In a Sunburned Country Story Event: Official Support Thread

Argh! I thought it was essentially finished weeks ago. I have just been occasionally polishing while waiting for the desired submission dates. Then I realise a glaring anachronism. A school teacher reading erotica on the internet in the 1980's?? Oh well. A couple of minor changes and I think it is actually an improvement.

Well, we are very innovative down here, could have happened. šŸ˜

"Girls on the Turps"

'Coz, y'know. They get up to hijinks when they're drunk on the road.
Well, finished and just doing minor polishing.

I want to thank EB for his kind offer to help translate some sentences into Aussie. I decided to pass and just submit it in English. Or Canadian English I guess.

I'll submit around Friday. I like to putter with them.


I notice some of the people here have smilies in their posts. That doesn't show up on my editor. What am I missing or who do I gotta pay off?
I notice some of the people here have smilies in their posts. That doesn't show up on my editor. What am I missing or who do I gotta pay off?

Lit has like 21 built in smilies. 15 or so are in a box to the right of the box you reply in. You can only use 10 in a post but in the past there have been conversations held in smily. ;)

Oh yeah, check down in the box marked misc options and make sure you haven't disabled smilies.
Ah what a diff. I had the simple editor enabled. Now I can truly flame LW writers...... J/K

Thanks for the info.:D
Ah what a diff. I had the simple editor enabled. Now I can truly flame LW writers...... J/K

Thanks for the info.:D

Why would you want to flame LW writers? In any case, there aren't any flame smilies. Not even a smoking one. Hopefully you meant the LW trolls but then again 90% of those are anymouse.
Why would you want to flame LW writers? In any case, there aren't any flame smilies. Not even a smoking one. Hopefully you meant the LW trolls but then again 90% of those are anymouse.

LOL I guess you missed the J/K addition

Just kidding.... J/K:)
LOL I guess you missed the J/K addition

Just kidding.... J/K:)

I'm not up on the texting slang, which I'm guessing that is. In any case, no harm no foul. ;)

Good luck in the Aussie contest. Everyone wins in such contests I found over the years.
No. One character referred to herself and family as "wogs".

In my first ever Literotica submission the male character asks a female character if her ex-husband was white or black South African and she replied 'coloured'. It was only during a last minute edit that I realised I'd have to clarify that it wasn't a racial slur.
No. One character referred to herself and family as "wogs".
No, as above, thats fine. Wogs refer to themselves as Wogs, so they turned it around and owned it. They refer to white anglo Australians as Skippies. We aren't too phased by much, so long as you own it and serve it back with interest, it becomes fair game and everyone has a laugh.
No, as above, thats fine. Wogs refer to themselves as Wogs, so they turned it around and owned it. They refer to white anglo Australians as Skippies. We aren't too phased by much, so long as you own it and serve it back with interest, it becomes fair game and everyone has a laugh.

I know, I live in Melbourne :) But it caused a bit of consternation to readers from the UK, where it's very offensive.
... Itā€™d make it easier and simpler for Laurel and me if you all saved your stories and submitted them between Monday 29 October to Monday 5 November, 2018, with a drop dead date of Monday 5 November. You can in fact submit beforehand if you want but itā€™d be easier if you saved it for that one week window before the event.

Out of curiosity, does anyone (Chloe?) know what happens behind the scene once a story is submitted? When the storyā€™s status is ā€˜pendingā€™, does it get sent out to various moderators/editors to check suitability? What happens when stories for these events or competitions are deemed suitable? Do they get placed in a que for publication next Tuesday?

The reason I ask is because last night I pulled my story down accidently (playing around in the works area, trying to see if there was a way to see if it was being looked, then immediately resubmitted, but realised I had left accompanying notes to admin and story tags at the beginning of the story (I leave them there with the intention to remove them right before submission). Resubmitted for a third time without accompanying notes in the manuscript, and now Iā€™ll leave it alone. I hope I didnā€™t muck up the admin process!
Out of curiosity, does anyone (Chloe?) know what happens behind the scene once a story is submitted? When the storyā€™s status is ā€˜pendingā€™, does it get sent out to various moderators/editors to check suitability? What happens when stories for these events or competitions are deemed suitable? Do they get placed in a que for publication next Tuesday?

The reason I ask is because last night I pulled my story down accidently (playing around in the works area, trying to see if there was a way to see if it was being looked, then immediately resubmitted, but realised I had left accompanying notes to admin and story tags at the beginning of the story (I leave them there with the intention to remove them right before submission). Resubmitted for a third time without accompanying notes in the manuscript, and now Iā€™ll leave it alone. I hope I didnā€™t muck up the admin process!

You should be ok. Normally making and kind of changes between submission and release will send your story to the back of the queue and delay its release. Since this story is part of an event, Laurel will prioitze its review and make sure it releases with the rest of us.
Out of curiosity, does anyone (Chloe?) know what happens behind the scene once a story is submitted? When the storyā€™s status is ā€˜pendingā€™, does it get sent out to various moderators/editors to check suitability? What happens when stories for these events or competitions are deemed suitable? Do they get placed in a que for publication next Tuesday?
To answer this part of your question, Laurel, the site editor, scans every story for basic compliance with content and punctuation (possibly runs a text bot over it, we don't know), and if it's okay, sets it up for release. If there's a problem, it will be rejected with a generic note (couched as questions) saying why. There isn't an army of editors; by all accounts, just one.

In this case, yes, all of the Oz Anthology stories will go live at the same time, probably midnight in whatever US time zone her servers are, on the 6th November (or the 5th, given that the US is a day behind Australia, and go live is meant to be in synch with the Melbourne Cup). She'll also compile a list of all the stories received, which will then rotate through the various category front pages, to maximise exposure.

As Loqui says, Laurel should spot your ed notes glitch and tidy it all up.
Forced myself into submitting my offering yesterday. Don't know why it was so difficult to let this one out. It's called Downpour.
Oh my, so many stories already submitted and your intrepid organizer is still writing. I had to put "Dead Heart" aside - it turned into a novel and it's nowhere near finished. So my fallback is underway and I'm going to get it done by end of day Sunday!!!! I am, I tell you, coz after organizing this how could I not get a story in! :eek:

Really good to see so many stories already submitted!:heart::heart::heart:
Oh my, so many stories already submitted and your intrepid organizer is still writing. I had to put "Dead Heart" aside - it turned into a novel and it's nowhere near finished. So my fallback is underway and I'm going to get it done by end of day Sunday!!!! I am, I tell you, coz after organizing this how could I not get a story in! :eek:

Really good to see so many stories already submitted!:heart::heart::heart:
You can do it! Hammer that keyboard.

My attempt is dreadful dreadful dreadful. Boringly dreadful. Drippingly dreadfully boring. Tedious. Pedantic. Arrange those adjectives any way you like, and you could create something better than my "story."

I have sent it to my Australian muse and he cut 80% of it. Now at least nobody would fall asleep during it. Now it's a tame vignette. Not even a steamy vignette. Just tame with Australian scenery.

I give up.