and dark," observation, then it's erotic couplings (or some other category.)

OTOH, if your characters are fixated on the racial differences, and or the differences are what make them attractive to each other, then it's inter-racial.

It's all about how you write the characters.

As Svenskaflicka noted, fans of inter-racial seem to prefer Racist Sex as opposed to inter-racial sex. I've pretty much given up on finding a "love story" in that category and wouldn't consider writing anything for it. I prefer color-blind inter-racial sex and that just doesn't fly well in the interracial category.

I would not even bother or even think about putting it in any categories other than say, erotic fiction, scifi, fantasy, romance...etc

In other words....the only literature category needed is an artistic one, simply refering to the genre.

If a character is either, black, asian, caucasian, latin or whatever, that is just like describing whether they are fat, thin or extremely anorexic!

Get my point?....:)

Sienna (northern/latin european caucasian) :D
Re: Re: Interracial category question

Weird Harold said:
As Svenskaflicka noted, fans of inter-racial seem to prefer Racist Sex as opposed to inter-racial sex. I've pretty much given up on finding a "love story" in that category and wouldn't consider writing anything for it. I prefer color-blind inter-racial sex and that just doesn't fly well in the interracial category.

I'm not sure I would want to call all these type of stories "racist". I just call them stereotyped to the core. I mean, they are all fantasies based on stereotypes of the big black dominant black guy with a 12" dong and a bad outlook on women. I wouldn't call it racist really. Would you call it racist if it had been two white people being portrayed the exact same way? Demeaning maybe, but not racist.

Ok, that's it. My aim for the year is to write an interracial story that will make Weird Harold not totally lose hope of that category! ;)

Hmm. This has me thinking. I entered the Survivor contest but assumed I would just skip the Interracial category for Weird Harold's reasons and because as a biracial person I am not comfortable with the idea that the sex act which created me is someone's idea of dirty or taboo in the way that I see incest or non-consent stories. (Not judging, just excercising my right to avoid a category.)

But if I were to write a really romantic interracial story, where the couple actually liked each other's essence and made if I sure to throw in lots of mentions of skin contrast and cultural differences, would the interracial category audience accept it?

........."dominant black guy with a 12" dong".......:eek:!!!


Geeeeeez posted exactly the same time as me......

Are you getting inside my head?...or am I in yours?

Switching to "psychic-mail" for your might be easier!



Re: Re: Re: Interracial category question

Lovepotion69 said:
I'm not sure I would want to call all these type of stories "racist". I just call them stereotyped to the core. I mean, they are all fantasies based on stereotypes of the big black dominant black guy with a 12" dong and a bad outlook on women. I wouldn't call it racist really. Would you call it racist if it had been two white people being portrayed the exact same way? Demeaning maybe, but not racist.

If white people were being portrayed the exact same way BECAUSE they are white (as opposed to independent of their color) then yes, I would consider it racist.

And I do think the kind of stories Weird Harold mentioned are racist. Not only in the portrayal of the stupid, over-endowed and brutal black man but in the portrayal of the stupid, weak, slutty white woman with low self esteem.
DarlingNikki said:
But if I were to write a really romantic interracial story, where the couple actually liked each other's essence and made if I sure to throw in lots of mentions of skin contrast and cultural differences, would the interracial category audience accept it?

I think that Harold's point about the interracial story having to either hold heaps of mentions of skin contrast etc and/or that
your characters are "fixated on the racial differences, and or the differences are what make them attractive to each other" then it should work.

I'm probably going to stick with the fact that it's an interracial couple being in love as any normal couple, but after reading some thread about the stories needing a conflict of some kind, then it really shouldn't be too hard to come up with something. Most of the interracial stories work on the basis of the conflict being that society or friends don't like the mix. That's a valid conflict that happens all over the world. It's more about how we as authors choose to portray that conflict I think. Some do it by writing about women who can't wait to find out if black men are bigger and better, but we can choose another way of doing it.

Lovepotion69 said:
I'm probably going to stick with the fact that it's an interracial couple being in love as any normal couple, but after reading some thread about the stories needing a conflict of some kind, then it really shouldn't be too hard to come up with something. Most of the interracial stories work on the basis of the conflict being that society or friends don't like the mix. That's a valid conflict that happens all over the world. It's more about how we as authors choose to portray that conflict I think. Some do it by writing about women who can't wait to find out if black men are bigger and better, but we can choose another way of doing it.


I don't think there has to be a conflict in every interracial story. I like reading a normal story about a man and a woman who meet, get attracted to each other, have sex... and they happen to have different shades of skin color.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Interracial category question

DarlingNikki said:
If white people were being portrayed the exact same way BECAUSE they are white (as opposed to independent of their color) then yes, I would consider it racist.

And I do think the kind of stories Weird Harold mentioned are racist. Not only in the portrayal of the stupid, over-endowed and brutal black man but in the portrayal of the stupid, weak, slutty white woman with low self esteem.

I agree some stories do go over the top, but the first thing that hit me when reading them is not that they are racist even if they may be. The first thing that comes to my mind is "geesh, can't you come up with something better?"

If I remember correctly I once read that Svenska had commented on this whole issue with the interracial category. Remember her saying we need to start writing stories that will go against the others. She's probably right. I don't want to shy away from a category because people may not like what I've written. Write what you want to write and how you want it to be, at least it means we're going against the stream and giving another version. All tastes should be catered for.

Svenskaflicka said:
I don't think there has to be a conflict in every interracial story. I like reading a normal story about a man and a woman who meet, get attracted to each other, have sex... and they happen to have different shades of skin color.

Same here Svenskaflicka. :) I prefer that too, and I definitely don't believe there has to be some intricate conflict in every story, but it might be a good thing to have from an excercise point of view. I need to work on my plots. :p

I'm just about to finish up my first story now and it's an interracial, but I have hardly mentioned it. lol Just quick mentionings of skin colour, hair colour and such.

All right... I have a story in mind that I would have just put in erotic couplings but I'll skin reference it up a bit and put it in interracial.

Although... hmm it is a white guy and a brown girl, so not sure if that makes a difference.
Svenskaflicka said:
I don't think there has to be a conflict in every interracial story. I like reading a normal story about a man and a woman who meet, get attracted to each other, have sex... and they happen to have different shades of skin color.

That is a sensible comment....

However.....if the story is centred on a "racist" issue....then it becomes part of it, but it must have a moral or immoral conclusion:

It either...
(1) supports racism.
(2) condems racism......or
(3) leaves the conclusion totally up to the reader to think about.

Just my thoughts ......... ok........bye :)

Racist stories

Lovepotion69 said:
I'm not sure I would want to call all these type of stories "racist". I just call them stereotyped to the core. ... Would you call it racist if it had been two white people being portrayed the exact same way? Demeaning maybe, but not racist.

The interracial category is fill with stories based on racist stereotypes -- to me that makes those stories racist. Not every story in that category is blatantly racist, but finding those that aren't isn't worth the trouble to me.

If all the characters were white, the story type I'm referring to would be merely "misogynistic" instead of racist and misogynistic.

By definition, any erotic story that accentuates racial differences more than it does the sex, or relies on racial stereotypes for it's plot, is racist. If it were NOT racist, then it wouldn't fit in the interracial category. However, I can make a distinction between stories that are negatively racist and stories that celebrate the differences between races.

Ok, that's it. My aim for the year is to write an interracial story that will make Weird Harold not totally lose hope of that category! ;)

Just don't post it in that category, or I'll never see it. :p

There might well be some very good stories in that category, but the predominant theme there is racist and demeaning. I like realistic stories as well, and there is a notable lack of that kind of story in the interracial category as well. Almost any story I can imagine that I would like featuring an interracial theme would fit much better in any other category.
Re: Racist stories

Weird Harold said:

There might well be some very good stories in that category, but the predominant theme there is racist and demeaning. I like realistic stories as well, and there is a notable lack of that kind of story in the interracial category as well. Almost any story I can imagine that I would like featuring an interracial theme would fit much better in any other category.

Oooh... sounds like a challenge :) I'm going to turn off "SpeedMarbles" and start right now.
Re: Racist stories

Weird Harold said:
I like realistic stories as well, and there is a notable lack of that kind of story in the interracial category as well. Almost any story I can imagine that I would like featuring an interracial theme would fit much better in any other category.

So, what type of interracial story themes would you like to read? :) (yes, I'm fishing for story

The only stories about Asians I've seen, is about tiny little Asian girls. I want more Asian men in the stories!

Indians, Pakistani, Jews, Cherokees, Arabians, Turks, Africans (of every nationality on that continent), Inuits, Aborigini, Brazilians...

Bring out all the discriminated ethnicities of the world, and let's have one big Fuh-Q-Fest!

A tasteful and romantic one, that is...;)
DarlingNikki said:
All right... I have a story in mind that I would have just put in erotic couplings but I'll skin reference it up a bit and put it in interracial.

Although... hmm it is a white guy and a brown girl, so not sure if that makes a difference.

White guy and brown girl? That might overload some of our more frequent interracial readers...;)

Basically, in order to write a story that truly fits what they expect here, you almost have to write the style of story Weird Harold referred to as "Racist." But that doesn't mean that a story without those traits doesn't belong in the category.
The problem with some of the catergories here is that they seemed to have been created solely for the purpose of cutting down on numbers, taking the amassing numbers fo stories and breaking them down into smaller groups. In a way, that's how it should be done, and I think how it had to be done here , but it gets confusing sometimes, because some of the categories, like Fantasy/sci-fi and Romance, are created to explain what type of plot the author has created, while others are subcategories of a larger plotless type story that could merely be called "sex." The point of these latter stories tends to be: guy meets girl, guy fucks girl, guy comes in girls face, end of story. The subcategoires might be lesbian (guy is actually a girl), group sex (guy brings his friends and they come in girl's face/girl brings friends and guy comes in all thier faces), gay sex (girl is actually a guy), BDSM (guy ties girl up/vice-versa), etc.
A suggestion that I would make to anyone who considers themself to be an actual writer is to avid any topic that leads the reader to believe that they're about to read a "Fuck Story." Any plot-driven story will just be lost in these categories.
Unfortunately, if the lit. Powers-that-be were to create categories to fit these ideas of separation, the writers who write the "fuck stories" would wind up posting thier ork in the plot-driven categories, and that would recreate the entire scenario. So I guess we're stuck.
What we might want to consider is devoting a thread here to making a list of stories that we think deserve further consideraton than a "fuck story" might, and set a rule that we cannot suggest our own work. Maybe even ask one of the moderators to "Sticky" it at the top of the board. Would that appeal to anyone else?
Or perhaps a writer's choice category, based on the idea that the writers here, those with a minimum of such and such number of stories, can voteon to make the category. That might be a lot better. Creating a category where a group of us vote on the stories we think best fit the "literary" aspect of writing, perhaps even vote on who makes up the deciding group with the same rules of not nominating oneself.
Does anyone think that might be useful?
Lovepotion69 said:
So, what type of interracial story themes would you like to read? :) (yes, I'm fishing for story


"Rich Bitch" (or similar opinionated character) is forced to work/live with with a person she considers "inferior" -- Hispanic gardner, Black pool boy, Oriental Lawyer, etc.

RB discovers despised person is "human" and falls in love.

RB has to work to prove she's changed.

Lustily ever after ensues.

In other words, I prefer stories where interracial couples learn to see each other as simple humans before surrendering to their lusts.
Quiet_Cool, there IS a writer's choice going on. We nominate stories we think are outstanding and vote for them. We're considering making it a rule that every voter must also comment on the story, good and bad, and we want to ask Laurel if we can get to put a blue C (As in Critics' Choice) after its name in the lists, just as some stories have red H or green E.
Interracial stories...

Having written quite a few, I can tell you that most of it is racist by its very nature. Does it have to be to be considered interracial? It really depends on what you want to do with the story, and what realizm factor you believe is nessessary to bring the reader into the story with you, and the location in the world you chose to put the characters. Most of mine take place in cities, and suburbs of the USA, and are based in reality to which they are very racially motivated, and deal with fantasies of people that tend to get out of hand, and sometimes the characters imaginations bite them in the ass for their bigotry. The truth is, it does happen this way more often than people care to know, but hey, change the location, and you change the mind set as well. Though the English think very similarly you might try Canada as a location, or maybe one of the Medituranian countries for your story. Just make the character swarthy.

As Always
I Am the
Dirt Man
My idea (in other words, what works for me and what I will use when I finally get up the courage to write an interracial erotic story) is that the two people in an interracial story would be attracted to each other because of their differences, rather than similarities. The story would explore those differences, not making judgments about whether one race or culture is superior, but just show the beauty of each and how difference can make a sound basis for a relationship.

Fantasy is an offshoot of reality, right?

I see some of the interracial stories on Lit struggling around the racial/ethnic divide, meaning that the divide is not explored very thoroughly. I attribute this shying away to the writers' being sensitive to political correctness and not wanting to offend people of other races. Hopefully, this category will evolve and mature to the point where we can treat racial difference with the same depth that we treat age difference or hey, here's something new--gender difference! ;)

Mia :kiss: